The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 977: Detonate one fuse two

"Okay, okay, there are lunatics on this boat except me! And I also got on the thief boat, tied my head to the waistband!" The captain seemed to vent. Fastest update

"Get started, our actions are destined to go down in the annals of history!" Captain Lersey encouraged, but unexpectedly, what he said was right! I thought this bold and visionary action (Lersch: visionary? I just think it's exciting enough.) The entire Mediterranean war has been moved by this!

When night fell, the submarine ub-12 floated in the dark. The Austrians chose a very good location. They floated near an uninhabited beach. There are dense shallow reefs. Usually ships will not approach at night. Submarines have shallow drafts and nearby hydrological data, so Lyle Captain Xi dared to charge up here.

The vent of the diesel engine was opened, and with the influx of a large amount of air, the diesel generator also began to roar to charge the submarine’s battery. This submarine is not large, with a full load displacement of only 800 tons, with a length of only 78 meters and a width. 7.5 meters. It's not too big or small, just suitable for this kind of task.

All the people on the submarine are staying in the cabin, and they will dive when there is wind and grass. The long wait is always very uncomfortable, especially under the eyes of the French, it is even more disturbing. At this moment, through the periscope. , Captain Lersey could even see the lights of Castelli Port. At this moment they are about 6 nautical miles away from the target. When the battery is charged, the submarine will sail on the water for half an hour, then dive and enter the port!

"Check the battleship, if there is nothing wrong, let's go!" Captain Lersch took a deep breath after the chief engineer reported that the battery was fully charged.

The Austrians checked everything that could be checked, such as the submarine’s batteries, electric motors, compressed air cylinders for launching torpedoes, the amount of oxygen inside the submarine, and other mechanical equipment. When the hatch was finally closed, the ub-12 submarine began to dive slowly. At the beginning, the submarine's control tower was exposed. When they left near the beach, only a periscope was left to observe the water surface.

The transport ship Rhine is heading towards the port under the leadership of the pilot boat. Since the French chose this as an anchorage, there will naturally be some arrangements. Obstacles formed by mines, anti-submarine nets and sunken ships form a barrier under the sea. It seems that the insurmountable line of defense, even if the French have a full set of line drawings, they are still walking on thin ice, and the speed of the ship is limited to about 5 knots. And a destroyer is responsible for piloting. The Rhine followed the navigation lights and entered the port when a ship that had completed its supply left the channel. What was unexpected to the French was that a demon hidden in the dark also followed the ship’s shadow on the Rhine. The mixed in.

All the Austrians were sitting quietly in their battle positions, and the ocean currents constantly knocked on the hull of the ship and made noises. Captain Lerch carefully observed the track of the transport ship on the Rhine through the periscope, and then the other hand kept gesturing to his teammates.

With the destroyer’s searchlights constantly sweeping the sea surface, the ub-12 submarine did not dare to extend the periscope out of the water. The so-called observation is actually tracking the wake of a surface vessel underwater to determine the direction of the navigation. The two propellers of the transport ship Rhine produced a long bubble under the water surface. With the burst of bubbles and the agitation of the sea, a track that was not clear from the underwater view continued to extend. And ub-12 quietly followed the track.

Time passed by one minute and one second, and deathly silence tested all the people present. "Well, what's the situation?" The navigator felt that the sound of the water hitting the submarine's hull suddenly became smaller. Just now, it seemed like a huge faucet was flushing against the submarine. Now, it seems that the submarine is driving into still water? !

"We're here!" After a while, Captain Lersch made a thumb-up gesture to his subordinates!

The surrounding colleagues immediately became excited, their faces mobile and with a hint of joy! This is the first time a submarine has successfully sailed into a heavily guarded port. They are making history, just now! They have completed a task that is almost impossible to outsiders!

The torpedo commander immediately began to prepare for the torpedo launch. The high-pressure compressed air bottle has been connected to the torpedo tube, and the torpedo fuze has been opened. As long as the wrench is pulled down, the high-pressure air can turn the g7 up to more than 7 meters long. The torpedo shoots out! 195kg of explosives is enough to make any warship can't eat it!

At this time, Captain Lersch adjusted the periscope slightly upward, and the matte lens quickly scanned the surrounding circle, but for the first time, he did not find a suitable target, but according to the brightness of the outside At this moment, Captain Lersey commanded the submarine towards the darker place. Look at the watch, it's only 3 o'clock in the morning, they have enough time to choose prey and hunt!

At this moment, the four most elite battleships of the French Navy are moored on the sea. The three best berths from east to west are Brestagne, Lorraine, Provence and Normandy. This class of battleship is almost the same as the ship of the same name in is equipped with 10 340mm artillery, which can shoot 555kg shells at a muzzle velocity of 800 meters, and thanks to the French better mechanical servo The speed of fire of this warship reached m/min of secondary artillery. Although it was slightly weak against light cruisers, it was fortunate that there were enough.

The defense of the Brestani-class battleships is also very distinctive. The vertical armor belt of the sidestring m is actually not thick, but in addition to the outer armor, the French dome is relatively thick, and the thickness of the inclined part has reached 70mm, with a certain degree of defensive power. Overall, it is not inferior to the British Tie Duke, because the thickness of the latter's dome is relatively thin. If the side string armor is penetrated, even if the shell is broken, it will not be behind. The 2-inch oblique dome can't even resist fragments, and there is not much difference between it and not. (In history, the Iron Duke used to thicken the defense of the dome and other places after the war, and the weight of the armor increased by as much as 820 tons!)

However, compared to the armored belt defense that is fairly reasonable, Brestany's underwater protection can be described as bad, not to mention the depth and width of the underwater defense is not enough, even the armor next to it is very fragile. Torpedo defense coffee table, underwater bombs can be lethal. (The Hood in history laughed and said nothing)

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