The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 969: Game of Thrones II

"But what will happen later? After the war, the German Empire, which has no foreign troubles, will tolerate such a strong Bavaria? And if Archduke Karl is in power, what would he think of a foreign family that controls Bohemia-Moravia?"

"So Carl must not be the Austrian emperor." The prince said without hesitation.

"Could it be that you are the emperor of the Austro-Hungarian Empire?" Fritz's voice increased a few degrees!

"Of course not, but from the perspective of the interests of the Austro-Hungarian Empire and me, I will definitely prevent Karl from enthroning!" This is the first time the prince has expressed his attitude towards the throne of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, and so strongly expressed that the opposite emperor Very dissatisfied.

"My father-in-law, I just made it clear. You already know the attitude of the Kingdom of Bavaria and me. I think that in this case, we have no need to go in circles, and with all due respect, Karl did not control a country at all. He has no experience in military and state affairs, and he is equally naive in politics. Even in terms of blood relationship. So, I want to say, give me a reason to choose him." The prince’s language softened a bit. .

"But Mary also has no ability to control this country. If one day she becomes a queen, I am afraid that the Wittelsbach family really controls this country?" A hint of mockery appeared on the Austrian Emperor's face. "As for Karl? Even if he is wrong and wrong, there is always an advantage that you can't deny. Some people in Austria and Hungarians don't want a strong person to become emperor, so Karl is acceptable to them. Yes, but Mary and the Bavarian royal family behind it are unacceptable! Am I right?"

What the Austrian Emperor said is true. From the perspective of internal power balance, Hungary does not want Princess Mary to ascend to the throne. The reason is simple, because once Princess Mary rises to the throne, the power balance within the entire Austro-Hungarian Empire will be broken. ! The detached status of the Kingdom of Hungary will no longer exist!

This is not just talking! When the 2-yuan empire was established, there were indeed reasons to choose to stay together to keep warm in the face of pressure from other nationalities in the country, and more importantly, the Austrian Kingdom no longer had the majesty and strength to rule this country!

Look at the Austro-Hungarian Empire before the German-Austrian War! With the support of many German states, it controls Northern Italy. Within the German system, because of the marriage with the Kingdom of Bavaria for several generations, it can obtain the support of many states including Bavaria. In Europe, it can be regarded as a truly powerful country, and the ethnic minorities in the country can't make any waves. But then, as Austria was excluded from the German system, it lost foreign aid. The defeat in Italy led to the lowest imperial prestige, and Austria, without power and prestige, could only build a dual empire through compromise and concessions.

But it's different now! If Princess Mary ascends the throne, the blood of the Austro-Hungarian royal family and the blood of the Wittelsbach family will finally merge! Bavaria and the Austro-Hungarian Empire will be under a common family rule! At that time, Bavaria will do everything possible to help Vienna!

Even if Bavaria remains in Germany in the end, the power of this kingdom is enough to imbalance the power system within the Austro-Hungarian Empire! Austria-Bavaria is too strong in the Asia-Pacific, while Hungary is too weak! After this strength is embodied in military and economic aspects, the former can suppress domestic opposition, while the latter can buy off most of the people. Then, what will Hungary do? Give in or be beaten!

And what if Grand Duke Karl succeeded? The situation in Hungary is much better. Carl must be disgusted with Bavaria’s intervention in the internal affairs of Austria-Hungary, and even find a way to get Bohemia-Moravia back, and Prince Ruprecht is not soft. Persimmons, naturally, will not be slaughtered, and the two sides will definitely fight! And this time, it's time for the Hungarians to stand up and down! So from this perspective, in order to maintain the stability of the imperial power, Karl is also a suitable candidate.

"Your Majesty, you are the emperor, and what you want as an emperor is to rule the entire country! Not just as a rubber stamp or mascot! If everything is just for a vanity crown, then the emperor itself is meaningless. There is opposition. Yes, we can deal with it. Those who can't do this, let him rule the empire will undoubtedly quench his thirst by drinking poison!" Ruprecht said.

"Strength! Powerful countries may not eventually rise, but countries without power certainly cannot rise! Isn't the decline of the Austro-Hungarian Empire because of this? Because of the crisis of Vienna in the turmoil of 1848, because of the civil war with Prussia and The failure of Northern Italy and Austria’s inability to control the entire country led to what it looks like today. Before and after the establishment of the dual empire, you are completely the emperor of two concepts. Before, you were the real king, and after that, you were just Half an emperor!"

"And we can make up for the lack of Austria's strength, and we can even open up a broader territory for the empire! Austrian Germans will regain their confidence and courage! To become a country that is completely equal to other powers is no problem! The Hungarians oppose it again. How? What if they are unwilling? The money in my hand can buy most of and the long sword in my other hand can kill others!" said the prince.

"It really looks like that." Emperor Franz showed a mocking expression. "If you were the King of Bavaria instead of Ludwig II, then our two families could create a bright future, but now?"

"Of course, I believe that the economic and industrial capabilities of Bavaria can bring vitality to the Austro-Hungarian Empire. I also believe that the tanks and aircraft of the Bavarian Army can easily crush the Hungarians! But what about Prussia? Know why I agreed to bring Bohemia Is it for Mary? That’s because Ferdinand won’t let Bohemia go out, and William won’t let Bavaria go out. And now? Although the situation has changed, William will not let Bavaria go out, nor will he Let Bohemia in."

"Trust me, no matter who is the emperor of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, once the war is over, William will take action against Bavaria! At least the connection between Bavaria and Bohemia must be cut off. In this way, he can sleep peacefully. !" Fritz walked over with a smile, then patted Ruprecht on the shoulder and said.

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