The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 966: Preparation of the Japanese Navy

What does Su Xiong do? To paraphrase a sentence in ar3, that is Juggernaut! Contain, harass and steal soldiers! If you really spend your energy chasing the Juggernaut, the other troops will be relaxed. Although it is a bit unfair to Su Xiong, from a strategic point of view, it is the most efficient to let Su Xiong be restrained! Ruprecht has already started his own game, and the British and Japanese are also preparing for the break.

"Your country’s Marine Corps has entered East Malaya and can launch an offensive on Kalimantan at any time. France has also opened some French Indochina ports for your country. We have already done everything we need to do, then Is it time for your country to fulfill its promise? The Netherlands has almost no navy in the Dutch East Indies. A single finger of the Japanese combined fleet can push its opponent to the ground. The Americans have also withdrawn their main battleships to Pearl Harbor. The Fuso-class battleships and Kongo-class battlecruisers are now very easy.” The British representative said when he met Kataro.

"Within three days, I will give you an answer. Within a week, the Japanese Navy's combined fleet will complete preparations for departure. However, we need to discuss the specific dispatching of warships." Kataro was also very simple and gave the British a complete Acceptable deadline.

"Then I am waiting for your good news." The British were also a little surprised by Japan's simple answer. This time the Japanese promised too simply!

Can you not just do it? However, Japan still intends to participate in the division of interests after the war as a giant of the Allied Powers. If it can't come up with a decent record, can others benefit you? However, the performance of the Japanese Army is not so good now. Being beaten back is only the beginning. After Major General Seckett received reinforcements, the Japanese position retreated 6 kilometers... It's understandable if you can't attack it, if you can't hold it, it will be too cheap. Now Qiu Shan Hao Gu has been blinded in Europe. Therefore, Japan urgently needs to take some practical actions to restore its reputation, such as a hearty victory!

At the same time, the senior Japanese navy is also discussing the issue of dispatching troops. Where to send those warships to perform combat missions is a very important issue. In the meeting room of the Japanese Ministry of the Navy, Japanese Minister of the Navy Saito Minoru sat on the main seat, with the commander of the Japanese Joint Fleet Goro Ijiin on his left. On the right is Gonbei Yamamoto who represents the government and the patriarch. The second on the left is Lieutenant Admiral Kato Seiyoshi, who has just beaten the Americans. Opposite is Lieutenant Admiral Yashiro Rokuro who is responsible for attacking the Dutch East Indies. Some other admirals came behind.

"According to the agreement between us and the British, the Japanese joint fleet will go to Europe to help fight. If you have any ideas, you can speak freely." Saito Minoru said.

"First of all, I want to know, what is the combat mission of the Japanese task force? Is it to perform combat missions independently or to cooperate with allied navies? What opponents do we need to face?" Ijiin Goro asked.

"If we fight on the Indian Ocean-Red Sea front line, then the main target will be the two German fast battleships. Our task is to catch them and kill them. If we go to the Mediterranean, then we will cooperate with the French fleet to restrict the Allied Mediterranean. Fleet." Said Yamamoto Kenbei.

"It seems that if we choose to perform missions in the Indian Ocean, it would be more appropriate. The situation of the two German battleships is said to be very bad. As long as we can find them, we can almost win them." A general thought for a while and said.

"If you are going to face the German battleships, I think that except for the Fuso-class battleships, other battleships are unusable." Lieutenant Admiral Kato Sajiki said. According to inside information, Kato Sajiki, the most powerful general in the Japanese Navy Has been appointed as the commander of the Japanese task force. At this time, he naturally hopes that the more powerful the fleet in his hands, the better. And to be honest, he really doesn't have any hope for the defense of the King Kong!

"Actually, a Fuso-class battleship and a King Kong-class battleship are also okay? Didn’t you just defeat the Americans Nevada and New York? Faced with two dilapidated German battleships, using two Fuso might be too Excessive, right?" Yashiro Rokuro said.

"As long as a shell hits the right position, the King Kong may be sunk. The British battlecruisers have been proven to be unsuitable for battleship-level duels. They are more suitable for bullying cruisers. Arrange a few King Kong to deal with the Dutch? In fact, defense and firepower are useless, as long as you run fast." Lieutenant General Kato Saidoshi said angrily.

This meeting is actually to coordinate the relationship between the two. Kato Seiyoshi has been appointed as the commander of the task force, and Yatsushiro Rokuro is the commander of the southern fleet. In addition to participating in the attack on the Dutch East Indies, the latter also Also beware of Americans. So the two sides naturally hope to get the best capital ship into their own hands. And if it is open, it is the question of who gets two and who gets one of the three Fuso-class battleships. At least many people in the Navy seem to be so.

The reputation of the current King Kong-class battleship is completely rotten. With the Fuso against Nevada, the King Kong was violently beaten by New York and almost unable to return. Now there is no Japanese admiral willing to be on King Kong. Against the opposing battleship. If it's about the cruiser or something.

"First decide which battlefield, and then decide the division of forces!" Gonei Yamamoto, who sits first on the right hand, suddenly said, although because of the "Siemens incident," the Japanese navy leader just took a free job~www.novelhall. com~ But no one can ignore his influence. After all, he is one of the nine elders!

"So what does the government mean?" Saito Minori asked.

"Kun Nishionji and Ito-kun mean that the Mediterranean will be better. Even if others don't support it, they don't oppose it," said Gonhei Yamamoto.

"If that's the case, I'm afraid we will have to experience cruel fleet battles. On the Turkish side, the Confederate has 4 ultra-dreadnought battleships, and there are 2 more in the Adriatic Sea." A person whispered.

"It's really easy to perform missions in the Indian Ocean, but everyone, is the war just for ease? Is it to let you mess around? No! If that happens, I hope such people get out of the navy! We are among the four powers of the Allied Powers It is the least status, because it has never played an important role on the battlefield, and there is no return without paying. This is not only a war in Europe, but also our war! The British will give different quotations based on our efforts! Don't be lucky!" Yamamoto Quanhei said displeasedly.

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