The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 960: This is the difference.

What really shocked the Japanese was how could the Russians be so powerful? Not only was the Russian army’s performance on the battlefield much better than the Russian army in the Russo-Japanese War, the most terrifying thing was that the Russians were really like a giant bear that could not be killed. After being killed by 2 Russian armies, it seemed nothing. Like a major event, he returned his hand and pressed the Austro-Hungarian Empire to the ground. Within a few months, he added two more armies! This replenishment and recovery speed is simply incredible to the Japanese!

When the Japanese military attache in Russia sent relevant information to Tokyo, the top Japanese military was first afraid of it. At this time, everyone realized that Akashi Genjiro’s achievements had not been for instigating internal conflicts and uprisings in Russia. The Russians can continue to fight! Senior officials such as Youpeng and Dashanyan in Shanxian County had a very clear understanding of the Japanese army at that time. Japan really couldn't fight it anymore. Money was a problem. It was impossible for the army to continue advancing, so in the end, both sides controlled half of the Northeast The result is acceptable.

And then, Yamaxian Youtoo said in an internal document of the Japanese War Department, "If in time, after the war in Europe, Russia moves eastward, then Japan will absolutely be unable to resist, Russia will Like a giant bear that can't be killed, every heavy blow made him feel pain at best, not fatal. Although the Japanese army was elite, it lost at least once and completely failed."

That night, a friend from Shanxian County looked at the European battle report that had just been sent. After seeing a suspected internal organization of the Bavarian Army, the founder of the Japanese army was very emotional, and went straight back and wrote the copy just finished. The file was extracted, and all the words on the Japanese elite were deleted. Because a friend from Shan County who is quite self-aware, after looking at the establishment and equipment of the Bavarian Army and the results of the battle, he discovered that the Japanese army is really far from the top level in the world!

Friends in Shanxian County are well-informed and not ashamed. However, his buddy, Da Shan Yan directly lost his face outside. Da Shan Yan was responsible for negotiating with the British about the dispatch of Japanese troops. Actually, according to the original plan of the Japanese, the troops going to Europe can bring their own arms. On the one hand, because they bring their own dry food, the other party will give a higher price. On the other hand, they will not fight anymore and they will be piled up in the arsenal at home. Wearing some old guns is an eyesore, and it costs money to take care of these things at the same time!

Then Dashanyan negotiated this matter with the British. The British thought about it and thought it was okay. Now that the battle is so fierce, the British and French forces have just sent a wave, and the military production is also tight. Since the Japanese actors are willing to bring their own Dry food, so when the crew can’t buy the box lunch, it’s okay to increase the pay, but the British also put forward the conditions, always let us look at the quality of the actors...

Then Da Shanyan personally arranged an exercise for the British delegation. To say that the exercise was actually ok, at least in the eyes of the Japanese, it was much smoother than when dealing with the Russians. Very photogenic. However, the British delegation just added a British officer who returned from the front line and another French general who had been PK with the Bavarian Legion, and they almost watched the Japanese performance with a gloomy face.

After the exercise, Da Shanyan, who felt good about himself, came to the British and asked, "Which is the fierce Japanese army and Bavaria?" Then the British officer who had just returned from the front line said: "The Japanese army is not as fierce as the German army. "And the law official next to him even said: "The Bavarian army is so fierce! How can the Japanese army be so good!" (This unclear book friend can read the ancient text "Zou Ji satirizes the king of Qi" "Na Jian" Well. The author Jun first praises his ancient literary attainments!)

"Huh?!" Dashanyan was on fire at that time, "I heard it right? We shook 500,000 Russian troops forcibly!"

"The Bavarian Army defeated two Russian armies in two weeks, and then we went to the Eastern Front and defeated our two armies in three weeks. If your country really has half the skills of the Bavarian Army, we can spend Christmas this year in Berlin. The British gave face to the Japanese, but the French were not at all ambiguous. To be honest, the French general is still a bit afraid of what happened to him, and after seeing the performance of the Japanese, he felt even more chill. The soles of the feet went straight to the forehead, because the French were really worried. What if such a teammate is put on the western front? It's never just oneself that bears children!

The French's lack of face embarrassed the British, and Da Shan Yan means desperately with his opponents, and the French did not talk nonsense, so the entourage took out a Shaosha machine gun in front of Da Shan Yan. , And then cleanly knocked out 8 magazines in one minute, and then said. "One of our company has at least 8 such machine guns."

Then the French general pointed to the exercise field and said: "We have a cannon that can walk on its own, which can shoot from one end of your exercise field to the other! Your shooting range is too small for us to test the maximum distance. Yes, even with this equipment, we are at a disadvantage in the fight against the As for the Bavarian Legion? If the country controlled by the prince is also in East Asia, then the East Asian continent is not there. What's the matter with your country." Finally, the French general gave Da Shanyan a fatal blow! This is definitely not empty talk. There are already 26 million people in Bavaria, Bohemia and Moravia. In terms of area, it is 160,000 square kilometers, although it is only half of Japan.

But to talk about industry? Ruprecht's power is not even worse than that of France. Bavaria has allowed the traversers to build for more than 20 years. And Bohemia was originally the most developed place in the Austro-Hungarian Empire. These two areas are considered to be among the top industrial areas in Europe, and naturally they are much stronger than Japan now! At its peak, Japan’s annual steel output was not as high as Bavaria’s armor steel output! Don’t forget, in addition to navy hardened armor, they also produce horizontal armor and uniform steel armor for tanks and armored vehicles!

"The Japanese army doesn't understand the European battlefield at all. That's fine, General Dashanyan, the heavy land artillery that your country ordered from our country will arrive in three days. Then you can take a look at our weapons and discuss these things." Britain People came to round the field immediately.

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