The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 958: Japanese King II

And then, before the German Berlin Prosecutor's Office made the news public, the Japanese army forces first attacked Japan! And after 300 rounds of war with the navy, the results of the approval of Richter by the Berlin Prosecutor's Office of Germany came out again! Since then, the Japanese Army has won the first victory in this naval battle!

what? You ask why not a big victory? nonsense! This matter has just begun, and it's not over yet, at most it is a good start, how can it be said to be over? ! Is the navy so easy to deal with? Can it be done in one event? The Japanese Navy, but all the enemies that the Japanese Army encounters must be formidable!

Therefore, Yutomo of Yama Prefecture personally summoned the Japanese Army Staff Officer Yoshito Hasegawa, Japanese Army General Obao Gong, and the Japanese spy king Akashi Genjiro, and some aristocratic congressmen and party leaders to prepare to collapse the cabinet in his own villa. ! In the end, it was decided to divide the troops into two groups, one of which was led by the leader of the comrade’s association Saburo Shimada to raise doubts about the naval budget in the House Budget Committee. The other way is to mobilize public opinion and prepare to use public pressure to force the navy to make concessions.

In fact, if there is no second step, the Japanese Army can't do much. When being questioned, the Japanese Navy Admiral Gonei Yamamoto and Kaixiang Saito completely deny and shirk their actions and defend the navy. Later, it was even reported that a driver of Kogoro Fujii, Minister of Shipbuilding of the Japanese Navy, had sent boxes of banknotes to Kenbei Yamamoto! At this point, Yamamoto Quanbei, who was originally recognized as the most private wealth in the navy, can't help it. The so-called horse does not eat night grass and is not fat, and people are not rich without foreign wealth! If you are fine, where did your personal wealth come from? ! And if the direction of the debate develops to this point, even if Yamamoto Gonbei is fine, he can find something wrong!

As a result, this matter continued to ferment. After some investigations, a lot of internal corruption cases in the Japanese Navy were exposed. Naturally, several people involved in the Siemens incident could not escape, including the Minister of Naval Shipbuilding Department Fujii Mitsugoro and members. Zeqi Kuan Meng Dazuo, Suzuki Shipbuilding Supervisor and others are definitely going to be arrested on Tuesday, and as the investigation deepens, this buddy broke out that he had ordered King Kong from Vickers Shipyard 9 times that year. A total of 330,000 yen was taken in bribes. It was precisely because of this bribe that Armstrong Shipyard was out...

Of course, what is even more unexpected is that Fujii Kogoro, who came out, was finally sentenced to only one year in prison in the naval military court... The other accomplice who helped sign the receipt was sentenced to 3 years... (This buddy is really hard backstage.)

As for the subsequent political struggles, Akashi Genjiro didn't participate much. After all, these are the places where big bosses play games. If you don't have a general brand, no one will care about you! However, from this perspective and level, Akashi Genjiro's level can be seen. (Note: This is the basic fact of the Siemens incident. Akashi is said to be involved in the incident, but the specific content is not clear. The content is fabricated. However, the Japanese Navy’s bribery and handling at the time were completely in accordance with historical data. Of course, the time was advanced. Quite a lot.)

The Japanese Army defeated the Qing Dynasty Beiyang, the Americans, and then defeated Russia. It is not too much to say that the record is brilliant, but it is the first time to knock the navy to the ground so heartily, and then step on the feet fiercely. that is really good! For the Japanese Army, the enemy "in the Admiralty" is simply more terrifying than any opponent, even the German Army, which has just defeated the Japanese Army, is inferior! One of the reasons is that the navy is fighting for the budget, which limits the development of the army from the "root"...

The most important reason is the control of basic national policies! This thing sounds complicated, but to put it bluntly, is the expansion direction in accordance with the Navy's "southern advancement"? Or according to the army's "north advance"?

As the name suggests, "south advancement" is naturally developing in the direction of Southeast Asia. The Japanese navy's competition for the Philippines is an obvious "south advancement" strategy. At that time, Japan's choice of "south advancement" was also carefully considered. After the Qing-Japanese War, Japan did not get enough For the benefit of this, Russia and Qing are temporarily unable to move, so Japan, in a hungry state, naturally can only choose other soft persimmons. And because they didn't know the American strategy, they clashed with the United States in the Philippines. However, although the process was a bit tortuous, the results were remarkable! The Philippines has contributed nearly one-third of its fiscal revenue to Japan!

The subsequent Russo-Japanese War can be understood as a "northern advance" factor, but the effect was not good. Although Japan completely gained North Korea, in the Northeast, Russia’s power was not excluded, and this also meant that Japan gained The benefits are very limited, so that the Japanese senior leaders have a feeling that "north advancement" is not as good as "south advancement". This is a very bad situation for the Japanese army.

Especially recently, the Japanese government and the British have reached a certain tacit agreement to allow Japan to place part of the Dutch East Indies colonies on the Japanese flag, which undoubtedly greatly boosted the morale of the Japanese navy! The haze caused by the "Siemens incident" was swept away! Although it is only known to the top, once this matter becomes a reality, the prestige of the Navy will inevitably reach its peak! More than half of the Dutch East Indies will become Japanese territory, adding more than 800,000 square kilometers of territory and a larger sea area!

At that time driven by fanatical public opinion, let alone embezzling hundreds of thousands of yen, it is estimated that it is possible to turn the Army into the Marine Corps! People will ask, what is the use of an army? In the Russo-Japanese War, the military expenditure of the Japanese army was more than 5 times that of the navy! How is the result? After the Russo-Japanese War, Japan has not gained much! Let’s take a look at the other navy, first the Philippines, then the Dutch East Indies. How efficient is this!

Now the army is difficult, really difficult, the navy is too terrible, and gradually stepped on the Japanese army in the confrontation. Now if the Army wants to break the situation, it must come up with a strategic plan that can compete with the "south advance", that is, the "north advance." But where do you go? It is impossible to move northeast! On this issue, even as allies of the Allied Powers, Britain and France are absolutely intolerable. And the investment is too big. Move the Russians? That is Japan's current ally, which seems even more impossible!

"Who said it's impossible? The Russians are now allies, but what about Russia after the collapse? That's allies. The first thing a country standing on the ruins of Tsarist Russia must solve is its domestic problems. It will no longer work with Britain and France. It's time to fight against the Allies. And this time is our chance to go north!" said Motojiro Akashi when he met with friends in Yama Prefecture.

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