The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 956: Conceal evil intentions

After all, although Britain and France have worked hard to equip the Japanese army, the Japanese army's equipment level is still the countdown on the western front. Using the worst infantry weapons of the French, and the number is not enough, there is no one.

After the war, the British also made a special assessment of the combat level of the Japanese army. They believed that the basic quality and fighting will of the Japanese army were still very good. Other than that, a simple group of people collided with the German MG machine guns and tanks. This courage is not something that British soldiers can have... In the beginning, the brave French can only do the first point. If they encounter a tank, without anti-armor weapons, morale will collapse, but Japan is different! The British admired the tanks directly using human flesh as shells.

In short, the British feel that perhaps the Japanese high-level military is lacking in strategy and tactics, but the Japanese military is still very good as a cannon fodder, and the amount is large enough.... As for the issue of command? As an ally, the British can provide an officer corps for the Japanese army to assist in guidance. that is it!

"We can temporarily withdraw your heavy casualties from the front, and then retrain and reorganize. I believe that after a period of training and acquisition of new equipment, the combat effectiveness of the Japanese Army will certainly develop significantly. "Said Colonel Wellington. According to the agreement, the third division was the most damaged, so it needed to be repaired. The Second Division lost a lot of artillery, and according to British standards, it could also be repaired. Of course, if it is your own army, you can merge the designations, but if this hand is used on the allied army, it would be very unnatural...

Colonel Wellington came over just to fill the front, and then convey the meaning of the high level of the Allied Powers. Just go through a cutscene, and then leave in the middle of the meeting. This also conforms to the Japanese thoughts. There are some things that you have to say by yourself, you can't tell outsiders!

"Our army is not strong. It's also an army. Why is there such a big gap between the Russians and the Germans?" After the British left, Sauchi sighed.

"Yeah, we need to fundamentally change the army. Otherwise, when we face the Western powers again, there will always be some weaknesses?" Akiyama said.

"Are you talking about the Americans? The Americans' combat effectiveness is the same as ten years ago. It is not worth mentioning. Didn't the Navy just beat the American fleet again?" Suzuki said with some curiosity.

"Hehe, our enemy is not just the Americans. That enemy just fought us 8 years ago. There can only be one hegemon in East Asia, and that is us. The Americans handed over to the navy, then the Russians Leave it to us!" Qiu Shan said in a meaningful way.

"But we are allies after all!" Terauchi said in surprise. As a former enemy, Terauchi had absolutely no affection for the Russians. After the Russo-Japanese War, the Japanese had no awe at this European power. More is a kind of contempt! But even so, Touichi Terauchi did not expect Akiyama Koko to have a deep hostility towards the Russians!

"Friends are only temporary, not forever. Only benefits are forever. The Far East is still too small to accommodate the two big countries. If Japan really wants to become the hegemon of the Far East, then the Americans cannot come in, and the Russians also need to get out. Get out!"

"Well, this issue is not something you can discuss now. When you get to my position, then you will naturally understand the meaning. I will bear the responsibility of you in this war. You need to do it now. The thing is to learn from the war experience of the powers of Western Europe. I hope that we can win the next battle with the Germans. Otherwise, we will calculate the old and new accounts together!” Although Qiu Shan’s words are calm, they are full of Unable to be majestic, the three people sitting could not help but shake.

"I still have very important things to do. Let's adjourn the meeting now." After Qiu Shan Haogu finished speaking, he waved his hand to indicate that you can go. Then, without waiting for others to leave here, Qiu Shan Haogu walked out of the venue first. Leave three people with an elongated back! Qiu Shan Hao Gu is busy today, really busy! What are the three division leaders? The person I want to meet determines the future of the Japanese Army and even the Japanese Empire!

"Akiyama must be busy these days?" After Qiushan Haogu opened the door of the house, a slightly playful voice came. A fanatic man said after seeing Qiu Shan Hao Gu.

"That's natural. After losing the battle, can we not be busy? In this battle, I discovered that we are too far apart from the world's top military, and at best we are at a higher level than the Russians. Akashi-kun, do you think How?" Qiu Shan Hao Gu was not angry because of the other party's ridicule. There was a hint of helplessness in his tone.

"Compete with the Russians? Believe me, if the Russians win this time, then when they turn their heads again, we will not be able to fight them at all. I have served as a military attaché in Russia. The understanding of the country is much deeper than you. The belligerence and expansion ambition of their national backbone is beyond our imagination, and the toughness and perseverance are also amazing! If we can't take advantage of his unprecedented weakness and hit him hard, Then the empire is absolutely uneasy to sleep!" Akashi Genjiro said.

"Do you have any ideas?" Qiu Shan Hao Gu did not get angry with the other side's attitude, and even poured double wine for the latter. The Bordeaux wine in 1890 is specially made for senior generals. of.

"Russian superstructures are already decayed. There is no doubt about this. In this world war, such superstructures cannot survive at all. The former Russian government will inevitably collapse, and on the ruins of this behemoth, a new The empire will rise, he will be full of vitality, and it will be more terrifying than the mudfoot giant of the Normanov dynasty! I have seen their leader, he is a very talented and capable person! But one thing will not change, that is right Russia's obsession to become a powerful country looking at both Western Europe and the Far East at the same time! Therefore, we must severely weaken our opponents before the collapse of Tsarist Russia and the rise of the new empire!" Akashi said.

"Are you talking about Mr. Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov and his political party?" Akiyama asked.

"Yes, it's them. Their brand-new concept will definitely make earth-shaking changes in this doomed country, and it is not good news for us!" Akashi Genjiro said.

Three shifts today~~! These chapters are very important. They involve the strategy of a certain Far Eastern country and directly affect the situation of War 1 or even War 2. Please subscribe for rewards~~~!