The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 952: Kruger's Circus III

Although some people say that it is not easy to use a century-old navy to describe the construction of the navy. Although the army is easier, it is not enough for the German forces of two countries to come together. This time, the coordinated battle between the two tanks is simply synonymous with tragedy! The German infantry is responsible for clearing minefields and obstacles, and the accompanying mortar team will clear out the war defense guns that pose the greatest threat to tanks based on feedback from the front. The machine gun group is on both sides, the submachine gunner and the semi-automatic rifleman are in the middle, forming a crossed firepower net to provide cover for the tank.

But what about your own? What is a group of soldiers doing behind the tank? In the minefield of the Germans, how about our engineers? Where are the German anti-tank guns? Did no one give directions? Where do the mortars go? Why do you always fight behind your opponents, you have no vision at the back position, and you cannot deploy anti-tank guns! And the Japanese soldiers behind, can your two short legs jump faster? Disperse the formation a bit. At this time, the other side shoots from the side and you are all over!

And is it really okay for you to be so narrow on the front? Tanks are indeed correct as armored spearheads, but it doesn't say that they must all follow the tanks! You guys walk aside, don't you mean that Japanese people like to intersperse? Major Nick was frantically complaining about the cooperation of the Japanese Army. He even couldn't help but want to leaning out to see what these Japanese are doing now! Then he will find their officers and coordinate them. The firepower on the opposite side is not very strong, and the machine gun firepower point is not exposed, and the artillery will not fire first from 500 meters away. Because facing the superior British and Japanese forces, exposure is death!

However, just as he was about to open the hatch, he heard the sound of glass shattering from the control tower above his head. Nick looked up and the glass on the side of the control tower was broken! "The German bypassed our side?" A bad thought appeared in Nick's mind.

The sudden side-fire firepower is not strong, mainly machine gun firepower. Most of the machine guns crossed the charging British tanks and accompanying infantry, but aimed at the follow-up troops behind, a fire net made of fire snakes. After sweeping away a large area of ​​the infantry behind, the remaining people honestly chose to lie down, waiting for their machine guns and mortars to clear the Germans' machine gun fire.

But this time the German machine gun used indirect shooting, and the bullets drew arcs in the air and fell, forming a moving oval drop zone. Although the accuracy was poorer and could not kill many people, it actually split the Japanese follow-up troops behind. After a short period of hesitation, the Japanese infantry behind began to set up machine guns and fire at the Germans. The mortars originally used to support the tanks also began to suppress the enemies that appeared on the flanks. This seems to be no problem for the Japanese, but the British don't think so!

At this time, the British army was only about 500 meters away from the German position! Going forward a little further, the opponent's anti-tank gun can fire, but at this time, his own curved fire has been dispersed! What a terrible thing this is. Major Nick spent a very short period of time weighing it up. It will definitely not work to stay there. Once the tank stops, it is the target, so it can only move on. The German minefields are scattered, and if you rely on anti-tank guns, The number of opponents will not be too much, it can always crush the opponent! Thinking of this, he asked the gunner to fire three red flares, which was the order to start the attack!

At the last distance, the Japanese finally launched a charge from behind the tank. The mk1 tank also began to clean up suspected targets. The 6-pounder gun fired at a rate of more than 8 rounds per minute, and shot a column of smoke on the distant position. The 36 tanks were divided into two echelons and moved forward alternately. When the first British tank approached 400 meters, a flame burst out of a ruin! A 77mm armor-piercing projectile hit the target and hit the turret of this British tank across it!

This attack was like blowing the horn of attack. All the anti-tank guns started to attack. If it was only for penetration, they could shoot at 700 meters, but in order to ensure the hit rate, the target was placed close to 400 meters! And at this distance, the 77mm rapid-fire gun is definitely a bullet bite! In the first round of shooting, at least 6 mk1 tanks were destroyed or injured.

The fighting time between the two sides was very short. The 77mm rapid-fire gun on this plane could guarantee a maximum theoretical rate of fire of more than 12 rounds per minute. Balls of flames spurted from the muzzle, and the British 57mm rapid-fire guns madly fired at each other, like the top swordsman. The victory or defeat was only a few minutes, and another mk1 tank exploded from the side. With the light of fire, accompanied by the sound of the crawler falling down, the tank finally stopped, and flames continued to erupt from the breach. There was also a large amount of black smoke mixed with it. A slight explosion continued from it. He pushed open the hatch of the tank, but no one came out for a long time, and the people inside should be dead.

However, the British tank counter-attack firepower was more fierce. More than 20 artillery guns sprayed a deadly rain of bullets at targets not far away. High-explosive bullets broke the bunker to pieces, and broke the artillery and battery behind. . There was a loud noise on the battlefield from time to time, which meant that a certain gun group and nearby ammunition was detonated After losing the advantage of surprise attacks, the **** of war always tended to have more guns Party.

The fire support points deployed by the Germans were quickly stripped, and the professional 77mm rapid-fire guns were quickly destroyed. The Germans even used a small amount of Japanese artillery, but they still couldn’t make up the huge gap in numbers, and it was in the British tanks. When the enemy’s fragile line of defense was about to be torn apart, some quiet changes took place in the form of the battlefield. The Japanese army behind was still entangled with German flanking machine guns, while the Japanese infantry who followed were killed by semi-automatic rifles and submachine guns in close combat. A considerable part. The infantry that had not been accompanied by many is now even thinner.

The British finally felt that something was wrong. They stopped and continued to use firepower to suppress the German army on the opposite side. At the same time, they waited for the follow-up infantry. At close range, it is not uncommon for tanks to be injured by grenades or explosives, so they have already been slicked. The British also need to maintain a safe distance when facing the opposing infantry. Anyway, there is cannon fodder from the Japanese, why not use it? The British kept shooting at distant firepower points with Wells machine guns and 57mm guns from 400 meters away, providing fire cover for the Japanese attack!

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