The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 947: Unstoppable one

Although the Japanese can be called "experienced", but the opponent's level is too low, if you apply the experience system of a later rts game, the Japanese had brushed 311 mobs several times. ??? And every time England and France play, they seem to be pk with the other 8o population. Can this experience be the same?

Because the Japanese army has no long-range heavy artillery that can support the front line, so while the armored units and infantry began to move, some of the artillery with a shorter range also began to advance with the help of tractors or horses. A large number of vehicles, personnel, and horses shook the ground. Seen from the air, they formed a huge arc-shaped front to outflank Japan's far-right Third Division.

When the Japanese army saw the billowing smoke and dust that a large number of armored units passed by in the distance, after a small fight between Germany and Japan in 1895, they finally stood on the Arena of God of War again! This time, is the Japanese stubbornly reluctant to try their best, or is the German army making another brilliant record? let us wait and see!

"The Germans are here, ready to fight!" The guards on the flanks first showed their opponents, and the billowing smoke in the distance made it difficult for the Japanese to not show up! The two battalions at the top of the Japanese army of about 16oo men deployed defenses under the command of grassroots officers, but the open area at this time became the biggest problem for their defense. There is no bunker, and it may be too late to dig a foxhole, most of them The person lay down on the spot and then aimed the rifle in his hand to fully release.

Several artillery and mortars strengthened to the brigade were placed in the back position, ready to support at any time. The Japanese army prepared seriously and prepared to hit the opponent in the first field battle. They were confident and motivated until Saw the German chariot!

That was the first time most Japanese officers and soldiers saw a chariot charging, with a gray-black car body, heavy armor linked with rivets, a long 4m artillery, and a wide car body and a machine gun at the front of the car body. When more than a dozen chariots ran on the battlefield to form a neat wedge-shaped attack front, the shock to the enemy was even greater than that of the heavy cavalry in the Middle Ages!

After all, against cavalry, you can use a phalanx of spears, and you can use a dense crossbow to shoot. But now, the Japanese have few "spears" that they can barely resist, and the 75mm guns in the hands of the Japanese soldiers of the two brigade can be counted with one hand! And the 75mm artillery is placed on the uncovered flat ground, and then a plaster flag is erected on it, I am really afraid that the opponent will not find it! What's the difference between this and label selling?

The progress of the German armored forces was not fast, and a large number of infantry was flooded around the tanks and armored vehicles, just like the rebellion of the medieval knights. 18oo meters away, the battalion’s 82mm mortars began to deploy positions. The soldiers unloaded the mortars from the special vehicles. Because the opposing party's suppression firepower was not strong, the German artillery who wanted to shoot and suppress directly placed the shells next to the artillery, and then opened the ammunition box to set the fuze.

The remaining troops continued to advance. At a distance of 12oo meters, 6m mortars were deployed, and the machine gun group was ready to deploy. Most of them were concentrated on both sides of the attacking troops, using side fire to cover the advance of the main attacking corps. And at this time, the German tanks began the first round of attacks!

When a yellow flare was fired on the command vehicle located to the left of the center, all the cricket tanks stopped, and the slender 2-pounder guns aimed at a distance. Then each tank was responsible for a small sector, which was the force behind it. While the first round of artillery was fired by the firing team, the rain-like 2-pound shells were also covered at the same time. 15 cricket-type tanks fired more than three-digit shells in less than ten seconds!

The first focus was naturally the flat-fire guns with plaster flags. Before the Japanese 75 guns had time to fire a few shells at distant targets, a series of explosions caused a pile of fragments. Although the power of 4m artillery shells is not great, relying on a group of 7 bullets, the instantaneous explosive power is still very terrifying, and the German officers and soldiers have become the best weapon against uncovered infantry!

The barrage rolled forward like a violent storm, and the machine guns on both sides, the battalion company mortars at the back, and the crickets on the front shot frantically at a distance of 100 meters away. A series of explosions sounded from the Japanese positions. Whether it was a machine gun, a small amount of artillery, or a mortar, the Japanese army was easily dealt with before the German pre-selected position. Every second, several or even double-digit Japanese soldiers were blown up in the flying shrapnel. They had never imagined encountering such fierce firepower. They were even more saddened than the cavalry in the submachine gun positions. , Because the latter at least has a degree!

"Onboard!" I don’t know who yelled this sentence for the first time, but this cry in extreme crisis and fear became the fuse that detonated the last courage of the Japanese army. The remaining Japanese army did not hesitate. Facing the firepower of this machine gun and artillery, he stood up, and then rushed to the opposite German army like a moth throwing fire! At this time, the distance between the two sides is about 7oo meters, and at this distance, if you want to rush through the rain of bullets, the degree of difficulty can be imagined!

Yellow dots are looming in the smoke and firelight. A huge part of the Japanese army can't wait to face their opponents. They will be torn to pieces by the violent firepower. Blossoms of blood will bloom on the ground, except once or twice. Facing the intensive charge of the French, the German team has never slaughtered their opponents so Well, the French at least pushed a large number of 75 guns and attacked under the cover of armored units. Yes, and the Japanese really want to "communicate" with the German tanks with bayonets and grenades!

Countless soldiers fell on the assault road. In just half a time after the two sides met, the Japanese troops of the two brigades suffered most of the casualties in the fierce firepower. According to the reality of the German 6th Army after the war, whether By the time of forty minutes, the Japanese army’s casualties were estimated to have reached four figures. It may be a bit exaggerated, but one thing is true. After the tracks of the German tanks were crushed from the battlefield, the leftovers were scattered. The corpse and the deep blood stains cannot be faked.

The offensive German army was an armored battalion, accompanied by a fast battalion, plus three battalions of German elite infantry and a complete cavalry regiment. The dual crushing of troops and firepower made this battle unsuspecting. When the Japanese troops of the two brigades were defeated, the flanks of the Japanese Third Division were exposed to the German attacking front. Although Utsunomiya Taro has received the news and is about to adjust the deployment of the troops, it is a pity that Without sufficient heavy weapons, and without the support of armored forces, it is too difficult to block the German attack in an open field!

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