The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 929: Intentional

Therefore, in Benson’s view, even if the navy is okay, then the U.S. Army is definitely not suitable for crossing most of the Pacific and the Japanese fighting a protracted battle of island capture with New Guinea on the islands of the Pacific.

More importantly, can the Navy be fine? Although the current U.S. fleet is considered to be strong and powerful, it is known as the third in the world, but not to mention how far it is from the British Navy, which is the world’s number one, and the German Navy, which is the second in the world. The difference is far away. Let alone the quantity and quality of dreadnoughts. Simply speaking of the composition of the fleet, the US fleet is very abnormal.

For example, the US fleet has almost no fast warships! This fast battleship is not a battlecruiser, after all, there are only three countries in the current navy that have battle cruisers. In Britain, Germany and Japan, it is not a shame to have no battle cruisers or fast battleships.

But if you don't even have a light cruiser with a speed of 25 knots or more, then it's too unreasonable! And the United States on this plane is the same as in history, without a decent new light cruiser! Although it is not like the first-class pure-blood light cruiser Omaha class as in history, construction has only started in 1918. But on this plane, the Omaha-class light cruiser is still lying on the blueprint. Currently, the U.S. Navy has four construction plans. Because of funding problems, General Benson tends to choose the cheapest one...

If you want to talk about fighting, the fleet does not have light cruisers as a reconnaissance force. What an embarrassing thing... Without reliable investigative power, you will definitely fall into passivity. There is no light cruiser to defend against lightning strikes from the opponent's destroyer, which affects the performance of tactics. Maybe when a capital ship is accidentally destroyed by the opponent's destroyer, it will be a big loss. Therefore, the current US fleet is okay to look at the main fleet, but the actual combat effectiveness is a bit worse.

To be honest, the status of the US Navy on this plane is not as good as in history. Among other things, if history were to draw a line in 1919, it would be terrible to pull out the 15 capital ships of the US Navy, 7 ultra-fearless, and more than 2 dozen former fearless. The world's second most powerful super fearless battle group. Although the Japanese have 4 King Kongs and 4 12-guns are super fearless, but personally feel that the American iron tortoises on paper are stronger in deadly combat, not to mention, at least strong!

And on this plane, the Americans really can’t get tough when facing the still powerful British fleet, the German fleet after opening and the oversized Japanese combined fleet... What is the key to this problem? It's not that the United States has no money, no industry, no one, but Congress's appropriation card for naval construction is too strict.

If it is more radical, it is "the enemy is on Capitol Hill"! Roosevelt became the President of the United States just like in history. During his tenure, he did increase the Navy's military expenditure and treatment. But it stands to reason that the U.S. Navy, which has received the stimulus of the Philippine naval battle, should catch up, and national hatred should generate a capital bonus. The number of capital ships should have increased a lot.

In fact, the performance of the US Navy is indeed better than in history. But compared to Japan, which acquired the Philippines and prepared for the war, it was even worse. The US Navy’s military expenditure is indeed higher than that of the Japanese, but considering that a large part of these military expenditures are used to build Hawaiian naval fortresses. So they have become “fixed assets” like reinforced concrete and shore artillery. So it is normal for the main fleet to be worse. And when Theodore Roosevelt stepped down. The U.S. Navy's military expenditure has fallen sharply again. Therefore, it is not as good as the British in terms of battleship competition.

In addition, the cost of the American battleship is not cheap. Take the battleship New York as an example, the cost is $5.83 million. According to the exchange rate between the U.S. dollar and the British pound at the time of 4.85 to 1, it would be about 1.2 million pounds, right? But this does not count artillery and armor! The cost of armor generally accounts for about 30% of the total cost of a battleship. If you add artillery, it might be overturned!

National enmity will not be forgotten, but even if you want to report it, it depends on the timing. This is like the French-Prussian War after the Franco-Prussian War, the French have not forgotten it, and then waited nearly half a century before finding it back with the help of Britain and Russia Place. The same is true for the United States. Although the hatred has continued, when it is clear that there is no chance of winning, the Americans will not be able to act on their brains.

"So if we want to change the current situation, what should we do?" Robert Bacon asked.

"It's very simple. I can give the big guys a very good idea. That is to wait, or pray to God every day that the Germans will not lose this war. Even if it is a tie, we can get the entire original German genus. The Far East Colony," Benson said.

"So is there a possibility that after Germany won the war, they want to break the contract?" Robert Bacon thought for a while and asked.

"The possibility is very small. They can no longer get back these places, because now it is under the control of us and the Japanese. If the Germans want to come in, the investment and risks involved are unimaginable. And exhausted. The Germans do not have the power to do this," Benson said.

"But what are the benefits of Germany's support for us to obtain colonies in the Far East? It is impossible for a country to do things that are not beneficial to itself ~ ~ Robert said.

"Roosevelt should answer you this question. He firmly believed that the Germans would do this. Otherwise, he would not agree with the quasi-alliance relationship with Germany. I am just a soldier. It is not mine to discuss politics. Work, the answer you want now is already there, is there anything else? If I don't have one, I need to clean up Sims' mess." Benson is already ready to issue an eviction order.

He is really not in the mood to pay attention to the politicians of the White House and Capitol Hill now. Sims has fought such a bad battle and finally wants him to end. Both warships were severely damaged. The distance from Bismarck Sea to Pearl Harbor was thousands of kilometers. It was a problem to pull this ship back, especially the New York, where the boiler burst in half! If you want to get it back, find a few high-horsepower tugs first. Then there are the maintenance arrangements after returning to Pearl Harbor and the blockade of news, which he must personally intervene.

"This is really a bad thing." Robert Bacon muttered to himself when he left.

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