The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 926: Bismarck's friction three

At this time, the more and more courageous New York made a hit again. This shell directly hit the 8-inch armor belt in the middle of the King Kong hull. This time the angle was not good, and the shell exploded directly outside the armor plate. , But the violent armor and the impact of the explosion still tore a large piece of armor plate from the hull, and at the same time caused the back plate at the rear of the armor plate to crack! The shattered backplane pierced the watertight compartment inside the hull like a shrapnel, and a large amount of seawater poured into the cabin from the torn armor belt. . Fastest update

"King Kong, leave the battle for now!" Lieutenant General Kato Sokichi gave the signal. King Kong gave him a feeling of eating jujube pills. He really didn't dare to let this battleship stay on the battle line anymore.

Of course, the current situation does not require King Kong, the Nevada has lost most of its combat effectiveness, even if the Fuso is worth one for two. What's more, he still remembered the above command in his head, if it is really wiping the gun, don't hit him to death. If Nevada really stays here, Seiyoshi Kato can't afford the political consequences.

After a brief hesitation, King Kong guessed that Fusang could handle the current situation on its own, and temporarily released smoke to exit the battle. Then, the six 15-inch heavy guns of the Fuso began to tilt the flames of anger at the New York!

Although there are some problems with the British artillery shells, it is impossible to say that it is not deep enough, especially as a heirloom heirloom, especially the 15-inch l42 artillery used from World War I to the end of World War II! And this time, the Japanese tested in actual combat how deep the artillery was!

In the sixth round of shooting, the Fuso successfully clamped the target. In the ninth round, the Fuso made the first hit against the New York! A 15-inch shell slammed into the armor belt of the New York’s upper gallery. After easily tearing off the 7-inch armor, it smashed the two 5-inch guns and the gun group into pieces!

The second hit shell hit the mount of the No. 2 turret of the battleship New York. As a non-ferrous tortoise battleship, the New York’s defense is much worse than that of Nevada. The 10-inch gun mount is not so reliable. Although it successfully blocked the projectile, when the explosive inside the shell exploded, it exploded violently. The impact still pierced a large hole in the gun mount, and a large amount of debris and flames scattered along the pores inside the gun mount, exploding the internal conveying device into fragments, but luckily it did not cause the ammunition to explode. Thick smoke and flames gushed out from the breach. It even began to spread on the upper deck. A large number of US military damage control members rushed up to fight the raging fire.

The third shot was also good. This shell hit the position below the rear chimney of the New York, which was different from the normal hit on the vertical armor belt. This shot was hit on the horizontal armor belt. The horizontal armor of the battleship was only 2 inches. The sharp warhead of the shell easily ripped the thin horizontal steel plate, and then plunged into the ammunition bay. Fortunately, the overly sensitive fuze detonated the shell in advance. But even so, the shell was still on the main horizontal armor. A big hole of several square meters was torn open!

A huge fireball exploded in the upper part of the power cabin, turbulent flames fell from the sky, and the powerful shock wave swept half of the boiler cabin with a lot of debris! The four boilers were instantly destroyed, a large amount of high-risk and high-pressure water vapor diffused from the cabin, and a cloud of black and white smoke rose from the middle of the hull. The power output of the entire warship was instantly reduced by one level. The fire that caused it is still thinking about spreading around.

"Kill the New York! The Fuso will become the first Japanese battleship that sinks super fearless!" Unlike the situation where it could not be killed in the fight against Nevada just now, the 15-inch gun of Fuso was quite powerful against the New York. The morale of the Japanese naval officers and soldiers was once again elevated to the extreme. They clamored to kill the American fleet in front of them, imagining the grandeur of their victory back to the imperial court, without thinking about it, if a war really broke out between the United States and Japan. , What a terrible thing that is!

However, the New York was not unsuccessful. A 14-inch shell hit the Fuso's No. 4 turret. After being bounced high, it landed on the barrel on the left side of the turret. The 15-inch l42 barrel was directly Cut off. This can be regarded as causing some trouble for this "Japan's No. 1 Battleship". It's not a loss of face.

"Or, just forget it." Looking at the Nevada, whose hull was slightly slanted in the distance, was shrouded in smoke and flames, and the humiliated New York. Lieutenant General Kato Sajiki has already planned to retreat. When the gunner reported that the number of armor-piercing ammunition for each main gun of the warship was less than 20 rounds, Seiyoshi Kato finally decided to retreat.

Having calmed down, he also realized that his actions were a little sloppy. For example, if the US fleet deliberately attacked the Japanese fleet, then after the submarine attack was successful, why didn't Nevada and New York take the lead? Another problem is that before the Akashi was destroyed, no torpedo track was found. Although it is normal that no torpedo track was found due to the problem of horizon or sea surface interference, judging from the location where the American submarine was found, the opponent The probability of a successful attack on Akashi is not high. After all, the two sides are a bit far apart, about 3,500 meters. The submarine hits a cruiser at 3,500 meters? This probability is really not What if you make a mistake. "A terrible guess suddenly appeared in Kato Teiji's mind, which made him shiver. This is not a fight between the children next door. More than half an hour has passed, and the death and injury on the other side is more than three digits. , If Japan just beat the Americans for no reason, how could this end up?

Although thinking of this possibility, Kato Seiyoshi still couldn't imagine that the battleship explosion was the cause of the Japanese Navy itself. Now in the battle voyage, the ammunition depot is the top priority. Human factors have almost been eliminated. Then you tell me, this warship just exploded by itself? It exploded because of the heat of the ammunition depot? This tm is too fast, right? If it is spread, the Japanese navy will not be laughed out of it? Just rely on this "record". What is the third in the world?

Kato Seiyoshi found himself in an abnormal entanglement, and his actions seemed to have caused a catastrophe. It's beyond your control. So what should we do now? The Japanese general is a bit uncertain, but he at least knows that it is impossible to stop first!

The second is more~! Please subscribe for a reward~! (To be continued...)