The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 923: Is it like that? !

If the US submarine is really launching an attack at this time, it would be an extremely wrong choice for the fleet to slow down and rescue the damaged warship, because at this time, the submarine is near the attacked warship, and the rescue warship is likely to give the submarine a chance to attack again. In history, U9 A submarine can kill 3 British armored cruisers within one hour. One of the important reasons is that the British cruisers carried out rescues, which created opportunities for the submarines. At this time, the correct choice should be destroyers or small boats. After all, destroyers The speed is fast and the goal is relatively small. The battleship took evasion.

And at this time, the American warship ten kilometers away was also taken aback by the sudden explosion! Everyone said hello to each other, and then went their separate ways. Why did such a thing suddenly happen?

"The Japanese go to hell!" Soon some quick-responding Americans noticed that after the explosion, only three of the original four Japanese warships were left. The excited U.S. Navy officers and soldiers said excitedly to the Japanese main fleet in the distance.

"There seems to be something wrong with the Japanese fleet." Major General Sims put down the telescope in his hand and said. "Our submarine is not active in this area, right?"

"There may be submarine activities, but we will never take the initiative to attack the Japanese fleet. We have not received any order to start a war." The staff officer said very positively.

And just when the Americans were confused about the problem and were thinking about it, the situation on the battlefield changed again! The lookout post of the Fuso suddenly reported that there were submarines less than 3 kilometers away from the side of the fleet! And at this moment, it seemed that a periscope was sneaking out of the water! And it is precisely because of this action that completely detonated the tense nerves of the Japanese! Even under normal circumstances, the presence of a submarine near the fleet is already considered a provocative behavior. At this time, one of his ships had just inexplicably exploded, and a submarine appeared not far away. This was enough reason for the Japanese to attack!

What happens is that this submarine is really an American submarine! But it is reasonable to think about it. Everyone is facing each other, and two battleships have gone up. Isn't it normal to send several submarines to infiltrate each other? Therefore, in this area where everyone often appears and then confronts, it is normal to have submarines on the opposite side! And at this time, an American submarine happened to appear next to the Japanese fleet... Then it was discovered! Before being discovered, it happened that the Japanese fleet sank a ship somehow...

"What happened? The Japanese ship was blown up? God, this is definitely my happiest day. A ship just exploded!" Captain Maxden, the captain of the Sturgeon submarine, was somewhat Said excitedly, but soon, they couldn't get excited... Because the Japanese anti-submarine deep bomb has already fallen...

"Are the Japanese crazy? We were attacked!" Because of the angle of observation, Captain Mesden did not see the American fleet not far from him. After all, how high is a periscope? How far can I see? And there are Japanese hulls and smoke screens!

"Immediately send a telegram, the Japanese attacked us! It is in the sea area of ​​No. 3!" At the depth of the periscope, the telegram can still be sent. And this telegram became the last fuse that detonated the Bismarck conflict between the United States and Japan!

"The Japanese are attacking our submarine? The submarine is in this sea area?" A staff officer said in surprise after checking the telegram with the map. At this time, the rangefinder of the battleship Nevada also observed a column of water tens of meters high from the depth charge!

"Are the Japanese crazy?!" Simston was dumbfounded. He could not have imagined that things would develop to such a degree! A Japanese battleship exploded suddenly, and then an American submarine appeared nearby... Then the Japanese attacked like this! This is too much to talk about?

"Isn't it really us?" Sims really couldn't understand. If such a Japanese ship exploded and the appearance of an American submarine next to it, if it were accidental, what a terrifying thing... .

When the Japanese attacked American submarines, they would naturally not forget the American fleet in the distance... In the Japanese view, when the US fleet and submarines appeared, this was originally a dangerous signal, and after their warship exploded, they attacked the US submarine. This actually represented the beginning of the conflict between the two sides. When the US submarine issued this After the telegram, in fact, it is already a matter of time before the two sides fired!

And according to the Japanese style, since I decided to fight, I would naturally fire first... Looking at the two U.S. battleships in the distance that were still faint and confused about the situation, Lieutenant General Kato Sajiki finally decided to open fire!

The battle siren first sounded on the Fuso. Amid the harsh siren, all the combatants were in place, and the remaining auxiliary personnel also tied bundles of hammocks or other fabrics to the exterior of part of the hull (which can be used as an auxiliary defense shrapnel) . A 15-inch shell weighing 871kg was lifted up with the help of a mechanical servo. Ten 15-inch mm heavy guns aimed at a target far away, the muzzle was slightly lowered, and after reaching a loading angle of 5 degrees, the breech block was opened. , First the shells, and then a group of firing cannon packs are put into the barrel in turn. Then the artillery bar was locked.

The 8-meter combined imaging rangefinder at the top firmly locks the distant American warship in the center of the field of view. After zooming in by 24 times, you can even see the distinctive turret layout of the ~ After the preparations for the Fuso were completed, the King Kong behind was also in combat readiness. Eight 14-inch l45 naval guns were aimed at the battleship New York.

However, unlike the arrogant Fuso, the King Kong didn't have that much confidence to face the New York. The distance between the two sides is only about 15 kilometers, and the 8-inch armor belt is not reliable. The old men who bought ships patronized the trend and stood in the political team, but when the fight really started, it would be impossible to say that facing a real battleship is worthwhile! In particular, King Kong’s cousins ​​were blown up by three ships in a naval battle that just ended! Who knows if this number will become the fourth ship today?

"It is recommended to speed up and seize the head of the T-shaped head!" King Kong captain Yamanaka Shioyoshi Osa notified Lieutenant General Kato Sadakichi with a light signal.

"Increase the speed to 25 knots, and the fleet will turn right by 3 compass points!" At this time, the Japanese fleet is in the northwest direction of the US fleet. At this time, when it turns about 40 degrees, it can cross the course of the US fleet. And when the Japanese chose this maneuver, the Americans finally realized the seriousness of the problem! This tm is a precursor to getting started!

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