The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 919: British attitude 2

"If it is only a small part of the Dutch East Indies, then it is acceptable." The Conservative Party leader Austin Chamberlain raised his eyes and said.

"Will the Japanese accept it?" Someone whispered.

"We can actually wait. The Suxiong fleet will not cause us trouble in a short time. The two sides in the Mediterranean have been confronting each other, but in the North Sea? The German High Seas Fleet also needs supplementary rest. More importantly, the prince of Bavaria. , Now I’m going to trouble the Russians, but as for the rest of the High Seas Fleet? I think it’s not as good as the prince.” Sir Fisher, who participated in the meeting, said.

"So how should we respond to the Japanese?" the Foreign Secretary asked.

"We understand the territorial demands of the Japanese Empire for parts of New Guinea, but other areas, whether it is Sumatra, Borneo or Java, are too big and too far for Japan." Asquith thought for a while and said. .

"It's that simple?" The Foreign Secretary said in disbelief.

"Of course, how do we say?" Asquith asked rhetorically. In fact, Asquith is not as relaxed as he is now. The recent battle of the entire Allied Powers can be described as bleak, and the Russians are trembling and waiting for the siege of the Bavarian and Bohemian legions. After the elites of the Bavarian Army evacuated from the Western Front, although the Western Front launched a counterattack and pushed the front forward a bit, the price paid for moving dozens or even a few square kilometers was too high. In addition to the need for a new force in the military allies, politically and morale, the allies also need some good news!

"In addition, Lloyd George said that he is unwilling to continue negotiations on this issue in Japan." The Foreign Secretary said.

"I understand this. Facing such an unfriendly and aggressive country, it is indeed very troublesome. The Japanese proposal makes it very difficult for us to accept, and the representative can not be anxious. Mr. Lloyd George can now use this leisure time. To go on a trip in his time. Tell him that we will send a new representative within 1 month." Asquith said.

Although the Japanese have already thrown their trump cards, the British do not want to take over immediately. As an empire, they do value immediate benefits, but they are also considering the future. They need a longer time to figure out the bottom line of Japan, and they need to reduce the benefits that Japan can obtain as much as possible. At least from the current situation, it is absolutely impossible for the Japanese to occupy Sumatra Island. Imagine that the Japanese fleet is deployed. At the door of the most important fortress in the Far East, the British find it unacceptable to think that the Japanese can enter and exit the Indian Ocean at any time.

Later, after the Japanese issued a note, it seemed that they had forgotten this matter. The British only expressed through diplomatic channels that Britain supported Japan in acquiring the western half of New Guinea, but opposed it to other places. The Japanese side did not continue to bargain with the British on this matter. Instead, take actual action to respond.

On the third day after the British informed the Japanese of their opinions, the Japanese government once again noted the British ambassador to Japan, stating that Japan had decided to halve the number of personnel sent to Europe this month "because of domestic needs." In order to meet the need of "confrontation with the US fleet," warships performing **** missions in the Indian Ocean will be partially withdrawn.

After a brief confrontation, the two sides returned to calm again, but under the seemingly calm sea, an undercurrent was surging. As a native of the army, Katsura was not very anxious about the invasion and occupation of the Dutch East Indies, but as the second-generation leadership core of the navy, Gonei Yamamoto was very important to continuing southward. To this end, he also specifically found the "tumbler" in Japanese politics, Nishiyuanji Gongwang.

"The British proposal is unacceptable. We have got too few things. Now, when the Imperial Navy and the U.S. Navy are confronting each other, it is also untimely to act brazenly against the Dutch East Indies. If the Empire can compete with the United States to some extent If there is a tacit understanding on the above, for example, if both sides take a step back, then I still support your opinion." Facing Yamamoto Gonhei's request, Saiyuanji Gongwang replied.

When facing the United States alone, Japan’s pressure is great. Although Japan also knows that the United States is not ready for war at all, let alone the naval bases in Hawaii have not been repaired yet. The US fleet only has the ability to come to the Far East. As for fighting in the Far East? Let's forget it first. Apart from other things, the food and clothing needed for the standoff of the American fleet in the Bismarck Sea are transported from the west coast of the United States, and in the eyes of Japan, the supplies are terrifying, and in the eyes of the Americans... ....

The two sides have been facing each other for several months. In fact, nothing was done. No one gave up an inch of land. Of course, they did not advance an inch of land... This kind of confrontation is now meaningless except for being more like a means for both sides to express their attitudes. Both sides are thinking about coming to an end for the time being, or not being so tight.

Both sides have reasons to wait. The Japanese naturally hope that after the Allied Powers have won, they can rely on the Allied Powers to obtain German islands. Of course, most importantly, Japan has developed a strong interest in the Dutch East Indies. He needs to refocus the scattered forces.

And the United States? Naturally, I hope that the Allies won and then joined with Germany to force Japan to withdraw from the former German colony in the Far East. Both sides know that this competition is not for a moment. Of course, now everyone lacks an opportunity, or lack of a third party to alleviate the contradiction between the two, after all, the two sides really do not want to do it now...

But what do you say? Some things will not happen if you don't want to. Just when the entire European continent became a pot of porridge, just after Britain and Germany, the two largest and second largest navies in the world, conducted fierce and epic collisions in the Indian Ocean and the North Sea, the two were called the world The third navy also wiped out the spark of "base feeling" in the distant Pacific Ocean!

After 14 years of separation, the US and Japan caused an exchange of fire due to a rather mysterious accident. From beginning to end, this incident was filled with a chat and a weird atmosphere. And when Prince Ruprecht learned of this, in addition to being fortunate in his heart that there was no possibility of reunification between the U.S. and the Entente, he also wrote this line in his diary-"Finally meets History!"

Three watch today, please subscribe for rewards~~~! Once again, I recommend "Iron and Blood Macro" by the author of the same group of speechless destiny. It is also an old author. You can check it out~~!