The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 912: No choice

"Now the public and parliament members have an illusion about the navy, thinking that battleships have both strong offensive power and defensive power. In fact, the battle between naval capital ships and battleships is more like two eggs hitting each other with a hammer. A little worse, or there are some accidents, a battleship worth millions of pounds will be lost, and the engagement is very dangerous for both sides." That night, at the British Prime Minister’s residence, Churchill was facing each other in a sensual manner. Prime Minister Herbert Henry Asquith expounded his views.

"This statement is very unconvincing." Prime Minister Asquith said in a circumflexed tone: "Then can you answer my question, why are the broken eggs all the battleships of our British Empire, and the Germans go back? It was the same as the new one! Really we don’t know anything? Look at the German newspaper! Look at the date on it, and look at these new warships! This is an insult to the Royal Navy!”

"I did not aim at you, Churchill, but at everyone here, including myself. We are all sinners of the British Empire! The glory and splendor of the British Empire and the Royal Navy for hundreds of years are lost in our hands! The Empire's The national movement is in crisis! I asked you to come here this time not to listen to your sophistry, but to know two questions. First, why the Royal Navy lost. Second, what should we do in the future." As There is anger in Kess's words.

"First, I admit that General Betty did make mistakes in the battle. Because of intelligence issues, we misjudged the size and configuration of the German fleet. The number and combat effectiveness of the opponent's fleet far exceeded our previous estimates. And this responsibility , The navy should not be solely responsible. As for General Moore, General Jeram and General Hood, their actions are very correct, and there is nothing worthy of responsibility."

"Second, this is a battle planned by the Germans for a long time. Our four Queen Elizabeth-class battleships were transferred to the Indian Ocean to deal with the Suxiong fleet, which caused the double lack of the number and combat effectiveness of our fast battleships. Inevitably, the big fleet does not have much advantage over its opponents, but it has disadvantages on fast battleships. There is no way to be stretched," Jericho said.

"Finally, I would like to say that in this case, even if you switch to someone else, you will not do better in this situation." Jericho clearly meant that there was a problem with the intelligence, and the Navy cannot be blamed entirely. After all, the British intelligence personnel in Germany are not under the control of the navy. They report back to Bavaria as a battlecruiser. This is no longer half the rhythm of the defeat. Secondly, strategically, the Queen's departure did greatly reduce the strength of the British fast fleet. This is an objective fact, and there is no way. As for the last point, whether you are happy or not, the big fleet is like this now, and you may not be better if you are replaced by someone else. Your Excellency, you can do it yourself... Courteous and courteous, and rogue enough!

"This defeat is not just a loss on the battlefield. It is a failure of the system. We need time, step by step to find out the mistakes, and then change. As the First Minister of the Navy, I agree with Admiral Jericho. Yes, except for Lieutenant General Betty’s misconduct error, no one else has too obvious subjective errors.” Churchill said seriously.

"Well, these words of yours are waiting to be told to the members of the parliament to see if they agree with you. As for this battle damage, is it true? The British Imperial Navy lost 6 capital ships in World War I? Auxiliary battleship with a tonnage of 10,000 tons." Asquith is still a little hard to believe this data.

"That's right, we suffered heavy losses in this battle. And it seems that there have been some problems in the North Sea Blockade. It is said that there are German warships infested, some of our warships have lost contact, and some may have been miserable." Churchill said. Auxiliary warships such as light cruisers were not as dazzling as capital ships, and the warships after the Navy n class as auxiliary cruisers were not even noticed. Now the Hipper fleet has gone back, and the one that was killed on the North Sea blockade. The various warships hitting the above just sank into the rolling waves of the North Sea, and even Britain has not even been able to figure out the specific losses until now.

This is not entirely to blame for the Royal Navy’s desolate style. In fact, most auxiliary cruisers have been working at sea for a long time. When worrying about the loss of the large fleet, when considering how to face the German high seas fleet that is attacking again, who will care about the loss of these leftover consumables? In the past, the North Sea blockade was often sunk by a submarine. This matter might not be noticed by Jericho. Now it is normal for Churchill to be confused about the specific situation...

"After you come up with the plan, you tell me about these things. Okay, you must not come here tonight just for this matter. Tell me, what do you want? Budget? Resources? Or manpower? To be honest, now. The British Empire is very embarrassed." Asquith waved his hand and hit them. There is no need to say more. If other high-level personnel think that the Navy is too problematic this and Fisher You just need to be dismissed. By the way, and Betty, that's something to say, and now there is no need to be a villain.

"We have to rely on the power of our allies now. I really want to know how the negotiations between the Empire and the Japanese are going? If the Japanese Navy can provide capital ships, our situation in the Indian Ocean and the Mediterranean will be much better." Churchill said .

"Well, Indian Ocean, Mediterranean Sea." Asquith muttered. "Wait! The Su Xiong fleet in the Indian Ocean has not been resolved?" The Prime Minister suddenly realized that he had overlooked a very important issue! "The shipping situation in the Indian Ocean has improved a lot recently, but the two battleships have not been destroyed yet?!" Asquith's face showed an incredible expression.

If the naval battle is a boxing match for counting points, Su Xiong's fleet will naturally win the Indian Ocean Cup Championship. From the damage effect and hits, Thomas obviously paid a heavier price, but This is war, not competitive sports! After Thomas’ two queens were injured, they could return to India for repairs and maintenance.

Today, the author has something to do, so I am going to double up for the time being~~~! The subscription is very sad--! Lack of motivation--!