The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 906: The big fleet

This can't be calculated wrong, it can only be said that people who are not sages can do nothing. In fact, the Scharnhorst-class battleship specially designed for ocean-going uses also uses large water-tube boilers to reduce logistics and maintenance pressure. For this reason, the displacement of the Scharnhorst is actually higher than that of the orthodox Helge. The Lan class battleship is taller. No way, the efficiency of the large water tube boiler is a bit low.

"In addition, I need to clarify that if we continue to build new warships, I recommend using a kerosene mixed-fired boiler." Fisher continued.

"Grass the grass? I heard it right? Doesn't this mean that our navy gives up the rapid-fire gun and re-uses the old-fashioned retreat gun?" Upon hearing this, the naval officers on the side were anxious! To be fair, the benefits of oil-fired boilers are too many. You don’t need so many stoves, and you can use oil pumps directly. In the case of maintaining long-term high-speed navigation, you don’t need to consider manpower. The burning value of heavy oil is much higher than that of coal. Under the same weight , The range of warships that use fuel is much better than those that use coal.

Moreover, from the perspective of warship design, the use of heavy fuel is more suitable for the underwater defense system of warships. This is actually very good. The fuel tank can only be opened with a small opening to use the fuel pump to get fuel, and the opening of the fuel tank is generally larger. This structure The intensity is naturally different. The watertight compartments of the British are not as good as those of the Germans, so the underwater is naturally worse, and the use of heavy oil boilers is convenient for replenishment. If it is a coal-fired boiler, all officers and soldiers on the ship should go on board together. If it is, just a few people, just get an oil pump. The replacement of coal-fired boilers with heavy oil boilers is the general trend. How can it go backwards? Is it really like a famous saying that history develops in a spiral direction, and regressions and repetitions are common things? ! Almost all the Royal Navy generals are somewhat confused.

"Admiral Jericho, you are the commander of the Great Fleet. I think you know more about the oil depots of the Great Fleet than your own house? Can you explain it to everyone here?" Sir Fisher Glancing at the opposite Jericho, he said angrily.

Is Fisher capable? Naturally there are, otherwise they would definitely not be the first minister of maritime affairs. People have also been promoted step by step from the fleet. Ability not to mention shocking the ancient and the modern, but it is also considered top-notch. To be fair, Fisher's life is worthy of being black, that is, his admiration for battlecruisers. During his tenure as the First Minister of the Sea, he still achieved outstanding results.

First of all, his daring to withstand pressure to abolish the old warships is a very bold and effective action. A former dreadnought ship has an annual maintenance and use of 100,000 pounds! How many British ships are fearless? Dozens of them! And don't say that these battleships are on the battle line, how many are worthy of use? A large number of old warships were abolished, saving a lot of money and personnel, so that the Royal Navy could have money to develop new warships. Fisher has contributed a lot to this!

Secondly, although Fisher has caused some problems with the battlecruisers, don't forget that in history, Fisher can lead the entire world into the era of fearlessness. This kind of vision and determination is worthy of 32 praises for future generations! The price of a fearless ship is almost twice that of the former fearless. Those who can make this kind of thing cruelly and accept this kind of thinking are also fierce!

As Minister of Maritime Affairs, Fisher needs to pay attention to including but not limited to the fleet. He needs to consider the budget, consider the composition of the fleet, consider human resources, and consider the enemy's strategy. From this point of view, his position is actually much higher than Jericho. And the fuel problem he mentioned now actually implies that the British Empire is already experiencing fuel supply difficulties in the current environment.

You know, unlike battleships, the hundreds of light cruisers and destroyers in the British Empire are mainly fuel-burning. If you want to feed these battleships at one time, there is no more than 60,000 tons of heavy fuel. Large destroyers require 300 to 500 tons of fuel. The fuel demand of a light cruiser is about 1,000 tons! How expensive are these things?

And what makes Fisher even more depressed is that aviation fuel consumption has also gone up. After realizing the great role of the air force, the British began to step up their military expansion. In the light of whether it is good or not, whether it will be used, first use the aircraft. The principle of stacking up the quantity, now even furniture factories and piano factories have begun to process wood for the Air Force aircraft... Then the Royal Air Force's aircraft inventory directly climbed to about 1,200, and there is a trend of increase. Although this plane does not have the 96 and 100 high-octane aviation gasoline of later generations, these things are also refined from crude oil. The gasoline output rate is only about 10%... Gasoline consumption in aviation and automobiles has directly caused major problems in the British fuel supply, which is not already abundant. At this time, the Navy still has to build all-heavy oil boilers? Fisher believes that even if he agrees, it is unlikely that the government will pass it.

The oil shortage of the British government on this plane was not only caused by German submarines. Before the war, Britain could import crude oil from the United States, Persia and Dutch East Indies. But now, Persia is close to the Persian Gulf, but there is Suxiong. The hometown of the fleet... The tanker wants to go out? Thinking too much? The Netherlands adheres to neutrality, but in the same way, the transportation channel must first avoid the Suxiong fleet and camouflaged assault ships hunting in the Indian Ocean, and fight against the submarine when it is close to the British coast...

Let’s not talk about how difficult it is to get this route, how many brain cells need to be killed and how much risk to take, but normal businessmen will not do this business now... Nonsense, now war has The world's No. 1 shipping power (UK) and the world's No. 2 shipping power (Germany) are busy fighting, and the maritime transport industry has a large number of orders! What's not to make money just by shipping something? Do you have to tie your head on your trouser belt and do things for the British? Can't think of it? !

To give the simplest example, in history, the total tonnage of Japanese shipbuilding in 1914 was only 52,000 tons, but in 1918, the total tonnage of shipbuilding soared to 420,000 tons! What does this indicate? Great demand! A Japanese named Uchida Shinya opened a company with only one steamboat in 1915, and then directly expanded to 16 ships the following year! In 1918, this buddy simply invested 2 million yen in a shipyard!

And it’s not just the shipping industry that has been hit hard, but the insurance industry is the same. Because marine attacks have increased too much, many insurance companies have refused to provide services to British ships, and the cost of war insurance has also risen linearly. British shipping costs have increased a lot.

Last week’s weekend subscription was a decisive tragedy, and a new week started~~~! Hope everyone can support~~~! ! Three shifts today! Please subscribe for a reward~~~! ! The ultimate side view recommends the author of the starting point, West Palle's "5000 Years of War" is close to the best book. The brain is peculiar, it has 1.5 million words, you can see~~~