The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 904: The tear of the British Admiralty II

"Okay, now I want to ask General Betty, why did you lead the four battlecruisers to chase first when the enemy's situation is unknown? Isn't this a very irresponsible thing?" Betty and the others reopened at the venue. After recounting the entire process of the war, Fisher made the first wave of questions after confirming that the testimony of the other party would not change.

"According to the information provided by the Admiralty, the enemy fleet is Hipper’s battlecruiser squadron. They have only 5 ships, of which only 3 are Super Intrepid. I have 4 battlecruisers. I think there is not much difference in strength. Under the circumstances, it is the right choice to bite the opponent more proactively. Of course, regarding the issue of intelligence errors, I think this responsibility cannot be borne by me." Betty said without changing his face.

"Even if the information provided by the Admiralty is wrong, when the two sides meet, can't you count how many capital ships the other side has?!" Fisher said, knocking on the table.

"Look at this photo, you tell me, how many capital ships are there in this fleet?" Betty took out a black and white photo taken on the battlefield, under a "black cloud", one by one huge The figure is faint, and because it is crowded, it is really hard to judge the number.

"Well, this is not at least 5 ships, right? You can only judge based on intelligence, and not add your own analysis. What is the use of such an officer? A fool can do well in accordance with the rules!" Fisher first glanced at it. Photo, and then said some angrily, because he really didn't know how many capital ships there were. The warships of World War I burned coal. The soot sent by the warships when they were sailing at high speed can play a role in shielding. Moreover, the distance between the two sides is nearly 20 kilometers. The formation of the opponent is relatively close. It is really not easy to judge the size and organization of the opponent's fleet.

And there is another problem. Germany started with Helgeland-class battleships, whether it is Helgeland-class battleships, or Mochi-class battlecruisers, or Bavarian-class fast battleships, the appearance is similar, the same triangular mast, the same 4 turrets, the spacing between the turrets is almost the same. The number of superstructure chimneys is the same... The only difference is the length, but a ship is more than 20 meters away. Can you see it 20 kilometers apart? Those who can see, the eyes are better than the rangefinder!

"Actually, there isn't a capital ship in it. Surrounding the destroyer is the German light cruiser." Betty's eyes showed a hint of sarcasm!

"Grass the grass~~~~!" Fisher was really depressed this time. He didn't expect that Betty would dare to tease him on this occasion! He took a closer look, and it seemed that it was indeed not a battleship, because German battleships generally had 4 turrets, and this one seemed to be 3 turrets... The figure also seems to be thinner, and it is really hard to see under the smoke screen and blurry photos.

In fact, even in real combat situations, even if there is a large gap between the two warships, it may be misunderstood. After all, there is not a second German fleet in history that regards prestige as Nelson, and then one prestige chasing two Scharns Is Horst running around? You know, Nelson has three turrets in front, and his reputation is 2 in front and 1 behind!

From the length, it is also difficult to identify. The hull of the German light cruiser equipped with artillery is 165 meters and 195 meters, which is 30 meters short. The Helgeland-class battleship is shorter, so the background is blurred. Down, looking at an outline, it is indeed impossible to distinguish. These are all objective reasons. In fact, it is forgivable to admit wrong targets in the fleet. But Betty just smashed Fisher in this way, and in the latter's eyes, it can't be forgiven...

Under normal circumstances, Betty would never dare to take the First Minister of Maritime Affairs to start the battle, but after the end of this battle, it was basically decided that Betty's navy future was almost over... No matter how you justify, no matter what the objective reasons are, the responsibility of throwing away 3 ultra-dreadnought battlecruisers in a battle is too great. As for Betty, whose reputation is everything, at this time, he naturally has to give up his name.

"However, the Harwich Fleet mentioned before that the size of the German fleet **** warships was larger than expected, and it was mentioned in the telegram that at least two light cruiser squadrons were dispatched this time. This situation has never happened before. Didn’t such an obvious phenomenon arouse your vigilance? Every time the Hipper fleet strikes, why has it taken more than 4 light cruisers?"

Unlike the First Secretary of the Navy Churchill, who has never been on a ship, the First Secretary of the Navy came out of the fleet. If Betty can ask a few words about it, then this is not just Fisher's sorrow. , It is the sadness of the Royal Navy... Fisher, who has been a fleet commander, still has this quality!

"Well, let's change the topic. It is very common on the battlefield that we can't distinguish clearly for various reasons. Let's not worry about this. The Harwich fleet also failed to figure out the opponent's fleet organization." Churchill came out to make a round. . This debate does not match the theme of the is to discuss the issue, not to blame each other. There is no result in this quarrel. As for the issue of responsibility, I will talk about it later.

"Generally speaking, General Betty rushed to the battlefield with part of the fleet first, which was positive from a subjective point of view. In fact, from a time point of view, the arrival of General Moore’s fleet was considered timely. The only thing that made us feel unable to It is understood that the combat effectiveness of the German light cruisers and battleships is too strong. The light cruisers accompanying the Betty Fleet's operations were defeated within ten minutes, and it took less than half an hour for the two sides to fight until General Moore arrived. , We sank two ultra-dreadnought battlecruisers. This can no longer be explained by the quality of officers and soldiers and the command of the chief officer. The opponent's combat effectiveness is too strong. Our warship is too weak."

"I can be responsible for saying that there are problems with our warship design ideas. All warships are parallel imports compared to German warships of the same level! If we have to discuss the defeat of this battle, I think the performance of the warship itself is a problem. The unavoidable problem. Even the main problem." Jericho said unceremoniously. Because in his opinion, Betty did make a mistake, but the handling of Lieutenant General Jeram and Major General Hood is a classic. However, this has no effect. Should I lose or lose...

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