The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 889: sucker Punch

"It looks like a good way." Although he didn't know why the German fleet dared to appear in this area called by the British, even if a fish wanted to go out, it had to make a report to the Royal Navy. However, since the German Navy dares to come, there should be no problem... And the current situation seems a bit chaotic. If you run into another British auxiliary cruiser and there are no bodyguards nearby, it will be miserable.... As a result, the Wilhelm the Great quietly followed behind Von De Tann, waiting for her return.

In the vicinity of the North Sea Blockade, if there are hundreds of ships, it must be NB. If you count the torpedo boats and the battleships and auxiliary cruisers of both sides, there are probably more than 50 ships. However, there are dozens of merchant ships from various countries in this sea area. As a result, these seafarers from various countries, who are usually not easy to see a large-scale battleship operation in the ocean, finally opened their eyes and witnessed the large-scale tearing of the world’s most powerful navies, although As far as the battleships of the two sides are concerned, it is not equal.

"God, look, the British ship is about to die! Another shot, he is dead!" On a merchant ship with an American flag, a hairy guy pointed to the distance being lighted by a German ship. The cruiser chased the auxiliary cruiser and said.

"Didn't your ancestors come from England?" The chief mate next to the young man said in a puzzled manner.

"My ancestor is an Irishman!" The young man gave the latter a blank look, and then refocused his gaze on the burning and sinking British light cruiser in the distance. After destroying these auxiliary cruisers, the Germans did not embarrass the merchant ships anymore, and then they shot out, left here, do not send any radio signal warning, and then turned to look for the next target.

"Major General Ace, a telegram from Major General Abbasnot." An officer on the armored cruiser Hampshire sent a telegram from Major General Abasnot of the First Armored Cruiser Squadron to Major General Ace .

"A powerful German fleet broke into our blockade. So far, we have 5 auxiliary cruisers confirmed to be missing. From an intermittent telegram, I found the words large ships, which makes me very Shocked, and when we tried to contact the warship, we lost the signal. So, I suggest that, anyway, we should consolidate the remaining fleet and evacuate to the Shetland Islands. And notify Jericho. General." Major General Abbasnot wrote in the telegram.

"Except for the last sentence, very insightful." Major General Ace commented. Notify Admiral Jericho? What do you think? Now the large fleet is advancing in the direction of the Doger Sandbar, let alone whether time is too late, the value of the pure Betty's battlecruiser formation is higher than the entire tenth light cruiser formation! The construction period of a capital ship is more than one year, while an auxiliary cruiser can be much faster. So contacting Jericho is of no use!

However, Ace also realized that the situation had changed greatly. For example, where is the number one red club fighter under his command, the Minotaur? ! Although the Germans used electronic interference, it was impossible to guarantee that all radio communication frequency bands would be blocked, and clutter appeared first in the frequency band reserved by the Germans. This was originally a signal that made people wary. Therefore, the British found this problem. It's normal, but, counting from the time the German fleet started hunting down the first auxiliary cruiser, two and a half hours have passed!

Hipper naturally knew that his electromagnetic blockade would not last too long. After all, electronic interference in this era was less reliable than radio communication. Therefore, Hipper pinned his initiative on another aspect-radio eavesdropping and radio. Positioning.

As mentioned earlier, each radio group has its own "fingerprint". This is not only due to the issue of the transmitter’s own methods, but also the issue of the fleet assigning radio communication equipment to warships of different levels. After all, this thing is also a high-tech and high-value item. You can’t assign every auxiliary cruiser. A radio communication equipment of fleet command level....

There are only two British warships that can achieve this scale in this not-so-expansive sea area, and they are the flagships of Abbasnot and Ace! And Hipper has been looking for these two very obvious radio signals! Of course, the German fleet also has its own "fingerprints." However, in the case of mental arithmetic and unintentional, the German fleet had already replaced its own radio equipment and commonly used frequency bands before participating in the battle, and at the same time changed the operators. This is one of the important reasons why the British did not find the traces of the German fleet at first!

As for the various measures that the British may take, the prince and Hipper also studied, and suddenly a group of sharks broke into the fish what about the little fish? Most people only know one thing, and that is to run quickly. This is indeed a way, but in fact, within this range, the proportion of sharks is a bit too high. Now, in this sea area, hunters are more prey than prey. More! (In the case of destroyers) How many slow, soft-legged shrimps from the British can run away? !

So, if the British did that, well, Hipper would have won, but obviously, the British were not that stupid. The way they chose was to activate the backup radio frequency band and then gather all the in this sea. The British warship retreated in the direction of the Shetland Islands! Although the large fleet is gone, although the remaining warships in it may not be as high as the German fleet, patches of minefields, shipwreck blockades, and possible submarines are all threats to the German fleet!

This is just like the British generally do not enter the coastal waters of Germany. Even if the German fleet has a huge advantage, it will not enter the coastal waters of the Shetland Islands, because it is impossible! Maybe the British mines are terrible, maybe the German fleet has a lot of **** warships, but I'm afraid of anything, for example, what if a battlecruiser hit a mine or torpedo and exploded? Isn't this a big loss?

In this case, Hipper’s approach is very simple. Before the opponent returns, block the passage. Anyway, the speed of his entire fleet is 30% to 50% faster than them! As long as the actions of the British can be sensed, it is natural and simple. Don’t block too many fleets. Three battlecruisers and three light cruisers plus a small number of destroyers are enough.

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