The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 886: Never have mercy, never forgive II

"We are about 15 kilometers away from the target, but why do I feel that this is not like a flying fish!" The watcher reported through the microphone. "There seems to be a lot of things on its ship." The target didn't move far away, I don't know if the Alsatian was not found, or some other reason. The two sides gradually approached, the Alsatian was on the starboard side of the target, and the course of the two sides was almost parallel. How do you think of the scene when the two battleships are engaged in battle!

"The target course is parallel to ours, and the speed is 18 knots. What a good target." The 8-meter main rangefinder on the battleship Mochi has firmly locked the target in the middle of the field of view, after magnifying 30 times. , The other side's figure is already very clear.

"The only pity is that this is an auxiliary cruiser, not an armored cruiser." The design process has begun. The rangefinder keeps track of distant targets, and then converts the opponent's voyage data into a continuous line through a mechanical computer. curve. Then these data are passed along the line to each turret.

With a ding sound, the red signal light inside the turret that the artillery can fire from. Four huge turrets turned to the target. One round was raised from the magazine through the conveying channel. The artillery was lowered to a position suitable for loading. The huge push rod will weigh more than 600 kilograms of projectiles and hundreds of kilograms of propellant. Pushed into the barrel, because the target is a lightly protected auxiliary cruiser, so the selected ammunition is a semi-armor-piercing projectile.

"Kill your opponent in ten minutes!" Hipper calmly looked at his first goal in the distance. At this time, the distance between the two parties has been close to about 14 kilometers, and without a rangefinder, it is impossible to magnify the target so much. The British still cannot clearly identify the identity of the other party. After all, you can't expect to have a very large rangefinder installed on an auxiliary cruiser that was in service in 1895 and did not have much modernization...

boom! A thunderous sound resounded abruptly over the North Sea. Before this moment, no Englishman could have imagined that he could run into an opponent’s battleship here. The fireballs and smoke from a half salvo of four artillery guns obscured three points. One of the hulls, but this is just a few points of light to the British over ten kilometers away. The sound of the artillery was impossible to travel so far, but the mere point of light leaping from the sea level made Major Cousse feel bright. Major Cousse, who has never eaten pork, has at least seen pigs run! People have seen the scene of a salvo of battleships.

Which spot of light in the distance is so terrifying and deadly to Major Cows, like a three-headed dog in **** passing through the gates of hell, projecting its own terror and brutality into the world! The howling shells took only ten seconds to fly over a long distance, like a doomsday meteorite, and smashed into the faint-faced British!

After observing the water column, the German battleship was adjusted for a second half salvo, directly clamped the target, and then hit directly in the third round of attack! A 350mm shell directly hit the middle of the auxiliary cruiser of the Alsatian, shot from the bottom of a chimney, and then directly penetrated several decks before hitting the old reciprocating three-expansion steam engine at the end. ......

The crew that has been in operation for nearly 20 years naturally fell apart under this blow. What is unexpected is that the remaining shell fragments still have huge kinetic energy, and a projectile body weighing at least 100kg is even straight. Smashed through the double bottom of the hull! This is equivalent to opening a sea valve to the opponent after destroying the power cabin...

The top battleship against this kind of guy who is not even a third-class ship can be described as a spike! The British did not consider the situation of the auxiliary cruiser encountering the opponent, so even the smoke cans were saved.... In desperation, Major Cowes even ordered the warship to shoot at the sea to cover himself with a jet of water. However, these have no effect after all. The Germans’ attack speed is too fast. The half salvo every 20 seconds is too deadly. Without any interference, after entering the effective shooting, every round of shooting can be averaged. Get a hit! Naturally, a warship that has been in service for nearly 20 years cannot be sustained for too long.

In less than 3 minutes after the war, the Alsatian’s radio communication equipment had been destroyed. The remaining 6-inch guns on the battleship could not pose a threat to the opponent. Tons and tons of artillery shells hit the battleship. Although the higher reserve buoyancy can still float on the sea, it is nothing more than a lingering breath. Six minutes after the Mochi fired, Hipper ordered the shooting to stop. All that was left was to let the destroyer go up and hit two torpedoes. Up. He now needs to find the next target!

When destroyer S91, which was ordered to perform a lightning strike, just sent its opponents to sea with two torpedoes, a huge figure appeared on the battleship Mochi at 10 o'clock.

"We seem to have found a big guy. If we hadn't known that all the British battle cruisers were in the south, we would have thought we had run into a battlecruiser!" the gunner on the Mochi recalled.

"The Alsatian seems to be out of contact." In the Minotaur's command tower, an officer said to Major General Ace with some concern is no longer in use, and we found the target. But it seems that this guy can't be called a prey, right? "Ace wiped the cold sweat on his head. Unlike those auxiliary cruisers that do not have a rangefinder and cannot accurately determine the shape of the battleship, the Minotaur has a 15-foot rangefinder! The battleship in the middle of the field of view. After being enlarged 15 times, the appearance gradually became clear, the British were completely stunned!

"This is definitely a battlecruiser! God, why did the German battlecruisers appear here? Are they crazy?" An officer's face was full of incredible after hearing the news.

"Our large fleet is in the south, and it is impossible to come back by midnight. This is a conspiracy. The Germans used all their fleet!" Major General Ace said gloomyly on his face. "Report immediately, report our situation here, and rule all auxiliary cruisers to evacuate this sea area! This is a trap! This is hell!"

However, when the British tried to send a report, they found that the reserved frequency band was full of clutter. Listening to the disturbing noise from the earphones, the sender shook his head helplessly.

"It's another pursuit battle, let's chase it." After discovering the target, Hipper immediately took the lead to kill. At this time, the battleship Mochi increased its speed to more than 27 knots, like a long knife-like bow plough. When the sea was opened, the waves crashed into pieces, and countless fine water droplets fell on the deck. Thanks to the heightened bow, the waves on the bow of the battleship were not serious.

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