The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 883: Extraordinary Meeting Two

"The queen is not good. Even the old ships in the hands of General Thomas that have been in service for more than a year are still not opponents when facing Hesse and Mecklenburg. I am sure! The warrior can survive, but it is actually a kind of Luck." Lieutenant General Jeram said.

"During the entire battle, my greatest feeling was powerlessness! We couldn't beat the opponent. Even if we took the fight under the best conditions, the opponent didn't find us at first. We first launched an offensive and achieved results, but we Still can't beat the opponent. That's it! If you can't beat it, you can't beat it! Once the official one-on-one catch and fight, we will soon lose. Then we will be slowly killed!"

"The German Helgeland-class battleships are actually the same class as the Queen Elizabeth-class battleships, while the Bavarian class surpasses all existing warships. They are too powerful. And I think we have an overall view of the German fleet. We made a serious misjudgment, not only in terms of combat effectiveness, but also in terms of speed. The Bavarian-class battleship seems to have run at a speed of 26 knots. If they can run at this speed, then the Helgeland-class should also be able to. After all, the Scharnhorst-class fast battleship based on it is even so, so I think the general speed of the German main fleet is 3 to 4 knots higher than the big fleet! They are all fast battleships!" Lieutenant General said the key to the problem in one sentence!

"So, we were all deceived, didn't we? We, the French and the Russians were all deceived." Jericho said helplessly after staring at the ceiling for a moment.

"In fact, before the two sides fought, the result of the battle was doomed. When the fleets of both sides left the port and headed for the battlefield, we had already lost. It seemed that we were defeated within a few hours, but in reality, The German Navy started its layout a few months ago. The frequent attacks of the Hipper fleet were designed to induce us to make misjudgments, and then when they thought the time was right, they replaced Hipper’s battleship with the most powerful fleet. The cruiser, and in just a few hours, killed the fleet we prepared to deal with Hipper." Jericho said.

Compared with the prince’s fleet, Hipper’s fleet is basically equivalent to the comparison between a cheetah and an adult male lion. Hipper runs fast, but in terms of death ability, two Hipper fleets can Have you fought 6 Bavaria and 1 Helgeland under the prince? This is really hard to say! At least Jeram believes that the fleet still in the hands of the prince has a better chance of winning.

Do the math, the total number of gun barrels of the two Hipper fleets is 48 350mm artillery and 36 12-inch artillery. Against the opponent’s 48 380mm artillery and 8 350mm artillery, the projection capacity must be higher than the former, but the 12-inch artillery. It's almost impossible to get fatal injuries. No, facing the Bavarian-class battleship, even 350mm artillery can't get fatal injuries! So, it seems, maybe, this time, is the one with the big pipe really a bit advantage? ! Jeram thought to himself.

"Well, we can define this as the overall misjudgment of the Admiralty and the fleet. We misjudged the opponent's strategic intentions and estimated the opponent's combat effectiveness. Finally, at a completely wrong moment and a wrong location. Fought the wrong battle against the wrong enemy!" Jericho concluded.

"You will return to London soon, and then accept the Admiralty’s inquiry and even investigation. All of us have mistakes, but we should not push our mistakes to unrelated people. I can guarantee all of you here. Everyone will have a fair result. The most important thing for us is to sum up the experience and lessons, and then prepare for the next battle. As for who bears the responsibility, this is not very important." Jericho said.

"Okay, let's now start to discuss another issue and talk about what we should do next. In one battle, we lost 6 capital ships and dozens of light cruisers and destroyers, especially the fast fleet. The battle situation has undergone a fundamental change. Our absolute advantage has been broken. Even if the queens return, our advantage will still be small until the completion of our new batch of warships!" Jericho said.

If there is a decisive battle, can the British win it? That's for sure! The large fleet also has 20 dreadnoughts and super dreadnoughts. There are 5 original battlecruisers, plus 1 lion and 5 queens! There are more than 30 dreadnoughts in total! How much is the German fleet? 6 Bavaria, 5 battlecruisers, 3 Helgeland-class battleships plus 3 other battleships, for a total of only 17, the number of British is almost double yours!

If this happens to happen, the British fleet may lose more, but the German fleet may not return a few ships! Moreover, the gap between the auxiliary cruisers of the two sides has not been considered. Don't look at the British auxiliary battleships that died in this battle, but it did not hurt the bones! Simply relying on the remaining light cruisers and destroyers of the large fleet can get rid of the auxiliary warships owned by the high seas fleet!

But the artistry of war lies in that you fight you, I fight mine! The German fleet will not face Jericho. It will only use speed to steal and take advantage of all kinds. When the advantage of the British declines further, the German fleet may choose to fight!

"I think the fleet should no longer be deployed in the Shetland Islands until General Thomas returns. Although we can hold the exit to the North Sea there, our family will be messed up by the Germans." Lieutenant General Jeram said.

"I agree with General Jeram. The blockade in the North Sea can also rely on auxiliary cruisers and armored cruisers, and the main fleet is stationed in Roses." Betty also said.

"Okay, so let's do it, I hope we can co-sign." Jericho nodded in satisfaction, and if something big happened, to adjust the entire strategy, then we must first ensure that the internal fleet agrees with the Admiralty. The bureaucrats discussed.

This is the best result Jericho can think of. If the fleet is still in the Shetland Islands, then the German fleet will have too much room for maneuvering. Anyway, if you can't come over, this distance issue is fully reflected in this battle !

The fleet that is not used is of no value! Deploying the Royal Navy in the Shetland Islands would be tantamount to giving up the entire North Sea. But Beihai can never give up, even in a short time!

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