The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 878: Guild Wars II

"Let’s rush up and cut off their course!" Under the leadership of destroyer V-171, twelve destroyers sailed towards the front extension of the British fleet at high speed. Under the surging power of steam turbines, the speed of the entire destroyer formation was reduced. Generally added to more than 30 knots! The propeller even lifted the bow of the destroyer out of the water slightly, and the sea wolf that was split by the bow turned into fine water mist and flew back, covering the entire destroyer, and each destroyer was as fast as a flying fish against the sea. Close to the target.

Unlike the British demanding approach to lightning strikes that pose a threat to the main fleet, the German Navy's requirements for the destroyer fleet are more flexible. This time, the aiming direction of the First Lightning Brigade was the extension of the forward course of the British fleet. The entire lightning group launched two waves of attacks. The first wave was aimed at the oblique front of the British fleet and released the first wave of torpedoes. More than 20 torpedoes were pushed into the water under the push of compressed air, and then a cloud of exhaust gas was discharged from the tail, leaving a clear navigation in the sea. trace. Such lightning strikes may not have a high hit rate, but they cannot be taken seriously... In this case, the battleship George V at the front turned first to dodge, and then the Aas at the back.

After the British avoided the first wave of lightning strikes, the second round of lightning strikes had arrived. These torpedoes were almost perpendicular to the course of the British fleet. They did not simply aim at a certain warship, but disrupted the opponent’s formation. Eight fearless ships. The battle line of the ship platoon is also very long, a full 3 kilometers. Looking at the torpedoes rushing towards them almost vertically, the British fleet evaded in a hurry, making the already loose formation even more messy! And because of the constant change of course and speed, the accuracy of the British fleet's bombardment was greatly reduced!

"The fleet turned to four compass points, we crossed their t-shaped heads, and the ships reassigned their targets!" The destroyer fleet's attack provided time and cover for the main fleet's turn. When the light cruisers took the smoke-screened hair When the smoke can left the battlefield, the whole battle situation was like this. The British fleet was heading south to east, and the German fleet after the turn was heading south. Looking from the sky, the British fleet was tilting straight Hit the side of the German fleet, although it cannot be called the T-head, it still blocked the British route!

When the smoke cleared, the prince’s 6 Bavarian-class battleships and the Oldenburg battleship were once again displayed in front of the British. Although they fought for more than 2 hours, the entire fleet still maintained a strong fighting spirit at this moment. Although a round of attacks caused the Germans to rush, but overall there was no harm.

The sun, the dark sea, and the warships exuding the breath of blood and mechanical civilization, are like the gods of war out of the ancient times. The two fleets once again fought against each other. Starting from the battleship Saxony, all German warships were assigned targets in turn, 1v1. Fair and reasonable! (Well, no one is in charge of the last indomitable number)

The God of War once again turned his gaze to the distant target. The spear in his hand was shining with a cold light in the sun. The muzzle of the smokeless muzzle was aimed at the target, and then there was a loud thunderous noise, heralding destruction. The cannonball flies out again! Fly to the British fleet in the distance!

Who is better than 10 343mm guns and 8 15-inch guns? Naturally, the latter is stronger, otherwise the Queen will not appear to replace the Iron Duke, and Bavaria will not finally choose 8 15-inch guns instead of 10 350mm guns. If you ask the Americans 12 14-inch l45 and the British Which of the eight 15-inch guns is stronger than that is still open for discussion, but for now. In a real one-on-one battle, the British like George V are not enough!

Except for the more tragic Saxony now only 6 15-inch guns can be used, the firepower of other Bavarians is still intact, and the complete mechanical servo equipment and the horizontal wedge-type breech block that can be opened and closed quickly give German artillery more. The high rate of fire, even if the number of artillery is small, but even in terms of the number of shells fired per unit time, German warships are still no less than their opponents!

The Bavaria is indeed the flagship of General Scheer! The service was earlier, the officers and soldiers were more proficient, and the battleships were better run-in. In the case of regaining the balance of power, the Aas on the opposite side easily mastered the initiative!

The Bavaria started to fire a volley at about 30 seconds intervals, the first round of long shots. The second round of close bombs. After the third round of adjustment, the target was quickly clamped. In the fourth round, there was a near miss. A shell entered the water less than 3 meters from the side of the Aas, and then exploded 5 meters underwater, causing a violent explosion. The high-speed debris and the impact of high temperature and high pressure avoided the armor belt of the Aas and directly shredded the hull shell. Along with a dull loud noise, a huge hole appeared in the underwater part of the Aas.

When the corrective shooting was converted into effective shooting, the firepower projection of the Bavaria broke out again, tilting the bullet rain at an average speed of 2.5 rounds per At a distance of 16 kilometers, a continuous line stretched. The fire curtain stretched from the Bavaria to the Aias, and violent explosions sounded on the target from time to time, and huge pillars of fire and dense smoke soon enveloped the warship.

The first heavy blow to the Aas was a 15-inch shell that hit the No. 3 turret in the middle of the hull. Although the British’s super fearless defense was much stronger than that of the Lion and Tiger, the only 12-inch turret was upright. For the new armor-piercing projectile with a hardened quilt and a more slender body, the face is still broken! This shell passed through the two artillery, and then directly hit the ammunition rack position on the rear of the gun. Although there were not many shells stored on it, there were at least 4 propellant packs of more than 300kg!

The power of ammunition smashed even surpassed the damage just started! The flames and fragments instantly killed the people inside the turret, and then vented from the muzzle, fragile sighting equipment, breaches and other places that could be pushed away. Under the constant impact, even a whole piece of steel plate The turret fell off, and the powerful impact moved hundreds of kilograms of steel plates on the chimney beside it, and all the way down, destroyed part of the flue.

The flames produced by a large number of double-base propellant and picric acid in the artillery shells after being ignited spread along the ship surface and the internal passages of the hull. The explosions and combustions made the entire fire spread to the surroundings. The cabin outside the actual gun mount, Then there is the flue, and then down to the core cabin protected by the armor box. The heavy steel plate temporarily resists the attack of the flame, but it is not thorough!

The author doesn’t seem to recommend next week--! Three shifts today~~~ Seeking subscription for a reward~~~!