The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 860: can not see clearly.......

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After the Betty fleet set off, Ruprecht also took his fleet to the British coast. After leaving the port, the fleet first headed west and then north. Before dawn, the prince’s fleet was very stable. It had not encountered any disgusting destroyers, had not been attacked by submarines hidden under water, and had not received radio signals from nearby, that is to say, so far. So far, the Royal Navy does not seem to find itself.

"I hope the British will be stronger." Looking at the rising sun, the prince said silently in his heart. According to the pre-war and deductions, it is unlikely that the British Grand Fleet will arrive on the battlefield before noon today, but after that, maybe it will be safe, so the time from 6 o’clock to 12 noon is safe, and the prince only has It took these six hours to clean up Betty's fleet, and after this period of time, you would bear the risk of accidentally hitting the large fleet. The prince looked at the sky again. The weather was good today and seemed suitable for a fight.

"Let's go further north, hoping to meet Betty as soon as possible." The prince commanded. At this time, the entire fleet was deployed, with the first light cruiser unit in front, and the second and third light cruiser units on the wings. On the periphery of the light cruiser detachment are scattered torpedo boats and destroyers of 4 detachments, and directly behind the fleet are the destroyers of the remaining detachment. The entire fleet formed a ring formation to protect the capital ship in the center.

At the core of the fleet, seven warships sailed in two columns. The battleship Saxony started, followed by the remaining three fellows. The Bavaria is in second place. The other battle line is Württemberg at the beginning, followed by Hesse and the Helgoland-class battleship Oldenburg.

This formation prince is still very troublesome. First of all, according to the principle of shooting the first bird, if the flagship is at the top of the line, 80% will be set on fire! This is a lesson from history. For example, Dingyuan in the Great Battle of the Yellow Sea in history was set on fire. Then there is the lion of the Dorger Sandbar in history, which has also been set on fire, and the Kirishima, which rushed to the forefront during the battle of Guadalcanal while turning on the searchlight, is the first place to sell! Who won't they hit you? Then this poor buddy was beaten to a half by a group of cruisers and destroyers... The lesson of blood is thought-provoking!

Look at the selection of truly experienced people. In the Battle of Jutland, Jericho’s flagship Iron Duke was in the middle after the formation. Scheer's flagship Frederick the Great is also in the middle. Of course, an important reason for this is that if the flagship is in the front, it will not be able to take into account the battle line of several kilometers or even more than ten kilometers after deployment. In order to ensure that the semaphore signal can be transmitted quickly, it is necessary for the flagship to be in the middle position.

The prince did not want his warship to be set on fire. On the one hand, he was afraid of death, and on the other hand, it was also for the convenience of command. Think about it, his fleet also has 7 capital ships. If it is deployed, there will be a light cruiser in front of the fleet. The formation will also be followed by a light cruiser formation, that is to say, the normal battle line should be two light cruiser formations sandwiched between the main battleship. Of course, it is not necessarily in a straight line, but it is roughly distributed like this.

Some people may ask, isn’t the battle line on the light cruiser looking for death? How do you say this? When the two sides are evenly matched, you first put the firepower on the light cruiser instead of the opposing battleship, which is even more death-seeking! Why is the chocolate at the Battle of Jutland capable of losing two battle cruisers in seconds? Because nobody cares about him! Why can Bismarck lose Hood so quickly in the Danish naval battle? Because the British focused their firepower on the Prince Eugen, why would Bi Rui be beaten to death by Washington? The same is not found!

Therefore, the prince must ensure that when the fight starts, his flagship is in the middle, which is convenient for command and has a higher survival coefficient. When chasing opponents, he will not let a single British warship concentrate its firepower. On myself...

As for why the single column was turned into a double row, it seems that 7 battleships are not too many. Seven battleships can be arranged in a row. However, the prince does not want to reveal the size of his fleet so early. It is easy for the opponent to see clearly under the cover of the **** warship. As a person pursuing meticulousness, before the fleet sailed, Scheer took the fleet to sail in the coastal waters, and optimized the spacing between each warship. At the same time, considering the surrounding frigates, she tried to do her best Hide the size and number of the fleet.

To be honest, seeing a cloud of black smoke and forest-like masts in the distance, everyone knows that something major has happened. The opposing fleet has come out, but I’m afraid it’s not clear how many warships have come out. As for those warships. Model, what is the name of the ship? This problem? The former can be observed visually, while the latter can only be guessed...

And now, the prince’s arrangement quickly came into play. The first to discover that the prince’s fleet was the Harwich fleet from the south. Brigadier General Tilit’s position to enter the battlefield was very good, just at the back of the German fleet! That is to follow from behind the ass.

"God! I spotted them, I spotted the German fleet! Immediately report that they are sailing in the direction of the Doger Sandbar at a speed of about 16 knots!" On the flagship Linxian, Brigadier General Tilit tightly Grabbing the telescope in his hand while observing the distant fleet, while reporting.

"General Betty asked us to report the number of the German fleet." A moment later an officer whispered in Tirit's ear.

"Ah, is this 4 or 5? This is really a problem." Tirit slowly seeped sweat in his hands, and the telescope in his hand was a little unstable. He saw the German fleet, and tried his best to get close to the German fleet. There was no light cruiser behind the Germans, and then he approached 18 kilometers! 15 kilometers! As he marched towards 12 kilometers, the sudden flash of fire in the distance and the tall water column falling beside him made Tirit immediately wake up, he seemed to be too close to them!

The light cruiser Lin Xian immediately drew an arc on the sea and left. But after retreating to a safe distance, Tirit still failed to figure out how many German battleships were clustered on the opposite side! "The only thing I can be sure of is that the main force of the High Seas Fleet cannot be on the opposite side. They may be a unit of troops. From the appearance, the last ship seems to be the Mochi?" Tirit said to himself.

Tirit is messed up. As a reconnaissance fleet, the most important task is not to fight with the opposing light cruisers and destroyers, and then drive past the opposing wreck to show off their achievements. The most important thing is to Accurate information is sent to the main fleet. What output should you send a letter to?

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