The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 857: In my name!

Prince Ruprecht needs the support of the navy, but it is obviously impossible to control it from the grassroots level. Whether it is Scheer or Hipper, they have been in the navy for decades before they have their current status. And prestige, the prince’s influence on the navy comes from the authorization of the Kaiser on the one hand, and the recognition of senior generals on the other. The prince needs the navy to open up the situation and obtain the approval of the upper navy. At the same time, the prince can help when the upper navy has problems with the control below. It's enough to do this.

Of course, the prince cannot be completely insulated from the middle and lower layers. Providing additional supplies is one aspect, and another aspect is to make them think that the German navy can win the battle by following their baton and gradually reverse the disadvantage of the German navy. . As for the latter, the prince did not think too much.

The fleet may depart at any time, and the prince will naturally not return to Bavaria. On the contrary, he spent most of the rest of the time in his flagship, Bavaria, except that he spent the first night on the shore of Kiel Harbour. Spent on the ship.

When the first rays of sun shine on the sea in the early morning. Through the porthole, the prince could clearly see most of the German high seas fleet in the Port of Kiel. The best berths were naturally reserved for the Schell fleet, which was always ready to sail. Schell was the commander of the first battleship squadron. The two battleship squadrons, one and two, gathered six of the most elite battleships in the German Navy at a glance. They were Bavaria, Saxony, Württemberg, Baden, Hesse and The Mecklenburg. Opposite him, three Brandenburg-class battleships were moored in the berth on the other side. Behind them are the three battlecruisers of the Hipper fleet, namely the Mochi, the Goben, and the Blücher.

There are 3 light cruiser squadrons moored in the distance. These warships should be assigned to themselves and Hipper. In some scattered berths, there are at least 40 lightning strike ships of various models and sizes, or destroyers, which are about 500 tons small and more than 1,200 tons large.

Most of the submarine forces are performing the task of breaking the traffic or deploying cordon. The prince saw not many submarines, only seven or eight scattered. These submarines should have just returned from the Baltic Sea and are preparing for maintenance. There are also some naval auxiliary ships at anchor in the port.

"The Bavaria, your Royal Highness is named after your kingdom. I hope that under the leadership of your Bavarian Crown Prince, we can open a new situation for the empire on the sea." Just as the prince was watching the sunrise. When the fleet was majestic under the golden sunlight, Scheer came to the prince.

"Yes, it will, believe me, this time we will create history together. The glory of the British Empire and the Royal Navy will be eclipsed in our hands. They have been at the peak for too long. It's time to make a position. Now," the prince said.

"Know Scheer? For this day, I have prepared for more than 20 years. Starting from the earliest Munich-class armored cruiser, I am preparing for this day. If you want to do good things, you must first sharpen your tools. We must first Shipbuilding technology surpasses the British, and then the training and quality of personnel, as well as the overall strategic structure system. I have come to today step by step, and now it is time to test our results, just like my troops a few months ago. In the border area, it is the same as the two Russian armies."

"Maybe it's a bit presumptuous, you never seem to worry about your failure. I heard General Caliput say that you were very relaxed when the battle broke out. You seem to be able to predict the outcome of the war. Everything is calm and unhurried, nothing goes beyond Your expectations." Scheer said.

"That's because I have done it before. Before the official engagement, I have maximized the advantages that we can have. This is the case for land warfare and the same is true for naval warfare. I have made the British the greatest threat to us. The fleet was transferred to the Indian Ocean, and the Hipper fleet also acted as an imaginary enemy of the British, and I now have the strongest squadron in Germany! As for the battle process? I can only say that I trust you and your men. I trust The training level and fighting will of the High Seas Fleet!" said the prince.

"In a few days, I will design the Bavarian Ship Design Bureau, produced by the Blom-Fors Shipyard, and command the first large-scale naval battle of the High Seas Fleet on a battleship named after my country! I swear, I will engrave my name, my country and the fame of this class of warships in the history of world warfare. I will create a history! If the prestige of the Imperial High Seas Fleet is destined to one day be powerful, then I hope This step can start from me!"

"My honor and I can create this glorious history with Your Highness." Scheer said.

In the next few days, the entire High Seas Fleet was preparing for the operation codenamed "Thunder-Thebrus". When the prince proposed the operation code name, he explained this way. In Greek mythology, Hercules was trying to enter the hell. No one believed that Pluto's vicious dog could be successful. In the end, he completed this incredible and this time, Ruprecht is going to defeat the British in a mid-level fleet showdown from the front! He wants to break the myth that the Royal Navy is invincible. So he decided to use this code name, and this proposal was unanimously agreed by the High Seas Fleet. In fact, the fundamental reason for the prince to choose this name is on the one hand to express his admiration for the actions of the German fleet through the English Channel in the 2nd World War, and on the other hand, because the prince thinks the name is very powerful! Yes, it is like that!

Three days later, the Helgeland-class battleship Oldenburg also completed comprehensive maintenance and repairs. After some repairs, the battleship can run at the same high speed as the Bavarian class of nearly 26 knots, and then on the same day. Through the Kiel Canal, it reached the Mande Bay and converged with six Bavarian class fast battleships. In order to prevent the British from discovering the abnormal situation of the fleet in the port, the German navy specially set up shelters on the position of the fleet to park, and focused on all the buildings that can see the situation inside the port.

And on the same day, the German submarine formation has entered the designated waters and began to deploy cordon lines to monitor the British Grand Fleet in the Shetland Islands and the battlecruiser formation in Betty in Roses, and Gela Lieutenant General's 4 King George V-class super dreadnought ships. On the fourth day, the Hipper fleet had also completed preparations. In the afternoon of the same day, the prince officially issued a combat order, and just 2 hours later, an oil tanker that the British had been following for a long time passed through the Kiel Canal!

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