The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 801: Difficult choice

"General Xiafei, I have to say that your performance disappointed us. Except in the early stages of the war, after you successfully blocked the German offensive, nothing else you did was right! You made the French kingdom the best. The elite and most important armored units were concentrated on the center line, but suffered heavy losses."

"In addition, the northern line did not have enough troops to deal with the German offensive. Then you transferred troops from the originally consolidated southern line to participate in the so-called counterattack. But now, the counterattack in the center has not succeeded, but instead allowed the opponent to continue. Go deep! And now, the worst thing has finally happened! The Germans’ iron shoes have crossed the defenses of the Southern Front, which means more territories have fallen. Well, tell me, General Xiafei, these mistakes should be made Who will be responsible?" French Prime Minister Joseph Cayo came to the French Supreme Command in person to question Xiafei.

"What we need to consider now should not be who is responsible, but how to solve the problem. I will naturally take full responsibility for this defeat. If you can find someone who can replace me, then I can now Hand over the rights, and if you can't find it and still have a little trust in me, I hope you can give me a chance to make up." Xia Fei said calmly.

It's too late to say anything now. Sometimes the gap between the so-called famous generals and the mediocre is not so obvious. A little mistake or a slight deviation in the estimation of the situation may lead to unpredictable consequences. This time, Xia Fei The only mistake is to underestimate the strength and strategic direction of the Germans.

He originally thought that the two army groups on the northern German line would continue to advance towards Paris. After all, the occupation of the capital of a European power was too attractive for the Germans, and even Xiafei could not guarantee that if the battle was really in Paris. What will happen to the French people's will if it starts inside? So he specially designed a line of defense like a copper wall and iron wall for the opponent, waiting for the opponent to crash into it. Then he deployed his mobile force to launch a counterattack in the fragile German center line.

But what he didn't expect was that the Germans gave up after just a try on the northern line, and after leaving enough troops for defense, they brazenly swung their troops south! Moreover, the German Fourth Army, which has been dormant on the southern front, launched an offensive at the same time! In field conditions, the French army lost in the center line, and the southern line of defense was also faltering due to insufficient strength.

"Tell me your opinion." Prime Minister Joseph said.

"The troops on the southern front must withdraw immediately! At least the troops in the Verdun area must withdraw quickly. The Germans advance quickly in the middle. Once they merge with the troops on the southern front, the entire Versailles will become an isolated island. Artillery will also become meaningless. Just siege can make the defenders collapse! Since we are destined to be unable to defend these places, why should we shed more blood?" Xiafei said.

"If our army can't stop the German attack when squatting in a solid defense line, then how can we build a defense line in the wilderness that can stop the German attack?" Joseph said very puzzled.

"This issue is not something we can discuss now, because our fortress area is destined to be unguarded, and the Germans will soon go to the back of the fortresses such as Verr. This fortress has already lost its function. The people here are also very precious. France has a population of only 40 million, while Germany has a population of more than 70 million! If we want the war to continue, then we must let these lads out."

"We can concentrate the withdrawn troops on the Belfort generation. In this case, Belfort and other areas are at least stable. The troops do not need to retreat, but the front can be greatly shortened." Petain, the chief of the general staff Time to stand on Xiafei's side again. He is also very dissatisfied with the current situation, but it must be admitted that this is the best result. The fall of a fortress area is exchanged for the survival of hundreds of thousands of troops.

"Believe me, Your Excellency, we can take back these places in the future. Our Russian allies have made important progress in Galicia. If the Germans do not return their aid, then the Russians may be in Vienna this year. The Hoffmann Palace in Germany has passed. And after the German Army returns, we can launch a counterattack and regain our position!" Petain said.

"Hehe, at this time we actually have to rely on the Russians. Just 2 months ago, we were able to pat our chests to assure the Russians that the western front would be fine. But now..." Joseph couldn't help but smile. This gap is really big.

"This time it was the Bavarian Army that broke the balance of the battlefield. Because of their arrival, the German armor and air force on the Western Front have increased by at least 40%. The maneuverability has also increased by at least 30%! As an area of ​​less than 70,000 square kilometers I think the military power of Bavaria accounts for at least a quarter to a third of the military power of Germany! And if this power goes to the east, then Britain and France are on the west. It is dominant!" Petain looked at the hesitant Joseph and added another fire!

"It seems that there is some truth to it." Joseph nodded. He also found an excuse for the British and French coalition forces on the western front. The Germans concentrated all their forces on the western front. The Russians on the eastern front obviously did not fulfill their obligation to contain the German forces. Such failures are justified. The German victory cannot be replicated unless the Russians are completely eliminated... And Joseph didn't think that the Germans could do much that Napoleon the Great, who made the whole of Europe surrender, could not do.

"If this is the case, then let's start. The German forces on the northern front will no longer launch large-scale offensives. I will draw some troops from the northern front to stabilize the front. The troops in the area near Verdun will withdraw from the fortress group. Then we re-established the defensive line in Saint-Dizier and the Mirku generation." Xiafei gave his last order as the commander-in-chief of the French army!

With the order given, the German-initiated Sword of Sacred Angel battle plan finally came to an end. Although the two German troops in the north and east broke through the French line of defense, they could not eat all the French troops. , A battle eventually turned into a rout, but even so, in the second phase of the battle, the French still had 20 divisions completely annihilated, severely injured or forced to be transferred to the rear to rest. From a tactical point of view, this time the exchange ratio is very good!

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