The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 799: Counterattack II

When the frontal fire suppressed the French, several elite teams began to advance alternately under the cover of infantry. One of the teams consisted of two soldiers carrying flamethrowers and several grenadiers. Next to him is a melee group wearing a gas mask and holding a submachine gun. The Germans did not intend to give the French a chance to jump out of the trenches and fight hard!

They chose a weakly defensive trench. Several soldiers threw tear gas and grenades in their hands. Accompanied by heavy smoke and explosions, several French soldiers who were choked by the smoke and burst into tears just swayed from their faces. When they rushed out of the trench, they were smashed into a sieve by the dense bullets. Several soldiers jumped into the trench and then made a safe gesture.

More elite infantry rushed in, and machine guns suppressed those French soldiers who tried to support the breakthrough from the surface position. In the trenches, the elite German team with submachine guns and semi-automatic rifles was obviously more powerful than the French and their rifles. high! With bursts of gunshots, the German soldiers who gave full play to their firepower began to gradually clear the trenches. All French soldiers who blocked them were either killed or forced to retreat to the support point.

"We drove the French together like a pack of wolves driving away the sheep. They tried to use the bunkers and bunkers to resist the attack, but they didn't know that it was in our arms. Our goal was to hug the French and come. A big barbecue!" a commando sergeant said after the battle.

When all the French no longer dared to show their heads in the trenches, when all the people shivered in the muddy water and were unwilling to surrender, when the French thought they could be safer in a group, the flame in the hands of the German soldiers The jet let them know what **** is!

Fire dragons more than 20 meters long rushed out from the nozzle of the flamethrower. The compressed nitrogen sprayed the mixed fuel at a very high speed. After being ignited at the muzzle, these were mixed with gasoline and other combustibles. The liquid with extremely high temperature and viscosity instantly became the deadliest weapon in the battlefield!

No matter what the trench is built, with the continuous short bursts of flamethrower shooters, fire dragons walk through the tortuous trenches. They ignite all the objects they encounter, which may be human bodies, weapons, or supporting logs. , Whatever it is, it quickly turned into a mass of ashes under the high temperature of thousands of degrees!

The most painful are those soldiers who were not killed immediately. These flamethrowers are even more deadly than napalm! With the bursts of shots, the entire trench was filled with flames. From time to time, soldiers covered in fire roared desperately, trying to extinguish the fire, and their struggle was likely to bring disaster to the comrades nearby. , Just a little bit, a life will be buried in flames. The sound of death from time to time means that the flames are developing along the trenches.

The remaining French soldiers who were trapped in solid bunkers were also unable to survive. The blasting of flamethrowers and engineers turned the fortifications on which the French were the last support into a huge anger, accompanied by every violent explosion and fire from the flamethrower. , There are always at least one squad of French soldiers and their bunker together forever.

The depth of the French defense was very limited. After breaking through the first 3 kilometers, the fragile abdomen of the French army was finally exposed to the sharp front of the German army. After being hit by a sudden attack, the command system is becoming increasingly chaotic. At that time, the French could only resist German attacks alone in regiments or battalions. And the bunkers at the rear were even rarer, and they could only dig out a horizontal bunker that could barely fit in the wilderness.

After the elite infantry broke through the French line of defense, a large number of infantry units and towed artillery that followed began to advance in depth. They quickly divided and encircled the remaining French army. One attack may capture a battalion. Good luck. If you can catch a group. Infantry soldiers who lack mobility will choose to deal with these small groups of enemies on the spot, and when they encounter French troops guarding the town, they generally use temporary encirclement.

Under the leadership of a very small number of assault guns and truck guns, or even just a few half-tracks equipped with machine guns, they can easily smash the French defenses. The powerful 75mm rapid-fire guns are fundamentally in the case of encounter Can not play any role, out of the protection of the bunker, these artillery part-time jobs are swordsmen who have lost their hands and generally have no resistance. A half-track vehicle equipped with a 12.7mm machine gun with 8 infantry successfully captured 4 75mm guns. Rapid fire guns and large amounts of ammunition.

"We rushed over from their side, we didn't even get out of the car, and swept behind them with a large-caliber machine gun and a mg08 general-purpose machine gun. The bullets of the large-caliber machine gun are so powerful that one shot can kill the gun. The shield confronted the French soldiers hiding behind, and the fierce firepower quickly made them succumb. They obediently handed over their weapons and squatted there honestly." In this assault, the Germans Once again realized the importance of fast offensive and defensive armored and light armored units in mobile When the Munich reconnaissance airship flew over the battlefield again, what he saw was like a gray tide. The German army drove the French army from the north and east. The German offensive position was so wide, and the French suffered a huge loss in the offensive some time ago. When the superior German army launched a counterattack, the French army on the front line did not even have the ability to resist at all!

"The only thing that can limit our results is the speed of advancing. The French troops in the rear can withdraw quickly through roads and railways. We do not have the air force to conduct combat-level interception. This is the most important factor affecting the results. The French Third Army The resistance encountered in the direction was relatively strong. They dispersed the armored forces to the infantry units. Although these tanks were eventually destroyed one by one, they successfully hindered our attack." The Munich airship wrote in the telegram sent back. Tao.

In the face of sudden changes, the French Third Army Group supported its colleagues at all costs under the order of the commander Lu Fu. The French hurriedly gathered tanks, trucks and even cars to form a patchwork mobile force. Try to stop the German offensive.

In the next two days, the French used civilian vehicles to transport at least one division's troops to the appropriate position, and a rough line of defense was established. Although this line of defense was quickly breached and a complete division disappeared from the French battle sequence, this gave Xiafei the opportunity to deploy troops from the northern line to support the already collapsed front line.

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