The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 785: Heaven and Underground II

A large number of artillery has also entered the combat position. More than three-digit self-propelled howitzers, large-caliber mortars and towed artillery have been deployed behind the three divisions. Sometimes it is not how many artillery you have, but what can How many artillery can you use in key areas! Although the number of artillery is not large, the caliber of this mobile artillery is generally above 120mm, and its range and power are far from comparable to the large number of 75mm artillery on the opposite side.

At the same time, the remaining 9 main armored battalions of the French have been regrouped, of which 7 armored battalions have formed the forward. There are also 2 armored battalions and maimed troops at the back door as reserve teams. From the perspective of the first-line armored force, the French have a huge number advantage, and the Bavarian armored division on the opposite side also suffered losses, and the French are confident. Fully ready to attack!

The French have a large number of mobile artillery. The French have inherited their excellent traditions. The automobile industry is relatively NB. Even in a rush, it can pull out a large number of truck guns and truck towed artillery. But they also inherited the historical problems of the French army. There are too many 75 rapid-fire guns and too few large-caliber medium and long-range weights. So this makes the French artillery have no sense of hierarchy.

"Launch the offensive according to the scheduled plan, and the troops will eliminate all enemy targets on their offensive lines. That's it, let's get started, God bless France!" Luf's combat plan is very simple. Each armored battalion launched an attack according to a predetermined line, and then Just keep up with the infantry and artillery. This seemingly crude tactic actually reveals helplessness. Although the attack is not very positive, for the French, they have never thought of throwing more than 300 tanks at the same time to launch a large-scale armored attack against the opponent.

They just used tanks as weapons to assist infantry in breaking through and opposing armored units. It has not established a complete system, and has not considered how to use such a large-scale force, let alone build a relatively complete liaison system like the Bavarian Army Corps. The adjacent battalions may have a little cooperation, so don’t think about the three battalions. Directly messed up. Not to mention the combination of different arms, the French just piled their troops on the battlefield in a single brain, and they still used it in their own way! This is even harder to perfect than equipment! Bavaria was engaged in the system for more than 6 years of the 8 years before the war!

"Why can't we wait for the Germans to call?" an officer asked.

"Their planes are here, and their number of planes is even more than our 75 rapid-fire guns. Every minute, our chances of winning are decreasing!" It seems to be to confirm Lu Fu's words, a team of K-4 bombers I came to Lu Fu’s command post and wandered around. It was not because the Germans knew the location of Lu Fu’s command post, but because there was just a 75MM artillery battalion ready to go to the battlefield. There were 16 75MM artillery pieces and more than 30 vehicles. Vehicles and hundreds of officers and soldiers were hit from the sky!

"Two planes in a group, wheel attack, start!" Following the command of the squadron leader, the 12 K-4 bombers were dispersed into six teams of two planes. In the case of fighter escorts, these black deaths Arrogantly lowered his height and speed.

"Let's fly over their scalp!" In a somewhat playful dialogue, the first bomber team launched an attack. A series of small pylons located in the belly opened one by one, and a pile of high explosive bombs weighing 25KG was first launched. Unfolding on the highway, successive explosions directly blew up the convoy driving on the road.

Flying from the height of almost trees, the speed is the speed limit level of the highway, plus a reasonable scope and a line of targets on the ground, the killing effect of the first round of attack is not bad, at least 4 trucks And 3 artillery pieces were restored to parts by bombs falling from the sky.

The latter seemed to see flesh and blood vultures. The 6 bombing teams dropped bombs at low altitude in turn. After the high-explosive bombs, anti-infantry bombs, and incendiary bombs were bombarded in turn, the last two teams still felt that they were not enough. A large number of anti-infantry butterfly mines were thrown on the ground. These warheads may only be as big as a bullet, and part-time job is a model of the Bavarian army's black heart technology!

These landmines are very small. Even one person in the warhead can’t be blown to death, at most one leg will be broken. But the problem in war cannot be viewed like this. If one person dies, then he will die. If you are lucky, someone will collect the body. If you are unlucky, just throw it away. But if one person is injured, then count the rescued, treated and other miscellaneous people, the other party must reduce at least 3 to 4 people! This is more effective than killing directly! More importantly, when a person is disabled, he still has to eat and consume supplies, but he cannot go to the battlefield! This transaction is so profitable!

The convoy that was directly targeted was naturally unable to run. It was directly beaten by bombs and subsequent bursts of fire. However, the subsequent convoy was still unlucky. The air force that slaughtered a round of air force targeted the continuous flow of French troops behind. Large-caliber machine guns with special ammunition are lethal to all non-armored units. Like this squadron, hundreds of bombers and single-engine fighters circulated in the sky and fired French troops with almost no air defense capabilities at all~www This has completed a quantitative change to a qualitative change! The trouble from the beginning has become more troublesome, and now it is a disaster!

Many convoys try to leave the road and travel through the wilderness. For trucks, it can actually make do, but if you drag another cannon or something, it will be different! Many vehicles broke down or fell into pits. The chaos stretched from the road to the fields, and the Luftwaffe would naturally not let go of these bright things, which were almost as bright as lice on a bald head. After a series of large-caliber machine gun bullets passed, a truck and the ammunition car behind made a loud noise. Turned to ashes.

The French’s subsequent forces were mostly destroyed by bombs, wilderness, and crowded roads before they even entered the battlefield. The French armored clusters that attacked frontally also ran into trouble, because as many as 9 armored battalions did not follow the French All crushed on the Bavarian armored forces as people imagined!

With the two wings in place, the Bavarian First Armored Division began to shrink the front and handed the side to the infantry division with a large number of anti-tank guns. The French were offensive and we were defensive. Since it can be blocked by a large number of cheap anti-tank guns. Opponents, why have to waste precious armored soldiers? In this relatively narrow position, where it is impossible to choose an offensive area, the artillery must be evenly defended in a defensive battle, which leads to the problem of dispersion of firepower. In addition, the defense of the French armored units is indeed worse, so the lethality of these artillery is quite amazing!

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