The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 771: Unexpected one

Very simple, camouflage and Beihai weather. Think about it, during the Battle of Jutland, due to the weather, the German High Seas Fleet could head into the T-shaped head of the large fleet. In the North Sea, which is known for its bad weather and low visibility, it is too difficult for you to see a few camouflaged submarine command towers in the distance... Relatively speaking, it is easier for a camouflaged assault ship to see armored cruisers or auxiliary cruisers up to 150 meters in the distance. Therefore, if the distance is found, Germany must have an advantage.

Therefore, if the opponent is an ordinary auxiliary cruiser to check, Seawolf can either be a hard hit or use a submarine to ambush. If it is a regular warship, then there is also a chance to use a submarine. The Germans' vision is still very comprehensive. Yes, various issues have been considered. But it is a pity that the first cooperation between the camouflage assault ship and the submarine still encountered an accident. If it is not handled properly, it may really happen! This incident also made Major Nagel quite scared!

Seawolf was heading in the rough North Sea. The ship re-camouflaged its appearance before sailing. They painted the side of the ship in black and white according to the appearance of the Swedish Merchant Ship Stockholm, and at the same time it was on the bridge. A fake chimney was installed, and two soldiers were arranged to release the smoke in it... In addition, cables, various boards, paint and other materials are also prevented in some cabins of the battleship, so that the sea wolf can also play at any time at sea.

The Seawolf and the three accompanying U-boats entered the North Sea from the Skagerrak Strait on a foggy day, so they avoided the Harwich fleet and other British guard light cruiser units approaching the European continent. The first day's voyage was very smooth. At an economic speed of 12 knots, Seawolf reached the exit of the North Sea smoothly, 70 kilometers west of Bergen. When he was about to rush out, the sudden appearance of the ship's shadow in the distance made Major Nagel's heart tense!

The figure in the distance gradually became clear. Through the judgment of the ship type, this should be an auxiliary cruiser. The opponent's speed is not fast, only about 12 knots. And the larger behemoth behind made Major Nagel's heart tensed. The length of this thing is more than 150 meters visually. It is also a high-speed boat, the kind that can't be beaten by itself, and can't run... ....

"Tell Major Otto Wendingen, it's up to him whether we can go out safely!" Major Nagel wiped the sweat from his head. I have to say that his luck is a bit back. Generally speaking, in order for the British to patrol as far as possible, the patrol cruisers are separated. Like this luxurious combination of an armored cruiser and an auxiliary cruiser, it can touch It's not easy to get on! A few minutes later, the U19, U21 and U32 U-shaped submarines gradually disappeared in the waves.

The British arrived very quickly. They apparently found the Sea Wolf in the distance, but they did not find the submarine hidden behind the waves and Sea Wolf. They first requested the other party to stop the ship for inspection through radio signals. Then, when the armored cruiser Breslau was in formation, the auxiliary cruiser Comet approached the Seawolf and dropped the boat at a distance of about 1,500 meters.

"Let some crew members stand on the deck, we have to provide opportunities for the submarine!" Major Nagel ordered dozens of crew members to stand on the deck. This number is already the majority of the crew on a civilian ship and is under the surveillance of the other party Below, it means that the ship is not hostile. Maybe someone asks what to do if the other party finds out the clues?

Before the British boarded the ship, they would not be able to find out. If it is time to fire, there is actually no difference between hiding under the deck and standing on the deck. Once the artillery battle is launched, it is hard to escape..... ..

"The British are a bit cunning!" Captain Otto said angrily as he looked at the British armored cruiser, which was 4 kilometers away from the Sea Wolf, hiding far behind. Once the submarine dives, its speed will be greatly reduced, the maximum speed. Just 8 knots up and down, his position is not good, 4,500 meters away from the opponent's foot, and the other submarine U32 is also a little far away. It is not easy to speed up and forcibly seize the position. On the contrary, it will consume some battery power early. In this case, the members of the Comet cannot be boarded on the Shanghai Wolf, otherwise they will have to wear it sooner or later!

"Why is Major Otto still not acting?" an officer said as he looked at the British fleet getting closer.

"Wait, we must not act rashly before the British stand on the deck." Otto wiped a cold sweat, then looked at the British auxiliary cruiser in the distance, and then at the approaching British speedboat.

800 meters, 600 meters, 400 meters! Seeing that the British were about to walk the last distance, suddenly, two white marks appeared on the sea, and the U21 submarine was the first to attack! He was responsible for cooperating with the Sea Wolf to attack the auxiliary cruiser, so he has been with the Sea Wolf, so he is very close to the Comet auxiliary cruiser, only about 800 meters! The auxiliary cruiser naturally slows down or even stops when releasing the boat, and this makes the sprinting U21 submarine more confident!

800 meters away, the opponent's speed does not exceed 5 knots! Through calculations, the captain of the U21 submarine easily calculated the attack After the two torpedoes were launched, the U21 submarine immediately turned the hull. Unlike other submarines, U21 is an offshore vessel. Submarine, so it does not have 6 forward torpedo tubes like U19 and U32. It is 2 in the front and 2 in the back, so he is ready to make up the knife with the tail torpedo tube at any time.

"Torpedo!" When the watchman noticed that the white line suddenly appeared in the water, it was too late. Like death's sickle, two torpedoes hit the side of the Comet at the same time. This is just an auxiliary cruiser converted from a 5,000-ton civil ship. Don't be too cruel! The G7 torpedo crashed into this auxiliary cruiser at a high speed of 37 knots. The moment it hit the hull, the torpedo's internal TNT explosives of up to 195KG detonated instantly, and the attack of 2 torpedoes proved to be completely overpowered!

The entire merchant ship was instantly torn to pieces by the violent explosion. “This poor assault ship broke into more than four pieces! Most of the people on the ship were killed in an instant!” Major Nagel recalled.

The violent explosion and the water column soaring into the sky caused the atmosphere of the entire battlefield to explode instantly. The Sea Wolf did not open fire, but quickly moved away from the battle scene like an ordinary merchant ship. The British armored cruiser was too nervous, he didn't know if he was attacked by a torpedo or a mine.

"The target is gone! Your Captain." A British officer reported quickly.

Sorry--! Been busy recently--! Let's change 2 chapters temporarily--!