The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 767: Run quickly!

At a distance of 1,000 meters, the Swordfish climbed up carefully, and then three billowing torpedoes were pushed out of the launch tube under the action of compressed air. The three white traces were like reminders. Two minutes later, two large water jets passed from the Satsuma. The side of the hull rose into the sky. Subsequently, the warship quickly tilted. During the tilting process, the bow of the ship entered a lot of water, so the huge torsion broke directly from the place where the torpedo hit.

As if twisted into twists by a pair of giant hands, in less than 3 minutes, the bow of this huge warship had sunk to the bottom of the sea. On the auxiliary cruiser of the German Swordfish, you could even see the fracture of the rear half of the hull. In the situation, the cabins with flames and thick smoke are like the entrance to hell, which makes people feel terrified. Seven minutes later, the second half of the Satsuma also sank to the bottom of the sea. So far, the two German battleships used 30% of the shells to solve the first fleet sent by the Japanese Navy to Europe...

"How much ammunition is left?" Just as the German naval officers in the entire command tower cheered for their victory today. Raidel asked suddenly.

"It's more than half destroyed." An officer replied.

"It's time to go. Let's take a look at the Japanese transport fleet again. We can count as much as we can. If we don't leave, there should be an accident. The British should have known the news by now. The Satsuma kept sending telegrams before the war began." The words reminded Su Xiong, as if a basin of cold water instantly extinguished his hot mind.

The British Mediterranean Fleet should now be near the Aegean Sea, and two of its divisions have been sent to the Red Sea by others. It is estimated that the British will go crazy, right? If the fleet comes all the way from the Aegean Sea through the Suez Canal, it will not take long. 2 battlecruisers and 4 armored cruisers, plus the light cruisers, are all high-speed battleships.

If it is fair, Su Xiong is not afraid of two Invincible-class battlecruisers at all, but if you add a ticket of armored cruiser and light cruiser, it will be different. A bunch of cruisers will shoot torpedoes indiscriminately! The torpedo is magical, and it turns decay into magic if you are not careful! But at this time, the two German battleships didn't even have enough main artillery shells, so they just shit!

Not only to run, but to run faster! My own fleet has been sailing at sea for dozens of days, boilers and pipelines have to be cleaned, and the speed has dropped drastically. It is true that it is faster than battleships, but it is incomparable with pure blood cruisers and cruisers.

As for the auxiliary cruiser and the **** ANZ transport ship, they have already begun their return journey. Being dragged down by the transport ship, their speed is about 10 knots. No matter how fast it is. And there is another very important reason why the German fleet can go to the Persian Gulf. It's easy for the British to guess the Germans' lair. If they are blocked by their opponents and plant some mines, what would you tell Su Xiong to do?

So, after solving the Japanese fleet, the two German fast battleships quickly ran away and headed towards the Japanese transport fleet at a maximum speed of 24 knots. At this time, I don’t want to hit too many Japanese transport ships. In line with the idea of ​​fishing and leaving, even the Japanese naval officers and soldiers who fell into the sea did not care. This also allowed Kato Yusaburo to escape. By the way, he was hugged in the sea at this time. Among the people holding the wooden scoop is a great man, his name is Yamamoto 56....

The Japanese transport fleet that received the telegram from Kato Yusaburo naturally began to retreat quickly, but they still underestimated the German fleet's pursuit speed. At 4 o'clock in the afternoon, the fast-moving German fleet finally retreated the Japanese transport fleet. Included in the attack range.

Although the Japanese transport fleet had already undergone the initial dispersal before this, this time, under the stalking of the German auxiliary cruiser and the help of the seaplane, Su Xiong still caught the largest wave of the Japanese transport fleet. ! In addition to the two light cruisers, there are 10 transport ships!

In addition to the two auxiliary cruisers that are escorting the ANZ transport ship, two fast battleships and three auxiliary cruisers launched an attack on the entire fleet, using 80 main artillery shells at Scharnhorst, the Gneisenau After 70 shells were used, the two Japanese cruisers once again turned into brilliant fireworks at sea. Of the remaining 10 Japanese transportation agencies, except for 3 ships that were large enough and had good speeds suitable for conversion to assault ships, all the remaining 7 ships were sunk.

Five of the transport ships were destroyed by brutal shelling because the Japanese were stubborn, or they wanted to surrender and had time to buy a signal. As for how many people are hanging in Japan? After the battle, Su Xiong described it like this, “I don’t know how many people were lost at the time. The fight was a bit urgent, you know, at the time we didn’t know when the British fleet caught up, and we arrived in the Persian Gulf. It will take quite some time."

At a banquet, when asked again, Su Xiong said: "There are probably more than 5,000 casualties, right? All we intercepted are big ships. The three captured ships and the Japanese soldiers transferred to these ships. The total number is about 6,000. In short, these Japanese and Commonwealth members have greatly solved the problem of insufficient manpower in Port Fao."

When Suxiong's fleet arrived in the Persian Gulf two days later, the two fast battleships, led by the Turkish navy destroyer Pillar of Nations, passed through the defensive minefield set up by the Turkish Navy at the exit of the Persian The Strait is very narrow, with only 56 kilometers at its narrowest point. After two weeks of hard work by the Turkish Navy's mine-laying ships, this defensive minefield has basically taken shape. In addition to the mines used in the Mande Strait, the five auxiliary cruisers are also equipped with more than 800 mines. These mines are not intended to be taken back. After the two auxiliary cruisers Sturgeon and Swordfish were destroyed, Strait of Hormuz oil deployed 800 mines, making the defensive minefield of the entire strait thicker!

Just eight hours after the German fleet finally arrived at Port Fao, the commander of the British Mediterranean Fleet, Sir Milne, led a huge pursuit fleet composed of 2 battlecruisers, 4 armored cruisers, and 6 light cruisers to Oman. Wan, after sending off two destroyers and a minesweeper, Sir Milne had to retreat. There was no alternative. The minefield on the opposite side was too thick. Without sufficient preparation, it would be difficult to sweep out a channel. . After all, the Strait of Hormuz is more than 100 kilometers long. Who knows how many minefields are behind this minefield?

"The German fleet has arrived in the Persian Gulf. They have made good preparations and deployed a large number of mines in the Strait of Hormuz. The entire fleet is under good protection and we cannot break through." In his telegram, he wrote.

"This is a terrible start!" Sir Milne sighed, looking at the vast sea.

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