The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 757: Hard to speak

As for the eastern section, although the water depth is very shallow, the channel is very smooth, so most of the fleet travels from the eastern section. But no matter how good the water temperature is, the width also limits the capacity, especially for the British fleet, where 40 ships just passed by, it must be crowded. If you add the Japanese fleet and other ships, it will be even more crowded. What's more, in the eyes of the British, they have all reached the Red Sea. There are no problems at all in the previous paragraph. What problems will there be in the last paragraph? After all, there is no German raid ship in the Indian Ocean yet!

If there is no attack on the ship, then the role of **** will be greatly reduced. The reason why the Japanese organized such a large fleet for the transport fleet is actually not for the purpose of escorting. It is just that after the navy comes out, it will **** a group for the army. Neither the British nor the Japanese think they will be attacked from the sea. In history, when Emden was mixed in the Indian Ocean, the British also arranged this fleet escort. Therefore, the arrangement between the British and the Japanese was normal!

As for how the Americans know, it’s very simple. Tens of thousands of people are transferred, boarded and then formed into a mighty fleet to sail. As long as the Americans take care of themselves, under the protection of neutral foreign clothing, it is easy for Americans. Knowing the whereabouts of this fleet is the same for the Japanese. More importantly, when the British and Japanese both decide to go to the Red Sea, they will have to pass the Mande Strait sooner or later. After all, there is only one way. , The location of the ambush has been selected, and thanks to coincidence and the efforts of Germany and the United States, the first large-scale naval battle after the outbreak of the World War finally kicked off.

The news brought by Nimitz is really strong, but the strong news does not represent a successful plan. If nothing else, how do you catch the 7 ships of Su Xiong in the face of more than 40 British ships? Yes, you are fast, yes, the other party is weak, but the question is, if people disappear in a rush, which one do you chase? Even if the performance of the two battleships is good and they show great power, after the **** warships are killed, one will catch 3 more, and the 5 auxiliary cruisers will also catch 3, and it will almost release half of the ships. This once-in-a-lifetime opportunity can't be wasted like this. !

This is just to fight the British. After the battle is over, some ships will be captured, and after the capture, the warships will be escorted. Then there are fewer warships that can be used when dealing with the Japanese. I want to capture more Japanese ships. , Then the difficulty is even greater, and the Japanese fleet is not the British fleet, it is really capable of fighting, after all, the Satsuma-class battleship is quasi-fearless!

Now, Su Xiong’s prediction has come true. Maybe, this wave of German fleet may really support it! Then let Su Xiong and others understand what it means to have more than one heart but not enough energy! Well, then the question now becomes the question of how to eat this big meal!

"If you just look at the location of the ambush, the Mande Strait is obviously the best choice, but we can't choose this place directly, because besides the terrain, the situation here is totally unfavorable for us." Su Xiong said with a little regret. .

Everyone knows the general situation of   Mande Strait, and some of them have made several trips. As shown on the map, the sea here is very small, and once the opponent is ambushed, it is difficult to get out. But at the same time, such a small area is also a problem for large warships. Too small a sea area lacks depth and dodge space for large warships. The width is a little more than 3 kilometers, and the places where the water depth is not enough to sail cannot be removed.

Two battleships entered, what should I do if the other side launches a lightning strike under the cover of smoke bombs? Although there are only three battleships, the number of destroyers is undecided. What if there is a tragedy of ants killing an elephant? The two-division Anzac regiment is indeed very attractive, but Su Xiong would not do it in order to catch up with his own fleet.

Another problem is that the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden have now become one of the busiest shipping routes. Two warships of this size cannot be hidden anyway. It is obviously impossible to enter in advance to block the British. People must be able to. Found, and then a telegram, the British fleet might not come. And if the British deploy a fleet in the Red Sea, even a small fleet can't stop Su Xiong, but it's okay to whistleblowing, right?

As for when the opponent enters, he will chase after him. This is indeed feasible, but in this case, you can fight as many times as you can, and the results may not be rich. Moreover, Alexandria is said to be garrisoning the main force of the British Mediterranean fleet. If people come out to pick up, Su Xiong will not be sure to let the two warships that have spared half of the earth against them. Two BC plus several armored cruisers, plus a circle of destroyers. Field fleet. It's not that you can't win, but because this is an attack on the fleet.

So, the whole plan has entered a dilemma. If the Germans had the idea of ​​a wave and leave, it would be easy, and it would easily cause thousands of losses to the British. But if you want to wipe out this fleet, and then clean up the Japanese, it will be difficult.

"I want to ask you a few questions. If these problems can be solved, we can try to carry out an ambush in the Mande Strait." At this moment, Raidel said suddenly.

"I will try my best to cooperate with Nimitz said.

"First, can we determine the specific time when the British fleet entered the Strait of Mende?"

"It's definitely impossible to be accurate to the minute, but it's okay within 2 hours. After all, the opponent's speed is almost uniform, and our ship is kept under surveillance. Such a large fleet cannot escape." Nimitz said .

"Second, will the British deploy additional naval forces in the Mande Strait?"

"There may be destroyer-class boats, but there will not be warships above light cruisers, because just before, the Austrian-Hungarian and Turkish fleets have merged, which made the British very nervous. All the fleets were concentrated in Alexandria. Ready to go to the Aegean Sea. The British are not dominant. Even if the French are included, they will not disperse their forces. At this time, the arrival of the Japanese fleet also means to support the British." Nimitz thought. Want to say.

"Third, Captain Caron, how many destroyers can your Nautilus deal with?"

"Are you kidding me? If my warship is not too slow, it can be called a destroyer killer. Killing 3 ships is easy." Caron said with a smile.

"That's great, I think if you are ready, you can give it a try!" Raidel said confidently.

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