The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 755: Confluence on the Atlantic

The British failed to stop Su Xiong's fleet in the North Sea, which made Churchill and the others regret. Although they were a little unwilling, they were unhappy at best, and they seemed to be unable to influence the overall situation. After entering the Atlantic Ocean, the British stopped thinking, looking for two super dreadnought ships in the Atlantic Ocean? This is okay in peacetime, but in wartime, not only do you have to find the opponent, but also hold the opponent? Then let's wash and sleep, at least without some preparation, the British think they have no such ability.

Then Su Xiong and others decisively realized what it means to leap over the sea and the sky, and the sky is high! The two German fast battleships quickly merged with the two auxiliary cruisers Seahawk and Seagull that came out in advance at 300 nautical miles to the west of the Azores, and they carried out their first supply here, and then the four battleships picked one. Routes with fewer ships headed south quickly. And near Ascension Island and the three auxiliary cruisers Sturgeon, Swordfish, and Nautilus provided by the Americans.

"Welcome friends from afar!" Su Xiong's flagship Scharnhorst raised a series of signal flags to convey the welcome of Su Xiong's fleet to its comrades.

"May our action be victorious." The Nautilus, who was at the forefront, also responded.

Then, after converging, the other supply ships that came here with the three auxiliary cruisers began to deliver supplies to the German fleet. The Captain of the Nautilus, Major Karon, boarded Su Xiong's flagship, and the two sides have to make plans for the upcoming operation.

"According to the order of the Admiralty, we should enter the area near the Arabian Sea before April 10th and stand by. We may catch a wave of big fish this time. The volume is very large, and it may even hold us, Shaneho. There is no problem with the Stern and Gneisenau, and there are no warships that can compete with these two warships in Asia. Do you have any problems?” Su Xiong said seriously.

"The British warships over 5000 tons will be handed over to you. The Nautilus under 5000 tons can deal with one ship, but if there are two ships, it is hard to say." Caron thought for a while and said.

"The Nautilus can deal with a 5,000-ton battleship? That's a light cruiser class. The British 5,000-ton cruiser has a 3-inch armor belt and can concentrate about 7 6 village guns on the side!" Caron's The answer surprised Su Xiong.

"Of course? Don’t forget, the Nautilus is an 8,000-ton ship, and I can tell you responsibly that apart from its low speed, this ship’s firepower and defenses are very good. It’s the same for warships under 5,000 tons. Chicken heart snails are generally fatal!" Karon's satisfaction with the boat ride was beyond words.

"This ship was originally a reserve ship for the imperial navy's assault ship. When it was built, a 3-inch to 4-inch armor belt was placed on the waterline, and the power compartment and ammunition compartment were protected by additional armor. The defense is not lower than the British best light cruiser. In terms of firepower, this ship left enough space and weight. During this time in the United States, we not only installed six 6-inch guns for it. Running with 8 5-inch guns and 2 8-inch guns. This kind of firepower is already stronger than almost all light cruisers, and coupled with a maximum speed of 20 knots, this is a battleship!"

"That's great, at least it's okay to deal with the British auxiliary cruisers. If there are large British warships, just leave it to us." Su Xiong said with satisfaction.

"Then what kind of goal do we need to deal with?" Caron asked curiously.

"I don't know. To be precise, the German naval headquarters may not be clear. What we need to do now is to conceal ourselves, and then after arriving in the Indian Ocean, we will receive information from a whisperer in a predetermined sea area. We provide intelligence and convey the navy's orders." Su Xiong said.

"Well, let us disappear from public view now!" With this supply and rendezvous, the entire German fleet once again disappeared into the vast Atlantic Ocean.

Ryder really deserves to be a staff member, and his work is called meticulous. If 7 ships are piled up and travel at sea, then even if the remote waters are found, they will be noticed. God knows that they are running around the ocean. Will the merchant ships of various countries poke out this news! After all, this is too eye-catching. Two super warships that ordinary people may not see for a lifetime, plus five fat and sturdy followers at the back, will everyone have an idea, right?

what? Someone asked why the fleet did not break the diplomatic ties since it has reached the Atlantic Ocean? Ha ha? What is it to hit a few merchant ships with a 30,000-ton warship? The British merchant ships that I occasionally encounter are completely related to the relationship between Sesame and Watermelon compared to the plan to be launched. This is what the so-called little can’t bear, then chaos, what big things can you do if you can’t refuse the temptation to come to your door?

Raidel decisively disassembled the fleet The two battleships acted together, and they were camouflaged in appearance to make them look more like British battlecruisers Tiger and Lion and then 5. The camouflaged assault ships dispersed, forming a circular cordon 60 kilometers in front of the two capital ships.

Although these 5 ships look a little big, they are all camouflaged assault ships. Even the Nautilus, the two 8-inch guns at the fore and aft of the hull are hidden, at least from the outside, there is no way out. Moreover, it also hung the flag of a neutral country. More importantly, it was still on the high seas. Even if a British warship encountered it, there would be no idea. Of course, these camouflaged assault ships would also not attack any Allied ship. Don't eat, their task is to provide intelligence to the battleship behind in order to avoid the merchant ships they encounter.

Both parties communicate with each other using the telegram encrypted by the Enigma cipher, and there is absolutely no possibility of information leakage. With this warning line, the two capital ships almost completely avoided the possibility of accidental discovery. what? What do you say if a boat catches up from behind?

Please, now the speed of warships is above 16 knots, not to mention the 1st battle environment, the ordinary transport ships of 2nd war can reach 12 knots or more and it is a fast merchant ship. Ordinary civilian ships run so fast without considering the economy? As for the express cruise ship of the Allied countries? There is no problem catching up, but the problem is that these high-value ships have now become strategic materials. They are either on standby in ports or running on regular routes, basically they can’t be encountered!

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