The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 753: Pelagic dragon

The two battleships were renamed Scharnhorst and Gneisenau, while the two auxiliary cruisers were named Seahawk and Seagull. The two merchant ships will choose to fly the American flag and go to sea with the two battleships before the official war begins.

In fact, if only this is the case, it is not easy to rely on these four ships to successfully complete ocean-going combat missions. Su Xiong’s fleet can choose to berth very few ports, and the goal of this combat mission also requires the German fleet to Try to hide yourself as much as possible. It's not that you can kill when you say the North Sea. Some transport ships that you occasionally encounter on the ocean are simply the difference between shrimp and whales. They are not in violation of the German fleet exposure. Yourself.

And this mission simply relying on 2 battleships and 2 auxiliary cruisers is not enough. Therefore, the German Navy also arranged other ships for Su Xiong. These ships were originally merchant ships distributed around the world. As we got closer and closer, some of the merchant ships headed to the United States after receiving orders from the German Navy. Here, the Americans would transform these merchant ships, strengthen the watertightness, and increase the number of artillery. After some efforts, the Americans Before the war, the Germans finally helped the Germans to recover three auxiliary cruisers, and an American merchant ship that had set off had already sent 800 German naval officers and soldiers to Boston.

The three auxiliary cruisers are named after sturgeon, nautilus and swordfish, with tonnage between 5,000 to 8,000 tons, equipped with at least 8 105MM artillery pieces, and the cargo warehouse of the hull has been re-improved. To accommodate more supplies and ammunition. These ships also have higher requirements for speed, and the slowest of the three ships can also run more than 16 knots.

"In other words, our first mission will be completed by 2 battleships and 5 auxiliary cruisers? What kind of goal is this for us to concentrate on such a sea force?" Su Xiong heard General Boll's arrangements afterwards. Said puzzledly.

"The rest of the content is in the plan. Go back and read it for yourself. In addition, this is just a force participating in the war. We will also arrange for you to disguise a supply ship to replenish various materials. In short, you must remember that your first goal is What, don't be distracted by other things." Admiral Ball said.

At the same time as the fleet was being prepared, diplomatic cover had been launched. First, the German government stated that it would never let its friends suffer. Two battleships built for Argentina have been outfitted. After the Argentine personnel became familiar with the two new warships Can be handed over.

But secretly, the German government has begun to negotiate with the Argentines through the US government. Without the cooperation of the Argentines, it would be impossible for this play to be performed well. The handover of the battleship is a cumbersome process. People think you are an Argentine ship when you board the Argentine flag. As long as the Argentines discover that the situation is not right, as long as the British embassy in Argentina reveals that the Germans do not want to deliver the ship, the British will definitely be vigilant. The prepared British fleet will block two German warships in the North Sea. Difficult.

So why does Argentina believe the Germans, and why does it risk offending the British to use this cover? Naturally because of carrots and sticks! Needless to say, the radish is money and industry. Germany’s assets in Argentina can pay for these two warships. From an economic point of view, Argentina can only make a profit, but from a political point of view, the Americans are clearly standing in Germany. On the human side, if it is normal, the Argentines may hesitate, but now? Ha ha.

Although the American plane's reputation has been greatly reduced because of the failure of the Philippine War, as a local snake in the Americas, its influence on South America is still quite large. The British are very strong, but that is normal, during the war, the fleet of the British Empire that once spread all over the world has been gathered to the mainland. How can the British have the mind to trouble Argentina for this?

Furthermore, what if something goes wrong? Argentina was also a victim, and he was also deceived by the Germans. Anyway, they are all Germans. The British can't find an excuse, and even if they have an excuse, they don't have the effort, right? As for why the Americans should help Germany? As long as he still wants the entire German Far East colony, he must find ways to make Germany win. It is not possible to directly participate in the war to help Germany, but it is also possible to provide some help from other parties.

As a result, everything began to operate in accordance with the German navy's script. On March 20, 1912, Germany publicly stated that it would hand over two completed super-dreadnought ships to Argentina. On March 24, 1912, the two were in the German Navy’s Kiel Port. The warships were officially "handed over" to the Argentine Navy. Thousands of Argentine officers and soldiers boarded the two warships. Amid the cheers of the long-lasting friendship between the German Empire and the Argentine Republic, the German Navy Minister of State Tirpitz announced speech,

He extremely indignantly criticized the comments by some people in certain countries that Germany was about to detain the two warships. At the same time, he stated that the two warships would leave Germany before March 29. And then the U.S. government also stated that the two warships will go to the United States for replenishment and then return directly to Under the guarantee of the two major powers, the ownership of the two warships to Argentina is almost a certainty to outsiders. The child's thing.

And then, the Argentine government also confirmed the news again, and issued a note to the British and French governments, hoping that when the two warships return to China, the two governments will not "make it difficult" for them. After all, this is Argentine property and not the Germans. .

While the smoke bombs were flying in the sky, the preparations for the German fleet's sailing also entered the final moment. The personnel were directly transferred from Su Xiong. They were all old acquaintances. Su Xiong was very comfortable with them. The Scharnhorst-class battleship and Helgo The Lan-class battleships are almost in the same line. The only difference is that the former has more aviation equipment and can carry 4 seaplanes.

The original plan was to leave before March 29, but in fact it is absolutely impossible to be so late. The German General Staff has already told the Navy that the war will start in early April, so on March 26, the two warships were in the dark. Under cover, he secretly left the naval port of Kiel.

The two auxiliary cruisers, Seahawk and Seagull, set off as early as 1 day ago. They are civilian ships with the skins of the American flag. The British would not notice, because these two ships are slower. Go first, and then encounter the sea waiting for two battleships. As a result, the most tragic naval battle at sea has finally begun!

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