The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 746: Go west

"We are just a secondment. After fighting this battle, the Bavarian Army can return to the Eastern Front with all its members." Xiao Maoqi thought for a while and said.

"After all, I just finished a large-scale battle and killed one Russian army and hit the other heavily. How can I fix it for a while. If the opponent refuses, we have nothing to do." Prince William said.

"The key is the attitude of the Austro-Hungarian Empire. If the Austrian Emperor suggests that the Bavarian Army march eastward, and the latter agrees, there is nothing we can do." Kruger added. Although the Prussian General Staff has the power of wartime military orders, it is necessary to be reasonable when using this power. After a battle, the Bavarian Army wants to take a rest.

You can mobilize some, but if you want to mobilize most of the elite, it will not work. If it reaches this level, the so-called centripetal force and cohesion will not be mentioned. If a force is used to death, it is for sure that it is passive. And this is not conducive to the recovery of combat effectiveness of the troops. This way of drinking poison to quench thirst is definitely not used by the German General Staff. Therefore, in theory, forced transfer is possible, but in practice it will not happen.

"The relationship between Rupresit and the Austrian emperor has recently become froze due to supply problems. Prince Leopold went to Vienna himself. It is hard to say in the future, but recently, Rupresit’s character will no longer help. Austria-Hungary."

"As for the recovery of the combat effectiveness of the troops? We can replenish their troops and give them a moderate tilt in the distribution of materials. It is also possible to let him be in charge of the eastern front when necessary. I think Mackenson should not have any opinions, they The relationship is still very good." The Kaiser said.

To take it in advance, it must be given first. The Kaiser wants to transfer the elite of the Bavarian Army to the Western Front at this time, so it is impossible not to compensate, so what compensation can be given? During the war, there are only soldiers, equipment and command.

The Kingdom of Bavaria has a very large population, 13 million people, but because it is already a very important industrial country, and because most of it is military and heavy industry, a large amount of manpower is used for military production, and the proportion of people of the right age that can be recruited is rather compared. low. Therefore, it was very tempting for the prince to recruit soldiers from other places that the Kaiser promised.

What about equipment? Not to mention, the leaning of resources is naturally for equipment production, and the Prussian Army’s tolerance for products from companies such as Krupp and Rheinmetall has reached its limit. It is unstoppable for the equipment of the Kingdom of Bavaria to enter the German army in large quantities. At this time, it is still entangled. What kind of interest problem is that it is seeking death. So this is beneficial to both the prince and Germany.

As for command power? Rupresit also needs this thing. With this thing, he and the Austrian emperor are on equal status. In future negotiations, the prince’s waist will be harder, and if he gives the prince a group army at the right time, maybe he will fight. It's better.......

"Little Maoqi, you are responsible for negotiating this matter, but the offensive on the front line still cannot be stopped, and the follow-up troops are coming. We can't give the opponent time to breathe, we must maintain the pressure."

"That's right, and send the information on the Western Front. We need to let him fully understand the situation facing him now." The Kaiser thought for a while and said.

At the same time, in the conference room in Vienna’s Hoffmann Palace, Emperor Fritz and Prince Leopold sat opposite each other, next to Princess Mary and Grand Duke Karl.

"Brother, I guarantee that this kind of thing will never happen again. And this transfer is entirely due to military needs. We have deployed 4 army groups on the southern front, and the daily consumption is very huge." Emperor Fritz said to the prince. . In terms of seniority, Prince Leopold is the cousin of Princess Sissi, and it is not too much for Fritz to call him a brother, and this is a private occasion, and this title can bring the two closer together.

"Fritz, I just treat you as if you don’t understand military. Let me say it again. We are fighting outside. The main means of transportation from the end of the railway line to the battlefield is cars. We need to support the operations of two armies and a large number of mechanized corps. It is undoubtedly a draw from the bottom of the battle. What is even worse is that you have agreed to our combat plan in advance and guaranteed that we will launch the battle. Therefore, someone must be responsible for the insufficiency of the battle."

"Secondly, you are fighting inside. Although the scale is larger, the supply lines are shorter, and most of them are transported by horse-drawn carriages. If you count the fuel you intercepted, the fuel consumption per unit weight per unit trip you transported by vehicles is 1.5 of mine. Double! Do you believe this? Is this what you call a rigid demand?" Prince Leopold was already very dissatisfied.

He realized that Fritz was shirking! Among them, Archduke Carl absolutely played a disgraceful role, if Fritz served softly. Then, if we deal with a few people, this matter is over in the Prince's eyes. But unfortunately, Fritz is not even willing to do this! This is so emotional!

Does Fritz understand the military? Maybe you know, but it must be incomparable with Prince and even incomparable with Princes in history, otherwise they can become the commander-in-chief of the Eastern Alliance? Like Hindenburg, Ludendorff and others, can they get the medal representing the highest glory of the Second German Empire?

It is undeniable that Fritz is indeed a little cautious, or from a political point of view, he also wants to balance the two factions in the country. After Ferdinand's death, the position of the prince was left empty, in order to take care of Princess Mary and Rupresit behind him. But this time, acquiescing to the front line to intercept the supply of the Bavarian Army was also to balance the political influence, to the satisfaction of Karl and the other big men. This matter is completely correct from a political point of view, and no one is allowed to grow bigger.

But it's different in the military! Soldiers want to win the battle. If the winner didn't win because of the latter reason, or the ending was not so perfect, then from Prince Leopold's point of view, it must not be easily won. And it is precisely because politicians and military strategists have different eyesights that make this matter very stiff!

Of course, there is another reason that Fritz does not want to admit, that is, he thinks that the Russian Legion is gone, and the rest is left to the Austro-Hungarian Legion. At this time, the Bavarian Legion is not so important. And Prince Leopold can also think of this, but in the eyes of a real military strategist, the emperor is too ignorant of military affairs, and the drawing is broken! The Russian army has always been known for its resilience and durability. Let's see how badly the two sides fought in the battle of Borodino, and what was the result? Didn’t the Russian push Napoleon back?

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