The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 743: Setback on the Western Front

"Your Excellency, the French tank is coming up. This position may be breached at any time. You should go to the headquarters first." A staff officer said anxiously to Kruger.

"No, I'm here, I want to see how the French and the English break my position!" Kruger said stubbornly. This is not a simple act of intent. He really wants to know what is going on on the front line, why the offensives that he thought would not be difficult will fail and be frustrated again and again. How did the French's simple infantry pig rush to follow up with the tactics become more powerful. ? Without clarifying this question, the German offensive would not be successful, and this time Kruger came prepared and brought a complete armored battalion. Even if the opponent breaks through the line of defense, this armored battalion can be quickly sealed. Plug the gap.

The French finally began to attack, and Kruger’s face changed as the roaring sound across the horizon changed. As a commander of the German Army, he was at least a qualified artillery officer. From the sound of artillery shells flying and after the landing explosion Judging from the damage effect caused, this is definitely the power of an ultra-long-range heavy artillery. After one shot, there is no living thing within 100 meters in diameter! Blast a big pit with a depth of about 4 meters and a radius of more than 20 meters! Is this TM a train cannon? !

This is really a crime of non-war, using field guns against train guns, it’s a ghost if you can win! The ultra-long-range artillery fire rate of the Allies was not fast, and the number was not too large, but it still caused great pressure on the German army. The heavy artillery shells that flew from time to time were a catastrophe every time they landed. Everyone outside feels deep fear. Under the long-term suppression of long-range heavy artillery, most of the German 150MM and 210MM howitzers dare not stay in one place for a long time.

Although the German Army is equipped with a K09 150MM long-range cannon, this kind of thing is too weak for a train gun with perfect position protection. Moreover, the number is too small, and the range has no advantage, so it is very difficult to fight.

Fortunately, apart from the relatively limited number of train guns, the French artillery is still dominated by 75MM artillery. The tactics are basically the artillery bayonet and fast shooting at close range. This tactic does not seem to be powerful, at least so far. From morning to now, the French’s two rounds of attacks have been easily smashed. Although the heavy howitzer troops must always be on guard against the train artillery attack, as long as the artillery of certain anti-incline positions or shelling dead ends can be used to block the French The gun attack is still enough.

But soon, the real test came. "The French are also equipped with a lot of tanks. The quantity and quality of their tanks are not bad. This is our biggest threat." Looking at the Renault tanks that appeared on the horizon. With the FT10 armored vehicle, a frontline officer's face was slightly pale.

A dozen FT10 armored vehicles and more than 20 Renault armored echelons launched a straight attack front line. Behind them is a large number of French infantry, along with some 75MM rapid-fire guns. Compared with the French army in history, the French tactics did not seem to have changed except for the addition of some armored units, but that was it, so that the Germans could not eat it!

The offensive team always has the advantage over the defending team. The offensive team can choose the time and location of the attack, and can concentrate its forces. If the situation is wrong, it can be slowed down, change the configuration and then fight again. In places where there is no danger to defend, the advantage of the defender is very limited, especially when the long-range artillery is suppressed, the frontline replenishment divisions can only use their own equipment to deal with the French.

At a distance of 600 meters, the German Army’s 77MM rapid-fire gun began to fire, and a round flew towards the advancing French tank. One of the Renault infantry tanks was directly hit. The violent explosion directly reduced the weight of this vehicle to no more than 6 tons. The tank was restored into a pile of parts, but soon, the exposed replenishment position was attacked by the 37 guns of Renault tanks and the 75MM rapid-fire guns of FT10 tanks. The French rapid-fire guns had the advantage of fire speed at this moment. The performance was vivid and vivid. Within one minute, dozens of shells fell on the exposed gun positions. After a burst of fire, the entire artillery position was wiped from the position.

Everything that happened later was repeating this process. The concealed 77MM rapid-fire gun had the opportunity to take advantage of several French tanks, but it would soon be killed by the concentrated firepower of the French armored forces. After the short answer, the Germans Almost the same number of tanks were replaced with the same number of anti-tank guns. The exchange ratio is not ugly, but the problem is that the number of 77MM rapid-fire guns on a line of defense is too small, the anti-tank guns on my side are gone, and there are still a lot of tanks on the opposite side!

The rest of the battle was overwhelming, and the weak beating of the machine gun bullets sent a little spark on the armor plate of the French tank. Then it was easily clicked off by the 75MM gun. Some mortar positions are longer alive, but they are only alive, and have little effect on the situation of the battle. When the two magic weapons of the German machine gun and artillery to defeat the enemy are finished, the German army will be tactically the same as the French. Level up....

"Let the 7th Armored Battalion attack. Since I'm here, I can't let this line of defense be broken." Kruger thought for a while and said.

Armored vehicles and No. 1 tanks produced by Krupp and Rheinmetall appeared from the rear of the position. This is the first time that the French have seen German armored units appear on such a large breastplate The cavalry and the German Teutonic Knights finally carried out the first large-scale armor collision.

Boom boom boom. The sound of the 37MM rapid-fire gun sounded. Unlike the Bavarian armored forces, the German armored units generally emphasize speed and lightness. After all, they need to cross the entire Belgium to fight in France, so the so-called artillery equipped on the tank is also the 37MM gun, and the French Renault tank It's almost a level, this kind of tank has no problem with infantry, but it is a bit difficult to fight FT10 armored vehicles.

There is no armor-piercing projectile in this era, and armor-piercing is based on kinetic energy. However, the muzzle velocity is less than 300 meters. The 37 guns that can almost be described as grenade are enough to deal with Renault tanks. The FT10 tank with additional steel plates can be suspended. As for armored vehicles? These things that only have machine guns can only play soy sauce in armor battles.

This was the first armored confrontation in World War I. The tactics played by the two sides were extremely crude. Almost all armored personnel on both sides directed their weapons at the nearest opponent and fired vigorously. From time to time, a chariot was hit and caught fire. In this battle, the French Renault performed better than the No. 1 tank, at least they used the long-barrel 37 gun, which had higher muzzle velocity and better penetration! The 37MM gun equipped on the No. 1 tank is almost the original British 1-pounder, and it has no drum. Because space does not allow.

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