The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 730: Blood and Fire Chapter

The 48 bombers were divided into 16 groups to bombard the Russian rear artillery positions and logistics supply points. This unprecedented method of attack instantly stunned the Russians. They didn’t know how to deal with it, and could only watch one. The bombers poured tons of bombs on the ground, and then turned the artillery pieces and mountains of materials into a sea of ​​flames.

If you look from the air, more than a dozen black areas have appeared behind Russia. This is the bombed and burned position. In the khaki and green wilderness, this kind of spot foretelling death is so eye-catching. And when the first wave of bombing was over, before the bombers returned, the second wave of bombers had arrived, once again sending death and fear to the terrified Russians.

Rutgers felt a sense of powerlessness for the first time. Even in the Russo-Japanese War, he was not as desperate as he was today when facing the Japanese frontal pig charge and flank roundabout. The pillars of fire and gunpowder rising near and far made him subconsciously. He thinks he should do something, but under the swift and violent air strikes from the opponent, he can do very little. These planes won't mind using machine guns to slaughter the crowds together after they have killed the artillery positions.

Whenever the officers below want to refocus the team, a bomber from the sky will use intensive machine gun fire to disperse them! After leaving dozens of horrible corpses on the ground, the Russians who escaped from the tiger’s mouth will never try to concentrate again. Even if the officer lashed out with a whip and threatened with a pistol, these guys who have turned from soldiers to cowards We would only shiver in a certain corner holding their heads. Before the Germans attacked the front, the Russian backup system had collapsed!

While the bombers were still flying in the air, the long-range artillery of the Bavarian Legion began to show off. They did not waste precious shells on the front line of defense of the Russians. These hastily arranged lines should be handed over to the first line of troops. The artillery shells began to sweep Russia's remaining long-range artillery positions one by one, and at the same time began to block the roads, thereby isolating the breakthrough area from the entire position.

Along with the roar of 210MM heavy artillery, the Bavarian Army’s first deep breakthrough finally kicked off. Artillery of various calibers blasted the Russian positions from far or near! In the face of the powerful 100KG heavy grenade, the so-called bunker is nothing more than a ridiculous trick. The storm of flames and shrapnel from the explosion of the heavy bomb easily blasted the trenches into deep pits. Whether it is a person or a temporary civil structure bunker, it will inevitably turn to ashes.

Amid the roar of artillery fire and the roar of the engine, a torrent of steel brushed with German ash began to rush towards the Russian position! The first line was easily shattered, but in the second line, the 3-inch rapid-fire gun deployed by the Russians in front was still an offensive force which brought a certain impact. Lieutenant Colonel Hart ran into a line of defense with three rapid-fire gun companies. The slender artillery was sprayed with flames, and a 3-inch shell exploded in the offensive formation.

"If the opponent's gun positions are more concentrated and the two wings are protected, it can still have some impact on us." But trouble is only trouble after all. Huck, who is very proficient in defense, naturally guides how to break through such a line.

Three Vespa-style assault guns with additional armor appeared in front of the Russians. At a distance of 700 meters, the Russians leaned wildly at them with a rain of bullets. The heavy steel plate bounced a round of shells from time to time, as if The Vespa chariot in crisis began to retreat and released a cloud of smoke. When the Russian shelling became sparse, it occasionally appeared from the smoke or behind the bunker and fired two shots.

The accuracy of attacking moving targets from 700 meters away is inherently low, not to mention that the artillery is not powerful enough to penetrate. The opponent played very flexibly after using the smoke screen and rock mass, constantly attracting the attention of the Russians. On the other side, after several rounds of flat firing of 150MM self-propelled howitzers, three rapid-fire guns at a support point turned into burning ruins, a team of cricket tanks finally passed through, and they smoothly circled to the front position. From the side, began to slaughter the Russian artillery positions from the side!

A series of 2-pound shells rang out from behind, which completely disrupted the Russians' line. They didn't know how many people got around behind, and they didn't know if there were teammates around them insisting on facing the Japanese. The Russians are not doing very well, and this time they are faced with a brand new armor penetration, so the entire defense system collapses instantly. There is no minefield and linearly arranged war defense guns want to defend against the attack of superior armored forces. impossible.

In more than 20 minutes, Huck smashed the second line of the Russians. The tracks of the chariot were crushed from the trenches and the corpses of the Russians, leaving traces of blood. Huck did not even put it down. Motorized infantry let them capture prisoners, because in his opinion, it was a matter for the people behind, and he did not have time to capture these guys.

The combat effectiveness of the Donetsk Division has actually been exhausted. The frustration at the start of the war to the current focus of bombing, and the initial blow of the two assault groups, although there is still a lot of troops remaining, these people are already scared. . UU Reading can no longer fight. If they are lucky, they can return to the rear or the Russians can regain control of the battlefield, they can still gather these remnants, but now, they can only tremble in a corner. Waiting to die or be captured.

However, the other two divisions of the Russians were also engaged in the battle at this time. They were always full of people. One of the fronts was actually concentrated with 8 infantry battalions. Under the guidance of a small number of cavalry, Russian soldiers in gray uniforms flocked like a tide. Two assault groups, trying to rely on the crowd to flood the opponent.

In addition to the 3-inch run, the so-called anti-armor weapons in the hands of these Russian soldiers are nothing more than a bundle of grenades. God knows how effective these things are after being thrown away, and whether these grenade-throwing soldiers can still see the sun tomorrow.

An assault group has only 50 tanks and a dozen armored vehicles and half-tracked vehicles. Watching the crowd rushing over, whether it is the armored Mike or the firefighting captain Hart, they are a little faint. Before they know it, they have gone deep. After the opponent's position was 20 kilometers away, at 3 o'clock that afternoon, they finally collided with a large number of Russian infantry.

The so-called ignorant are fearless. Historically, French soldiers could face the Germans’ machine guns and artillery and patted them to death in a dense formation. On this plane, facing the German armored forces they had never seen before, Russian soldiers could still use Mosinner. The launch of Gan's rifle and a grenade seemed to the Germans to be a desperate charge.

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