The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 726: Outpost II

There is another difference between an encounter and a positional warfare, that is, the two sides have relatively concentrated combat forces. If it is a positional warfare, if a division’s defense line is broken through after a certain point is broken, it is difficult to quickly mobilize reinforcements from other defense lines, because Your front is a broad curve, like a snake, hitting you a bit in the middle, it is difficult to look at the head and tail.

But encounters are different. The Donetsk Division's subsequent 10 battalions of infantry can be continuously supplemented. A Russian division has 20,000 people, and Mike's Lancer assault group is a regiment-scale combat unit. , Even if there are 20,000 people on the opposite side to let you kill, you have to kill for a while!

After receiving the news of the front-line crisis, Gross also realized that something was wrong. At the beginning of the war, the level of Russian officers was still good, and there were some high-level people among them. Gross was one of them. He quickly realized Until the original Russian simple infantry and increased artillery tactics had no effect on such a force that had never been seen before. So he chose a tactic that most Russian legions would use, which is to kill you with numbers. What do you say? Quantity itself is also a quality!

Gross ordered the following infantry units to prepare to press on. At the same time, the artillery of the division was also preparing to deploy. He shortened the force of the entire division to only about 6 kilometers in front and 4 to 5 kilometers in depth. At the same time, immediately reported to the headquarters and friendly forces on the flanks, requesting reinforcements.

At this time, the four battalions of Russian infantry listed at the beginning of the battlefield have been beaten out of oil. The troops supporting Mike also arrived on the battlefield, and the reconnaissance airship flew through the air again, telegraphing the situation of the entire battle to Lieutenant General Schmidt.

"The entire Donetsk division has shrunk into one regiment, and the Russian division in the second wave of attacks has also begun to move closer to it. First, there are two cavalry divisions, then an infantry division, adjacent to the 17th of the Fifth Army. The division also began to move closer. But as long as our main force launches an offensive, I am afraid that no one except the two cavalry divisions can join with the Donetsk division before it is annihilated." The chief of staff told Lieutenant General Schmidt. Said.

Schmidt’s first reaction was that the Russians’ reaction was quite fast. Once something happened, he knew what to do. The second reaction was that if they brought it to the door, then he wouldn’t have to go to them again! The bombers in their hands are still useless. Fighting on this battlefield close to you is obviously better for you. There is another assault division behind him, and there is an assault division on both wings. In terms of the efficiency of force concentration, the Bavarian Army is higher. If it can attract more Russian troops to this meat grinder, wouldn't it be better?

Of course, the decision of this campaign level still has to be consulted by Ruprecht. This is not a matter of one or two divisions. It will be over after the fight. From the current situation, there are at least two infantry divisions and two cavalry divisions. How much else the Russians can throw into it depends on the situation!

"The second and third assault divisions can postpone the offensive and wait for the arrival of the follow-up troops. My immediate first assault division will be able to block the attack of 4 to 5 Russian infantry divisions. When the Russian army is concentrated, we can proceed. A large-scale attack!" Schmidt wrote in another telegram to Ruprecht.

"The first assault division carried out as planned, and the two assault divisions on the flanks continued to intersect, attacking the Russian rear supply line." The prince's call back was also straightforward, but he decided to play a bigger one. At this time, if you start from Lodz and draw a line to connect with Schmidt’s troops, then this line is exactly the dividing line between the Russian Fifth and Sixth Army Groups. The joint is beaten, and the Russians will naturally Don't dare to take it lightly, either retreat and shrink the line of defense, if you can't retreat, kill it and defend it.

Leaving aside the Russian Sixth Army, the Fifth Army is simply sandwiched between Łódź and Kravko. If the Russian Fifth Army dared to transfer an army to the protruding part, then the direction of Kravko would inevitably be great. Loopholes. If this is the case, the Leopold Army, which has limited assault capabilities, can quickly assault, and then complete the encirclement of the Fifth Army without any interference!

This is a group army. There are nearly 5 armies, 10 infantry divisions, and attached cavalry divisions and artillery units, which add up to nearly 200,000! If this is over, it is definitely more classic than the battle of Tannenberg in history! Such a huge temptation was placed in front of the prince, he could not refuse it anyway!

The only problem now is that the Russians are not hooked! Therefore, the Donetsk division must not be eaten right away, and it also has to give the Russians a feeling that they can win by working hard! Otherwise, who will continue to invest in a battle that is bound to lose?

The first assault division that had been deployed did not immediately eat the decoy. The troops on the two wings were just waiting for the arrival of the opponent, while the subsequent artillery and infantry units began to replace the Lancer units that had fought for nearly a day. Armored units are naturally still on the field, but infantry units can be rotated to a certain extent.

While the first assault division is preparing to attract the opponent's attack the assault divisions on the two wings continue to look for space to intersperse. This is another change of the prince's combat plan. If you want an army to completely lose its mobility, then you have two options. The first is to encircle! Let the opponent be unable to walk, and another way is to kill the opponent's logistics and make the enemy unable to walk! The Russian logistics line is definitely the best choice. Their logistics is completely dependent on horses and carts, so the transportation distance is very close. They need to transport supplies to the front line from military stations. If these military stations can be unplugged, then The Russian army on the front line is waiting to be trapped to death!

"The core of mobile operations lies in the fact that troops continue to gain advantages in movement. Even if some fronts can be stopped for special needs, other troops must continue to move! Turn mobile advantages into tactical advantages!" Ruprecht said in his own It was written in the diary.

The distribution of the 10 divisions of the Russian Legion on the front is somewhat loose. In addition, there is no aerial reconnaissance, so the perception ability will be further reduced. Now, when the Russians decide to concentrate a large number of troops at one point, then between the troops The air strikes will inevitably be enlarged, giving the assault divisions space for interspersed. In history, when the German First and Second Army found that their gap was too large, the first reaction was to quickly retreat and shrink the front. This time, the Russians did not realize this. They believed that their forces were extremely powerful. It doesn’t matter if the opponent is interspersed, but because of this problem, they planted the seeds of failure!

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