The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 723: Go to war!

"Your Excellency, the German Empire and the Austro-Hungarian Empire have declared war on Russia and Serbia. The Austrian Emperor himself sent a telegram requesting the Bavarian Army to launch an offensive as planned." A staff officer said with the telegram just received.

"Understood, you can go down first." Ruprecht said calmly. Then he and Prince Leopold and others made final adjustments to the offensive that was about to start.

"The Russians had bet almost all of their capital from the very beginning. From Galicia to Silesia to East Prussia, the Russians deployed a total of 8 armies! There are 1.3 million offensive troops that can be used alone! A total of four armies from the first to the fourth were crushed in Galicia. It is estimated that they will use Lviv as the axis of attack."

"We have two armies in front of us, the Fifth and Sixth Army. This unit is commanded by Grand Duke Nikolaevich. He has 20 infantry divisions in his hand, and more than 5 cavalry divisions, nearly 400,000 troops. , And 920 artillery, it is considered a relatively strong group army in the German army, but compared with the regular German forces, they are still far behind. There is no information on the air force and the train artillery unit."

"The situation of Mackensen in the north is not very good. They are facing the seventh and eighth Russian army groups. Although nominally, Mackensen has 15 infantry divisions, 4 of them are fortress garrisons. The field capability is limited. And they are facing an offensive from a total of 20 infantry divisions in the two Russian armies. By the way, there are 6 cavalry divisions."

"How long can we finish preparations?" Ruprecht asked.

"Today is April 5, 1912. We can launch an offensive on April 8, and the Air Force can launch an offensive today." Calipute said.

"Wait a little longer, stock up more ammunition and all kinds of supplies, we will crush the Russians!" Ruprecht said, if nothing happens, you are ready to return to your posts!

According to the pre-war arrangement, Ruprecht was in charge of the Bavarian Army, Baron Schmidt was in charge of commanding the first wave of three assault divisions, and Calypte was in charge of commanding the subsequent rapid army and ordinary divisions. Prince Leopold was in charge of commanding the Bohemian Moravia Army. The former was the main force for breakthroughs and the latter was a limited attack.

The entire Bavarian regiment spread out along the Silesia region and launched a centripetal assault on Lodz. The three assault divisions of the First Assault Army commanded by Baron Schmidt were deployed in the forefront, and then the first rapid commanded by Calypte The two divisions of the Army and the Second Rapid Army, a total of five divisions, are deployed in a stepped rear. The remaining two Bavarian general armies are deployed on the third line, two of which are used to maintain contact between the Bavarian Army and the Prince Leopold Army. Finally, the forces of the remaining 2 assault divisions and 2 rapid divisions belong to the headquarters to deal with special situations.

And Prince Leopold’s Bohemian Army revolved around Krakow. The princes of the two rapid divisions have the ability to launch limited breakthrough operations. But generally speaking, defense and short assaults are the main focus. And when necessary, to block Russian reinforcements coming from the east!

At the same time, the huge Bavarian Army has spread out on the vast Bode Plain. More than 300,000 troops have formed a huge arrow, which is like a siege cone and pointed directly at the Russian Fifth and Sixth Army Groups. Thousands of various chariots formed the sharpest spearhead of this siege cone, behind them were hundreds of thousands of infantry and artillery. The fire net composed of thousands of artillery of various calibers and thousands of machine guns can completely crush all the enemies you encounter into pieces!

The Munich reconnaissance airship flew over the assembled Bavarian legion at an altitude of 2,000 meters. The captain, Major Ross, once used such a sentence to describe what he saw. "At this moment, I saw the ultimate combination of industrial civilization and the art of human warfare! A new generation of Teutonic knights slowly entered the battlefield with mounts made of steel and technology. They are like heavy cavalry of the old age, like a king over the world. The king! A large number of armored vehicles, trucks, and self-propelled artillery support troops are like loyal and powerful knights and guards gathered around the armored troops. An offensive like a torrent of steel is about to unfold, and they will be washed down like a flood of destruction. Everything encountered!"

3 assault divisions deployed three wedge attack formations on the front of a width of 80 kilometers. The roar of thousands of engines resounded through the entire assembly. When thousands of vehicles of various types were running on the highway or in the wilderness, the vibration of the earth could be felt even from far away. A variety of new regiments composed of weapons that have never appeared on the battlefield before have appeared. It heralds that human war civilization has entered a new stage, an era in which steel and engines are used to replace infantry and horses!

At the same time, Nikolayevich, who was on the other side of the border, also brought nearly 400,000 troops to the battlefield. An advance force composed of cavalry from three divisions spread out in the main offensive force, advancing quickly like an incoherent The Russian Cossack cavalry, like their predecessors, still rely on speed to perform attacks. And reconnaissance missions, these guys who came and went without a trace in previous wars are eager to reproduce the glory of their ancestors and show off in the land of Germany.

The 20 infantry divisions of the Russians formed two relatively parallel fronts. Among them, the first wave of infantry of the 10 divisions spread out on the front with a width of 180 kilometers. The 10 divisions proceeded side by side, advancing like a wall at a speed of 15 to 20 kilometers per day. They gave up the usual tactics of concentrating troops on one point breakthrough. Instead, it uses a multipoint attack.

"According to our intelligence, the Germans did not build too many fortifications in Silesia. And their strength is less than ours, no more than 300,000 troops. If we concentrate our forces on the attack, then the Germans will use them instead. The firepower superiority of the United States focused on killing us, so we used decentralized operations to disperse the firepower of the other party. At the same time, I also prepared enough reserve teams to block the German assault.” Nikolaevich said in his own His thoughts are described in his report.

"The Russians are coming!" The reconnaissance airship Munich overlooked the entire battlefield from an altitude of 3,000 meters. The gray torrent of countless Russian soldiers began to think about the western advance, soldiers wearing gray officers, cavalry and heralds running back and forth, And the Russian army composed of artillery and heavy-duty troops at the end of the line was messy like moving ants.

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