The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 717: Countdown to war

"Ruprecht, Ferdinand has gone to Bosnia and Herzegovia again. He really does not forget Serbia. It seems that the future war is likely to start in Serbia. And this time it seems that he I won’t be back to Vienna again in a short time.” In the Prague Palace, the former residence of the King of Bohemia, Princess Mary gave Ruprecht the latest imperial development. Then said.

"Really? Is there anything new in Vienna?" Ruprecht turned around and asked.

"The fronts in Galicia and the Kolpathians to the east will be in charge of Conrad. You are in charge of the Bohemian Moravia line, and Crown Prince Ferdinand seems to be in charge of the Balkan line." Princess Mary thought. Want to say.

"Up to now, Fritz is still preparing for a two-line war?" Ruprecht couldn't help shook his head and said. It is now 1911, although the preparations of the Austro-Hungarian Army have been similar in the past few years. For example, two of the four combined force-class battleships of the Navy have been in service, and the remaining one will be in 1911. Joined the Navy sequence at the end of the year, and the Austro-Hungarian fleet and the Turkish Navy also reached a cooperation agreement. The maritime situation in the Mediterranean is much better.

In terms of the army, the Austro-Hungarian Empire also activated its armament system ahead of time. At least on the Austrian side, the equipment level of the Austro-Hungarian army is generally better than in history. After the outbreak of the First World War, the bronze artillery will still be needed. Pushing to the front line, although the number of heavy artillery is still scarce, at least the three-inch rapid-fire guns and machine guns at the division level are more than the Russians. As for Hungary, although their equipment has not changed much, their military strength has increased to a certain extent.

But even so, Ruprecht is still not optimistic about the situation of the Austro-Hungarian Army, because while the Austro-Hungarian Army is stronger than in history, the opposite Russian Army has also become stronger. The movement of the Russians to move a large number of Poles could not hide from anyone. The increase of border troops was also seen by the Allies. Looking at the long series of numbers and serial numbers in the intelligence, even Xiao Maoqi felt it. Some heads are tingling.

In his letter to Ruprecht, he mentioned Russia’s military strength in Poland more than once. He asked whether the Bavarian Army could complete the scheduled mission and also requested that Ruprech be in a crisis in the East Prussian Army. Special can first pull the German colleagues, and then manage the Austro-Hungarian Empire... After all, in Xiao Maoqi's plan, the Eighth Army has to face two Russian Army Groups. The size of the former is about the same as in history, but the size of the latter seems to have increased a lot. The number of infantry divisions is expected to exceed 20!

And just as the Russians increased their forces in a big way, even Xiao Maoqi felt that the Eastern Front was not so stable. The Austro-Hungarian Empire still wanted to clean up the two sides together, which was a bit suspicious. As a good son-in-law of Fritz, Ruprecht has repeatedly mentioned that the Austro-Hungarian army should be gathered to block the first wave of Russian offensives, but none of them succeeded, so that the prince was puzzled. Where is so much confidence?

"This is actually more of a political purpose. Ferdinand wants to gain enough political capital in this war, but what kind of capital can be better than destroying a country on the battlefield? William II has already spent time. It is set for September 1912. Ferdinand might want to get rid of Serbia before the outbreak of the war.” Princess Mary thought for a while and said.

"It's all an illusion. If Austria-Hungary takes action against Serbia, then Russia will inevitably join the war, and Russia's participation in the war will inevitably lead to a full-scale confrontation between the Allies and the Allies. Even if the Russians are not ready, they will still fight this war!" Precht sighed. It seems that everything needs to be prepared in advance. Maybe, before next September, war will break out.

"Do you think Ferdinand can beat Serbia in the Balkans?" Princess Mary asked.

"If there are no accidents, I'm afraid it won't work. Although his strength has two legions on paper, the rate of equipment integrity and full manpower is still not ideal. Of course, and more importantly, I have never been against the Austro-Hungarian Army. Have too much hope, really, I'm not joking, or deliberately making you angry." Looking at the princess who has pouted her mouth to express her dissatisfaction, Ruprecht can only express his apologies again and again. But even so, it is impossible for him to say against his will how strong the Austro-Hungarian Army is.

In fact, Fritz really wanted to start the war ahead of time, and solve the thorny thorn in Serbia before the outbreak of the war. In his letter to the Austrian and German emperors, he wrote: "The Russians have not completed the final war. Prepare, if it is only a war between the Austro-Hungarian Empire and Serbia, the Russians may not dare to intervene. In that case, why don't we solve an important enemy before the war begins?"

I have to ask if there is any reason for this. It definitely makes sense. After all, it has only been five years since the end of the Russo-Japanese War, and the Russians really have not fully recovered their energy. Even the entire Allied Powers delayed the outbreak of the war. In the view of the Allied Powers, the Russians were 80% sure that they would not go to war with Germany and Austria at the same time because of the Serbian But how can I say that if there is no war, it does not mean The Russians never thought of countermeasures.

In a room on the outskirts of Belgrade, the windows are covered by gray curtains. The table in the middle of the room is covered with a black tablecloth. On the left side of the tablecloth is a book, and the right side is full of Pistol with bullets.

"For the national independence and unity of Yugoslavia! We will dedicate everything we have!" the members sitting around the table shouted. While sitting in the upright position, always hiding himself in the shadow, the person raised his hand to signal everyone to be quiet.

"Now, the Yugoslav nation has reached the most critical moment. The demons from the north want to calm our motherland and start a war when our motherland is still weak, while our allies in the east are photographed by the German sabers and hesitate, so , We need to take action to stifle the war behavior of the enemy in the north in the cradle!" The leader said firmly.

"Fritz must die. He is the commander-in-chief of the Austro-Hungarian army. As long as he dies, the entire Austro-Hungarian army will be without a leader. All the crises facing Serbia will be solved, and only a few years later, there will be an ally in the east. The establishment of Greater Serbia is just around the corner! History will prove that everything we do is worthwhile!” So, an assassination conspiracy began to be brewed in Belgrade, and this conspiracy even turned into a storm that swept the entire Balkans and even the world!

The third one is here~~~! War is about to break out! ! !