The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 691: Improved Western Route Strategy One

"You mean Princess Mary won the title of Grand Duke of Moravia in Bohemia?" Prince William said in shock.

"Yes, your Highness, if nothing happens, the formal canonization will be completed within 2 months. Princess Mary will be the real power prince, responsible for all the internal affairs and military affairs of Bohemia Moravia. But she has no rights in Parliament. "Prime Minister Biao Luo replied.

"It really made him do it." Although the Kaiser on the side was calm on the surface, his heart was shocked. Is there any deep meaning in this? But now, the German Emperor obviously has no time to consider these things. The German Empire and him have more important things to do, and that is the reform of the German military system.

It’s a little more than 4 years now, which is not long, but it is definitely not short. If we can seize this time, the German military will be greatly improved. And now, Xiaomoqi and Ruprecht are discussing the reform of the German military system.

"The reform of the military system must match the strategy. It seems that your majesty and you still think that the best and fastest way to end the war is on the Western Front? Is that true?" Ruprecht asked.

"That's it. After winning on the Western Front, we solved the European problem once and for all. The German Empire will have no rivals. If we only win on the Eastern Front and tie on the Western Front, then sooner or later we will have a relationship with Britain and France. What's more, don't you have you on the Eastern Front now? I think it's enough." Xiao Maoqi said with a smile.

"If this is the case, I think the first thing the Western Front Army needs to do is to add a large number of trucks and semi-track vehicles. Whether it is tanks or aircraft, they need to consume a lot of resources. And what limits the speed of the troops on the Western Front is logistics. It is not very useful to improve the level of heavy equipment to improve the assault capability. Therefore, we must first ensure the number of trucks and railway soldiers. The former must ensure that each division has at least 120 1.5-ton vehicles. The military department must have an additional 150 A car, that is to say, an army, 40,000 people should have about 400 cars. If there are 1.2 million troops on the western front, then at least 12,000 trucks."

"Is this too much number?" Xiao Maoqi frowned and said. This number far exceeds the number of vehicles of the German army in history. You must know that the entire German army had only 4,000 trucks.

"It can only be more than this number, it can't be less than this number. Think about it. The group army closest to the north has to travel 350 to 400 kilometers in the enemy-occupied area. It is estimated that ordinary vehicles cannot withstand such high-intensity use. . And when you arrive in France, you will fight against the French army that is ready to fight. Do you know what I mean? If your division is equipped with additional armored units, then you need more vehicles. Each of our armored battalions is assigned A transportation and maintenance squadron with 80 vehicles was established. This only guarantees that the armored battalion can assault at a speed of 40 kilometers per day for 3 days."

Prince Ruprecht talked freely. Provide unreservedly what I have researched over the years. Armored assaults require more supplies, and the same is true for aviation units. Even the air force in the 1st war needs more supplies than the 2nd war, because the range of the 1st war aircraft is short. If it is the 2nd war, even if the BF109 has a shorter range, it will be equipped with one. After the 300L auxiliary fuel tank, it is also enough to carry out combat missions from Germany. But it's not possible now. If you want to play the role of fighters and bombers, the aircraft and complete sets of auxiliary equipment need to be advanced to a place no more than 150 kilometers away from the front, and then an airport is established...

The armored battle group and aircraft established by Ruprecht were not prepared for a quick plan at all. He was solely for the purpose of solving the Russian corps on the Eastern Front at the least possible cost. And if you want to be suitable for the Western Route, then the first design criteria must be changed. The core should be the following two points. First, increase the logistics supply capacity, which is simply to increase the number of trucks. And the second is to try to make the army have the most powerful combat effectiveness when supplies are limited.

It is impossible to increase the German army’s offensive speed as a whole, because the speed always depends on the slowest part. Bavaria can only guarantee that some troops will advance at a high speed. The fast corps can deal with low force density and equipment. The poor Russians are enough, but facing the speed of light, there are more than 4,000 French troops and a steady stream of British expeditionary troops, and they are fighting at their doorsteps. I am afraid that the situation will be very bad. And now it is obviously impossible to have a large-scale rapid army at the group army level.

"The most critical and most difficult thing is not the beginning, nor even the breakthrough of a series of Belgian and French border fortresses, including the Liege Fortress. The most difficult thing is that when your troops pass through Belgium and enter France, they will fight the French army. Time! At this time, the offensive troops have walked a 200-degree-kilometer railway, exhausted, and the logistics are still unknown, and you have to leave the railway line and walk 80 to 120 kilometers before you can enter the battlefield! And the other side is waiting, imagine, What a gripping situation!" Ruprecht said.

"The French will not fight us on the If this is the case, then it’s great. After a short break, you can go straight to A to win. If I were the commander-in-chief of the French army, After a sudden and rapid blow, I will choose to retreat and integrate the troops. After the British are in place, I will choose to fight in a wider front. And this time is our weakest time. And we have to do The point is to at least stabilize the front in this situation and move forward as much as possible."

"Don't think about the armored units. This thing is really powerful, but the number that can pass is not many. The most important thing is machine guns and artillery! In the future, the Prussian army responsible for offensive units must be equipped with as many truck guns and towed artillery as possible. This It is the force that can be relied upon. We can even gather these artillery pieces and rely solely on the road for rapid maneuvers.

"In terms of roads, while ensuring the railway, we should maintain several unblocked roads for the transportation of troops and supplies in the internal test. The army at the outermost end can be assigned to an independent rapid assault force, but they must carry less heavy artillery. They are the farthest distance," Ruprecht said.

"But in this case, it will cause insufficient attacking ability, and if Britain and France realize our ideas, they will also run to the beach, and then outflank our flanks as much as possible. If there is a problem with the flanks, we will have one or two armies. It may be dangerous." Xiao Maoqi said.

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