The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 678: Battle Three

"Little Moqi calculated me with the anti-aircraft position, and I can also use Schmidt's fast battle group to calculate Xiao Moqi! I really thought that the mobility and firepower of the two sides without the tanks were of the same grade? Are you kidding me?" Lu Precht said triumphantly.

"But if Mackensen can break through Schmidt's fast battle group, if our pliers break a piece, the situation will be different. This is still a bit risky." Calypte said.

"Schmidt's fast battle group is not as fragile as you think. The frontal defensive ability of the Hufeng assault guns located in the back row is amazing. As long as Schmidt shrinks the defense line, Mackensen will not be able to fight in a short time. You can also level the firing, and don’t forget, our long-range artillery can be supported at any time! There is also an air force! Three-layer insurance, if the rapid cluster still collapses, then I will accept my fate too!” Ruprecht said.

"Actually Mackenson is getting into the situation they want us to fall into. The only difference is that as long as our commander is sane enough, he won't go too deep into the opponent's position. Now Mackenson has no choice. May choose to retreat."

The actual situation is indeed the case. When Mackensen sends his Weasel anti-armor team and launches an infantry offensive, he is equal to all the players with his hole cards. The only thing he can do is wait, win or die! It is impossible for him to stop the attack, because the opponent is a force with a strong mobile force. If he wants to withdraw, the opponent will be dangerous in a counterattack. Schmidt’s fast group is like a tightening spring. Once the pressure is gone, then The consequences will be disastrous. And now, Mackensen can only hope that this wave can penetrate his opponent!

The fighting between the two sides has become fierce. With the support of the remaining armored vehicles and the weasel self-propelled artillery, the Prussian infantry jumped off the truck and launched a foot offensive, but at this time the roaring shells fell near the assembly point and just got off the vehicle. The infantry that had not yet been formed was stunned by the sudden artillery attack. The long-range artillery of the Bavarian Legion, which had been forbearing without doing anything, finally began to show off. The 150MM cannon and howitzer shells fell one after another, exploding huge craters in the open field. Half of the battalion was sentenced to losing combat effectiveness before seeing the opponent.

But most of the Prussian infantry units still rushed towards the target like a tide. Here they encountered a dense fire blockade like a volcanic eruption. Schmidt, who had realized that his strength was stretched, began to shrink the line of defense, and all the defense forces surrounded the rest. The armored units are deployed, and the power of the Hu Feng-style assault guns and self-propelled howitzers after leveling and firing is simply terrifying. A platoon or even a company was judged to have lost combat effectiveness in the continuous war of attrition.

Mackenson's troops began to roundabout and began to outflank. They successfully entered the flank of the defensive force, but the defensive system with ring support points as the core does not worry about the continuity of the defense line at all. Without smashing these hard walnuts, these firepower points can easily block most of Prussia with firepower. army. At this time, Mackenson's is like a leopard facing a hedgehog, he has already caught the opponent, but he can't speak...

"Come! Those vultures hovering in the air are finally here!" When the Black Hawk bomber appeared on the battlefield again, Mackensen's situation became even worse, 36 bombers! Ruprecht shot out all the bombers in his hand at once, and these planes carried the 18-ton bombs into the air, like a black death flying in the air, and began to harvest life! The roar of engines, the explosion of bombs, and the roar of hundreds of machine guns resounded throughout the battlefield. In the fire and explosion, Mackensen's troops continued to bleed.

"If it's actual combat, we might be able to harvest close to four-digit lives this time." Lieutenant Peter Lippel said leisurely looking at the panicked crowd on the ground like ants. He now enjoys the feeling of flying in the sky and dominating other people's lives. Although the air force is very hard and dangerous, this feeling is really good!

The first focus was on the heavy howitzers and mortar fire points left behind by Mackensen. The roaring bombers dropped tons of bombs in the target area and declared the destruction of an artillery company. Then the cars of the Prussian regiment were assembled. Point, without these cars, the Prussians can only rely on two legs to retreat. For these targets, the Black Hawks even disdain to use bombs to clean them up. They flew by less than 100 meters from the ground, like The pouring bullets formed a fire net covering the entire target area.

Watching the bomber diligently sweeping the ground not far away, a Prussian soldier tremblingly took out a cigarette, lit it, and took two puffs to make himself more calm. "Fortunately, this is just an exercise." After completing a round of blows to the primary target, the huge fleet began to disperse and start free safari. They chased the fleeing opponents like birds of prey.

"Infantry units have not lost too much, but our technical equipment and transportation tools have lost too much. If we do not withdraw, we may not be able to go." An officer said.

" we can't go now!" Just a minute ago, Mackensen received a reconnaissance report from the airship again. The Bavarian infantry battalion, which had completely broken through the front-line infantry position, began to move quickly towards his own Roundabout behind! At this point, the pincer attack formation planned by Ruprecht has entered the final stage. As the offensive troops and Schmidt’s troops were torn at close range, a large number of supporting firepower and transportation units were slaughtered by the black hawks from the air. How could the Prussian Legion, which had greatly reduced mobility, face a full 5 battalions rushing from the side Mechanized infantry?

At the end of the line, it is absolutely impossible to keep his hands. Ruprecht put in almost all the half-track vehicles. The three soldiers skillfully assumed a BMG05 machine gun on the half-track vehicles, and the other 4 soldiers carried them. This own weapon and extra ammunition box jumped onto the tank.

"Everyone, do well, our hunting journey has begun!" The driver in front jumped into the cab after speaking. With the roar of the engine, this half-tracked vehicle rushed out. More than 80 half-tracks were temporarily improved. The car started, followed by a large number of trucks and infantry. Like a big net, he went from the side to the back of the Mackenson Corps.

The imaginary fierce confrontation did not happen. After a defeat with Schmidt’s forces, the stray Prussian regiment that was bombed by bombers was exhausted and plunged into chaos. The final battle was almost Harvest. Apart from showing the rapid movements of the Bavarian Army, there is nothing remarkable.

The third one is here~~~! Please subscribe for a reward~~~!