The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 671: Attack begins

The advent of night did not stop the confrontation between the two sides of the war. Although night fighting is prohibited to prevent large-scale accidental injuries, it does not prohibit the preparations of both sides. Now, both sides are sitting and preparing for the second day of the war. The quality of the Prussian army is still excellent. In just two hours, the 6 battalion’s replenishment and the 8th company’s artillery were dispatched to the attack position. Behind them, there were the other 8 battalions of infantry. It is already all the frontline forces that a Prussian division can hold. Mackenson's mobile units are located on the flanks of the entire map cluster, and they are not involved in the first wave of offensive.

A 75MM artillery was towed by horses or vehicles to the designated position. The artillery was only 800 meters away from the opponent’s guard position, while the engineers and pioneers were closer to the opponent. They had detoured back to a distance of 300 meters, and at this distance The reason why they have not been discovered is more important because what they are facing is only an incoherent line of defense composed of one guard post and a few support points. This position is like a probe, responsible for sensing the opponent's attack.

The real trouble is those 150MM heavy howitzers, which were originally deployed behind the second line of defense. They need to advance 4 kilometers to meet the new strike requirements, but this also shortened their distance from the first line to 4 thousand. About meters. "We can see the artillery position behind when we stand on the high ground on the front line, and there is no obstacle between our front line and the artillery position." Hindenburg said with some worry. He now began to wonder whether it was the right choice to let the large-caliber howitzer leave the long-established artillery position.

There are some things that can’t be seen without actually walking. When the entire Prussian army was about to move forward, Xiao Maoqi and others discovered that the entire defense line seemed to be very fragile. Xiao Maoqi even had some illusions that he returned to Napoleon. In the era, the two sides played in line to shoot the feeling, the entire formation lacked depth, lack of concealment and defense.

"So my mobile corps must not be exposed in advance. This is the last guarantee for our rear artillery positions and logistics units. We can do this." Mackensen said as he drew a line and a few points on the map, we took After getting off the opponent's security position, the rapid-fire artillery units should not be too far forward. We gathered them and stuck in these positions to form a back security line. "

"If the opponent attacks from here along the road, we can rely on the constructed position to counterattack. If the opponent bypasses, their sides will be exposed within the range of my fast army attack."

"What about the Bavarian Army aircraft?" Hindenburg asked.

"There is no way, this is originally an injury-for-injury play." Mackensen replied simply.

"Well, we have done our best. The only thing left is to wait." Xiao Maoqi sighed and looked at the Venus who had already risen from the horizon. The Prussian army, after exhausting all night, finally completed its pre-war deployment. Before the official start of the war, they can use this time to take a break.

When the sun filled the ground again, the Prussian Army's attack officially began. The first wave of four infantry battalions under the cover of the front line rapid-fire guns and howitzers launched an attack against the Bavarian Army cordon, the company was a mortar company. Fired smoke bombs, the engineers rushed to a position several hundred meters away under the cover of intensive firepower with various tools, and then used steel tongs to break the barbed wire, and use the detonating cord to remove the mines, and the subsequent infantry followed the engineers. The road opened quickly moved forward.

The Bavarian regiment reacted very quickly. Under the guidance of the frontline observation post, it began to intercept and shoot the Prussian regiment. The long-range artillery at the rear also began to try to suppress the rapid-fire guns and howitzers deployed by the Prussian regiment at the front. Amid the roar of artillery fire, the two sides launched the first large-scale ground confrontation.

"Hindenburg Mackensen really has a set." After looking at the Prussian army's offensive posture marked with a red arrow on the huge sand table, Ruprecht also had to admit that the opponent did indeed do it at the tactical level. It is true that the fundamentalist attack theory emphasizes that all forces are concentrated on one point to launch an attack, breaking the stable structure of the enemy's position, and then expanding to the two wings and depth, but this theory is obviously not suitable for the current situation.

The Bavarian Legion’s cordon position only played a lagging role and was easy to break through. Therefore, in order to occupy the entire position as soon as possible, it is naturally the best choice to launch more attacks. Moreover, the Prussian artillery did not dare to concentrate too much under the threat of the Bavarian Air Force and heavy artillery units. Therefore, it is obviously the best way to decentralize support and increase direct firepower. On the one hand, it reduces the intensity of the opponent's attack, and on the other hand, it also adopts more efficient approach Range attack to enhance fire support.

"The air force and the armored corps can attack at any time." Calipute said.

"Look again, we need to grab the opponent's main force and let them enter the position." Ruprecht did not issue an offensive order. The air force seems to him to be super powerful, but requires a longer cooling time. Skills The straight-line distance of kilometers is nearly an hour, you say cheating is not cheating? Therefore, how to use precious bombs and time is an important issue. As for the temporary defense of ground troops, the fundamental reason is that Ruprecht cannot judge whether his opponent is a feint, so his main card cannot be easily thrown out.

Half an hour later, several reconnaissance planes of the Bavarian Air Force flew over the battlefield. Looking from the air, a large number of Prussian troops in gray uniforms poured into the newly occupied positions from multiple directions. The army that has entered the position quickly began to develop in depth on both sides. The breakthrough was from point to line and then to the surface. Some artillery units in the rear also moved forward. The soldiers hung their artillery on the front vehicle under the command of the officer. On, and then taken by the towing vehicle to the next forward position.

"The other side is building a new line of defense, and the artillery units at the rear are also beginning to press forward, but we still haven't seen the other side's armored vehicles and cavalry." A staff officer sent the intelligence that had just been sorted out.

"How many troops have they already entered the position?" Schmidt asked.

"About 4 battalions." An officer replied.

"This makes us very uncomfortable." Ruprecht smiled bitterly. A German division has about 16 battalions. In this exercise, the total number of Prussian infantry should be about 22 battalions, which is one-fifth. Less than one force. This force is still some distance from the prince's expectations.

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