The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 668: Sky Grim Reaper II

"God, those big birds have a wingspan of at least 15 meters! It's a miracle that these things can fly!" Duke Albert Hitt looked at the neat formation of Black Hawk bombers in the distance. Admiration.

As the plane flew closer and closer, more and more people on the viewing platform noticed these huge shadows passing through the sky. When the Emperor looked up and saw these epoch-making weapons, his face immediately became gloomy! He now finally knows why Prince Ruprecht dared to give the Prussian army such a big advantage. It turned out that they didn't plan to play with Xiao Maoqi on the ground at all!

"Damn it! Compared to these guys, our plane is like a kite!" The Kaiser cursed in a low voice. Airplanes are not an advanced thing anymore. The Kaiser has seen it a few times. He has seen Prussian airplanes flew up and down, and then swayed back and forth with hemiplegia, as if he had hemiplegia.

But look at other people’s planes! Fly so steady and fast! Moreover, it seems that there are still bombs hanging in the belly of the plane? More than one shot? ! Through the Zeiss 12x telescope in his hand, the Kaiser seemed to vaguely see the objects under the fuselage of the aircraft in the distance. The gray metallic luster made people feel scared.

This kind of own children are still leaving, and the feeling that other children can already help make soy sauce makes the Kaiser very unhappy, but there are some expectations in his heart. What if these things are really so easy to use? "It seems that the empire needs to form a new army." The German emperor said to the prince next to him.

"The situation is getting more and more interesting now." The Emperor Fritz on the side was also very interested in the shadows that were drawn in the sky. But he is not very sensitive to military technology. So he watched more with the attitude of watching the theater, and at the same time he began to reassess the military power of Bavaria and the benefits that it might bring to Austria-Hungary.

"Their goal is our artillery position! Damn! Where's our plane? Go and stop them!" The Prussian War Minister General Heilingen, who was sitting in a more outer position, was the first to realize the opponent's purpose, the so-called artillery conquest. The infantry occupied and the artillery was gone. How could this battle be fought? However, it is a pity that there is no concept of airborne warning and interception in this era. General Heilingen, even Xiao Maoqi could only stare blankly.

Amidst the shock, confusion and cheers in the audience, the Bavarian Black Hawks completed their first show. For the nobles of the Kaiser, this was just an eye-opener, but for the Prussian army on the exercise field, natural disasters have come!

In the exercise, bombs are to be thrown, and artillery shells are to be fired, but they cannot be fired. There is no laser aiming in this era, and there is no complicated electronic equipment to determine hits and destructions. Therefore, for the artillery, this relatively backward judging method is carried out in this way. An area is drawn next to the real artillery position. If you are serious, you can set up some signs or targets. If the opponent attacked, the survival rate of the artillery position was evaluated based on the damage and coverage of the target. Normal distribution, statistics, etc. have been around for a long time. Therefore, in theory, only the Black Hawks throw bombs into the pre-delineated area, even if they destroy the target.

However, such areas are generally not too far from the real position. Otherwise, it will lose the meaning of arrangement. And this time, the Prussian long-range artillerymen who are working hard in the rear can finally take a closer look at the power of the artillery's natural enemies!

The first squadron of the Bavarian Aviation Squadron chose a 150MM cannon position. This position has a total of 4 artillery guns with an interval of about 100 meters between them. At a distance of about 150 meters from the rear of the artillery, there is a position for the opponent’s shells and propellant. Behind is the team and horses and other chores. And their target position is less than 1,000 meters away from the artillery position. The entire artillery position came out of a clearing, and the constant spitting fire light exposed their position, so that Captain Huck, who led the navigator, thought that they could find these swaggering targets without detection...

"I am the first to drop bombs, everyone will follow." A small team of 9 bombers uses a fighting method like this. The crew of the three leading bombers is obviously the highest level. They are responsible for guiding the attack and delineating the attack. Range, in this era, don't think about diving and throwing bombs into a circle with a radius of XX meters. In areas of several thousand square meters, throwing bombs in is victory.

And the person who can be the captain of the flight squadron in this era has the same skill... No way, Rudel was trained in actual combat without actual combat! The three bombers flew over like a fret, gradually descending to an altitude of 200 meters, and then controlled their speed at about 60 kilometers per hour. They had just reached the lower limit of the later highways, but this speed has been called rapid in this era!

The roar of the artillery concealed the sound of the aircraft’s engines. When the first Prussian artillery noticed something wrong with his right side, Captain Huck had entered the bombing route with three bombers, and a group of aircraft lowered the altitude to 180 meters. From left to right, the captain lay on the sight Adjusted according to the flight course and speed. The moment the crosshairs of the sight crossed the wooden model, the captain pulled down the bomb handle.

Then, Captain Huck watched the bomb dangling in front of the target. With a loud noise, the huge explosion of the 100KG bomb blasted the wooden artillery model into pieces. "The process was tragic, and the result was good." Captain Huck comforted.

Three bombers threw three bombs in the air. As many as 15 high-explosive bombs and burned to the target area, leaving traces of flames and black smoke. Later, the bombers of the other two detachments began to draw. Bombs dropped in a certain area, also high-explosive bombs and incendiary bombs. In less than a minute, another six bombers tilted three tons of bombs against this area of ​​about 8,000 square meters. This data is in later generations. Not much, but now from the weight point of view, it is equivalent to about 70 rounds of 150MM shells, and from the damage effect, it is stronger than 170 rounds! On the one hand, the charge is large, and on the other hand, the napalm is too scary!

Semi-solidified gasoline can be said to burn what it encounters! Even plants with high water content are not immune to the rain. With the crackling sound of burning, the entire target area becomes a sea of ​​fire, and there is even a tendency to spread to the outside. The black ash quickly rushes under the action of the updraft. A huge plume of smoke formed in the sky, even Xiao Maoqi who was 5 kilometers away from the artillery position could see it!

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