The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 653: Annual performance

"If you just look at the budget, I really can't think that the Kingdom of Bavaria is just raising and supporting 5 armies!" His Majesty the Kaiser said after closing the German Empire's budget report for this year's army sent by Xiao Moqi the day before.

Compared with history, Germany's standing forces on this plane have further expanded. Historically, Germany had 25 armies at the beginning of the war, and now the German standing army and the reserve army that can be pulled out have reached 30! After two military expansions in Bavaria, the standing force has also reached 5 corps. How to put it, although the Bavarian Army has grown in a relatively large proportion, it is still within the tolerance of the Kaiser.

It stands to reason that the Bavarian Army is supported by the kingdom itself, and the Prussian military should not bother, but because the Kaiser discovered this time that the expenses of the 5 Bavarian Army is a bit big! 5 army actually spent 8 army money! This TM is too abnormal!

If someone says that Bavaria wants to rebel, it is absolutely impossible, without motivation and strength, but the curious baby Wilhelm II still wants to know where the Kingdom of Bavaria spends this money! After spending this money, is it really worth the money as Ruprecht said?

"Have you arranged for the 1907 annual exercise?" The Kaiser turned to ask.

"It has entered the final stage. The two sides of the exercise are Hindenburg’s Fourth Army and Markenson’s Eleventh Army. Both sides will draw out a division of about one force to launch an offensive and defensive battle. Hindenburg will be responsible for defense. General Mackensen was in charge of the offensive to test the combination of roundabout and frontal breakthroughs and the German army's ability to attack fortifications." Xiao Maoqi said.

"Why, in every major exercise, the two sides participating in the war are the troops of the Kingdom of Prussia?" The Kaiser said with deep meaning.

"Huh?!" Xiao Maoqi's face turned blue when he heard it, isn't this nonsense? Prussian military power dominates in the German Empire. Although the kingdoms of Württemberg and Saxony are kingdom troops, they are too small in number. They originally had one or two armies, so one division would participate in the military exercise? Besides, although these two countries are royal armies, their organization and equipment are the same as those of the Prussian Army. They are different from the complete independence of Bavaria. Since they are basically the same, then who is different?

Of course, because the question was made by the Kaiser, little Maoqi obviously had no guts to answer that way. When he answered this question while considering how to be tactful, the Kaiser spoke again.

"The Bavarian Legion already has 5 armies. If you look at the number of troops, it is close to one-sixth of the imperial army, but they have spent the military expenses that can arm 8 armies, and they have reached an agreement with the Austro-Hungarian Empire. , They will help the Austro-Hungarian Kingdom build a legion, and then this legion will fight side by side with the Bavarian legion during the war. In other words, during the war, Ruprecht will have two legions in his hands."

"Their position should be at the center of the Eastern Front. This is a very important position. The combat effectiveness of their army has a great impact on the entire Eastern Front and even the overall situation. Ruprecht wants to build a brand new army, but this What is the combat effectiveness of the army? I want to know. Do you know what I mean?"

"Well, your Majesty, what do you mean, you intend to let the Bavarian Army mobilize a force to participate in this annual exercise? But from the perspective of time and arrangement, it is too late. The force of a division entered East Prussia from Bavaria. I have to prepare for the exercise. Time is a bit tight. In addition, the Bavarian Kingdom Legion needs more heavy equipment. Transporting so much heavy equipment in peacetime is also difficult." Xiao Maoqi said with some embarrassment.

This is a time of peace. In other words, the Prussian military order does not exist. If you ask the Bavarian Army to leave the mainland and go to East Prussia for exercises, the other party can shirk it. And this time, the reason is very good. There is no time and no luck. The Germans made the feat of transporting 250,000 troops 800 kilometers in 11 days in World War I, but that was during wartime! Not a time of peace.

Xiao Moqi also estimated the maneuvering needs of the Bavarian army. Even if it is transported according to the equipment configuration given to him by the other party, Xiao Moqi believes that the transportation volume of a division of the Bavarian Army is about 1.5 times to 1.8 times that of the normal German division! There is not much difference between the numbers of the two sides, and the biggest difference is equipment. Among other things, a single division of the Bavarian Army has 350 vehicles of all kinds, which is enough to beat the Prussian division for several blocks. Take Hindenburg’s divisions as an example. A division can have around 120 trucks at most.

Transporting so many pieces of equipment and providing various supplies is a very troublesome thing for both Prussia and Bavaria in peacetime. And at this time, if you directly modify the plan without saying hello in advance, what will the other party think? Not to mention anything else, at least the unhappy is for sure.

"This is Ruprecht's business, isn't it? As long as he wants to come, then he will come. You can just re-plan the exercise plan, and then send an invitation letter to the latter to see their Opinion. Don't worry about the The Kaiser smiled and said, he didn't seem to worry about this matter.

"So if Bavaria is one of the players in the exercise, who will be the other side of the exercise, General Hindenburg and General Mackensen? How to divide the offense and defense between the two sides?" Xiao Moqi continued.

"These questions will be discussed later. In short, remember one thing. I don't want the Prussian army to lose. You can increase it moderately." The Kaiser was not sure about the combat effectiveness of the Bavarian Army. After all, this thing even made Rupp. Recht only knew that it would improve a lot, but how much it would improve is not even clear to the initiator. But the German emperor knew that the army's combat power was related to the consumption of money. After spending so much money, the combat power would never degenerate... The Kingdom of Bavaria is known for its advanced weapons and equipment, so the Kaiser is also somewhat guilty this time.

"What's this?" Little Moqi never thought that the annual exercise plan he had prepared for several weeks would be overturned by the Kaiser in one morning. He wanted to know what the emperor thought. But now, his best choice is to prepare immediately, which is not an easy process.

Is the Emperor of Germany on a whim? Obviously not! Perhaps William II did make a lot of fainting moves and his personality was flawed, but the level of a person who can handle Bismarck and sit on the throne for more than 20 years is generally average. The report Xiao Maoqi gave was just the last spark that detonated this idea.

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