The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 643: This is called Tyrant II

"This is the meaning of the First Minister of the Navy. He believes that what we need to do now is to further consolidate our quantitative advantages. It is not yet at the level of crushing our opponents in terms of quality and quantity. The main fleet must be strong enough. Decisive battle ability, and our funds are limited, so in addition to firepower and defense, the remaining performance can be sacrificed." Prince Louis said.

The Royal Navy is actually a civilian system. As the military’s minister of maritime affairs, the Royal Navy’s active-duty officers serve. But the Maritime Minister received restraint from the civil servants. That is to say, he is subordinate to the Secretary of the Navy, and the Secretary of the Navy can only be served by a civilian. This is why when the First World War broke out in history, Churchill could be the first Secretary of the Navy, and the British Royal Navy Marshal, Prince Louis Can only be the first maritime minister.

In history, the British did consider increasing the speed of the warship to 23 knots or more when designing the Orion-class super-dreadnought battleship, but later had to give up because of the cost issue. There was no way. Funds were limited. One ship might not be much worse. Try to make a dozen!

"In the future, our new super dreadnought battleship is not built to build 1, nor is it to build 4 or 5. We may build three levels at once, a total of 12 battleships! These battleships will become the Royal Navy for a long time. Cornerstone. We must ensure the decisive advantage of the main fleet. What's more, there are very few high-speed battleships built by the Germans, and all the battlecruisers under construction and under construction are only 4. Our current battlecruiser formation plus the upcoming future The ultra-dreadnought battlecruisers built were enough to suppress the Germans."

Prince Louis is far less radical than Fisher. He has always advocated ensuring the number and combat effectiveness of fundamentalist battleships, and the first minister of the navy meant the same as him. Judging from the information collected so far, there are not many fast warships in the German fleet, and the Germans still focus on building the main fleet. Therefore, Prince Louis is naturally unwilling to choose an overly aggressive high-speed warship plan, but chooses a moderately satisfactory plan. The match.

"Okay, but I will reserve my opinion." Fisher is very dissatisfied, but he knows that dissatisfaction is also dissatisfied. When the Secretary of the Navy and the Second Secretary of the Navy agree, his opinion is actually Not so important anymore.

"However, at least three new super-dreadnought battlecruisers must be built. This is the bottom line and the bottom line that cannot be changed!" Fisher said with excitement.

"Okay. Old man, take a long-term view. These 13.5-inch guns are just a transition of the Royal Navy. We will install larger-caliber guns for our warships in the future!" Prince Louis said.

"What do you mean?" Fisher said with a slight brow.

"Do you know? According to our intelligence, the Germans seem to be developing larger-caliber artillery. They may install 350mm guns for new warships. So the 13.5-inch artillery is just a stopgap measure. We need larger-caliber artillery in the future. The number of warships built will not be less than that of the first generation of super fearless.” Prince Louis said.

"Why don't I know about this?" Fisher asked rhetorically.

"This was obtained through a non-navy channel, you naturally don’t know, and the First Secretary of the Navy also fully agrees with the more powerful artillery, but this is a private statement, but the Secretary of the Navy has persuaded the Armstrong Artillery Factory to start. Research and develop a new generation of large-caliber naval guns, up to 2 years, our future 15-inch naval guns can completely blow enemy forces that appear on any sea level into pieces!” Prince Louis said proudly.

"Promise me, if that time comes, you must support my fast battleship plan!" Fisher said, holding the Prince's hand.

"Well, I support you at least to build 5 fast battleships, okay?" Prince Louis said. Of course, he is just talking now, what will happen then, let's talk about it.

Coincidentally, when Ruprecht began to actively plan the German 15-inch artillery battleship, the British had already targeted larger and stronger artillery when planning the 13.5-inch battleship! Although in terms of the pace of battleships, the German super-dreadnoughts appeared earlier than the British, and their performance was much better, but in terms of scale, the speed and spirit of the British Navy’s 6 battleships in a year are still beyond the reach of Germany. of.

It is precisely because of this awareness that Ruprecht did not delay too long on the 14-inch-class battleship. After the news that the 15-inch large-caliber naval gun could be put into production as planned, the original seven 350MM ships The number of artillery ships was once again reduced, reaching six. At the same time, the 15-inch artillery was launched as early as possible.

"Hopefully, on this plane, our Bavaria will not be much less than the British Queen and R grade." Ruprecht wrote in his diary. In his plan, the only real threat to the British navy is the future 15-inch artillery ship. At the same time, the most dangerous and terrifying enemy of the German navy is the upcoming Queen and R-class!

In this year, the British started construction on 6 ultra-fearless ships with great fanfare in the following year, including 4 battleships and 2 battlecruisers. And began to actively prepare for the 15-inch artillery ship plan. At the same time, the construction of the German Navy’s 350MM artillery battleship has come to an end, and the new super battleship is about to begin. In general, the Germans are still a step ahead of the British This is a race between giants. The British, the holder of maritime hegemony for hundreds of years, have to deal with the new challenger Germans. Put the resources accumulated by the British Empire for centuries into the navy. The huge financial resources and powerful shipbuilding capabilities amaze the world. The British even smoothed out the efforts of the Germans in one year. Compared with the Germans starting two or three warships a year, the British were almost twice as fast as they! The competition between the two parties seemed to be the winner from the very beginning. "

Even the American media leaning towards Germany was frightened by the frenzied preparations of the British. They believe that although the Germans have the first mover advantage, the British are catching up too fast. They believe that if the war begins, the Germans' fleet might be only half the size of the British.

Similarly, the Germans also realized that it would be unreliable if they wanted to kill their opponents solely by frontal combat, so whether it was the Kaiser, the German Admiralty, or Ruprecht, they were thinking of other ways to see if they could be In addition to the German Navy, look for a breakthrough! At this time, the Austro-Hungarian Empire, which also began to build a navy, brought a slight turn for the situation.

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