The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 635: Navy vs. Army

The Tsar's meaning is very clear. There is no pressure in the direction of the Black Sea, and the threat to the country is not great. Let the Black Sea Fleet let go. Anyway, the old days are still enough to deal with the Turks, but the Baltic Sea must be strengthened. Western Europe is the core area of ​​Russia. , And the Baltic Sea is the gateway to this core area. No one can let their own doors open.

Therefore, even if Russia is poor, it must build the Baltic fleet. And the Russians did this in history. Soon after the war, the Russian Baltic Fleet had 4 Gangu Special-class battleships, and 4 Izmail-class super fearless are under construction. Of course, they have been under construction. , Never finished.......

"If it is only to deal with the German threat, I think we can buy warships from the UK first, because buying warships may be more cost-effective economically." Kulopatkin said.

"Your Majesty, buying warships will only make the Russian shipbuilding industry farther and farther away! We should try our best to improve our shipbuilding capabilities and use our own warships instead of relying on the British." Essen said immediately.

"If we want to build the Dreadnought by ourselves, when can we start construction soon?" Nicholas II asked Essen with a glance.

"The shipyard with the best conditions for us is naturally the naval shipyard in St. Petersburg. We first need to import some equipment. The fire control, power and design of the new dreadnought ship are all brand new, and we have to gradually explore and learn. If nothing happens, We can start construction of the first batch of dreadnoughts in three and a half to four years at the earliest. Give us ten years to keep the German fleet out of the Russian gates." Essen thought for a while and said.

"Ten years, the Germans may not give us such a long time. Once the Germans are ready, they can immediately launch an offensive, and our dreadnought may still have just laid the keel on the berth! You know? The Germans The military production of Germany is gradually speeding up, military expenditures are increasing, and the army is expanding. It is also said that they have obtained a large number of loans from the Americans. Even with Germany’s national strength, they cannot continue to support it for a long time. There are only two results. One is to fight when the power reaches its peak, and the other is to be dragged down. I think everyone should know what the final result will be!" There is a hint in Kulopatkin’s words. ridicule.

Although this Russian general is not very good at fighting, he still has a good vision on some things. Before the Russo-Japanese War, he was not very optimistic about Russia, and this time, he even smelled the taste of war from some clues. !

"I agree with General Kuropatkin that Germany's national debt has been rising recently, and it has now reached a high of 1.5 billion marks, and they have also obtained a large amount of loans from the United States. The Germans were still relatively abundant in funds. Yes, it can fully support domestic construction and general consumption of the army. There is only one possibility that this can happen. They have already begun to expand the army without any cover, and we are about to manage the most dangerous time." The Chancellor of the Exchequer Witt said.

"Well, the same is true of the French. They have adjusted the length of service once again, which makes their number of soldiers comparable to that of Germany, and arms companies including Schneider and St. Moncha have placed military orders this year. It is also about 30% higher than last year! The French believe that 10 years from now will be the most dangerous time for the Allies, and if this dangerous period passes, the military and national power of the Allies will crush the Allies. Therefore, If the Germans want to do it, they can only do it in these 10 years!" German Chief of Staff Nikolaevich also agreed.

"In other words, we will be at war with the Germans in the next 10 years? It seems that building warships does not meet our needs." Nicholas II said.

"I support the Russian Navy’s efforts to build its own dreadnoughts, but before that, we must first ensure that the navy has sufficient combat power, right? We can discuss the details of purchasing the dreadnoughts with the British first, um, then first Let's book two ships to see."

"Yes, Your Majesty the Emperor." Admiral Essen said respectfully. This is the best result he can achieve. Although the construction of the Black Sea Fleet cannot be included in the Empire issue in a short time, the Baltic Fleet is a supplement. And the expansion was passed, and as Kuropatkin and others said, the power gap between the Russian and German navies is too great, and it is obviously not realistic to rely on self-built warships to survive!

"According to the current expansion rate of the German fleet, 8 years later, the total number of their dreadnought warships may be as high as 22 or more. If we want to resist the German fleet's attack in the Baltic Sea, even if it is a conservative defensive battle, we still need Only 8 or more capital ships are available. In addition, the destroyers and submarines of the Baltic Fleet also need to be updated. These battleships are an essential part of our defense operations." Essen suggested.

"I will consider this question. The imperial government will decide the funding for the Baltic Fleet based on the German navy's preparations. In fact, our pressure is not that great. After all, the British Royal Fleet can help us share most of the pressure." Witte said.

"In addition, there is another question. If Turkey, in case, also buys the Dreadnought, what about the Black Sea Fleet? I mean just in case. The Dardanelles will not let the completed battleship pass through, the Black Sea Fleet’s capital ship. The supplement can only be self-made so I still hope that some funds can be increased for the Black Sea Fleet." Essen said here is almost pleading.

"Let’s talk at that time. We have the Sevastopol fortress. The Turks are neither British nor French. They can’t attack them, and maybe Britain and France will help us get through. We should trust our allies, Isn't it?" Nicholas II said impatiently.

As in history, the Allied Powers did not value Turkey, a weak country. In their view, I am afraid that there is no need to fight. As long as the British and French fleet appears in the Dardanelles, I am afraid that Turkey will be able to give in?

The remaining few days of the meeting has nothing to do with General Essen, because the senior German military needs to come up with a practical army combat plan, and the pressure on the Russian army is not small compared with the navy! After all, the battlefield of continental Europe is determined by the army!

The German Army is said to be very powerful! What should we do if this is a war? What a problem! The Russians did not know the Schlieffen plan, but this did not prevent the Russians from formulating their own plans in accordance with the military plan of the Allies!

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