The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 632: Forerunners in history

From this point of view, even if the Russians use a complete division-level unit to intercept in the wilderness, their artillery density will still not exceed the firepower of an assault division plus an armored battalion, let alone a bare armored battalion. The firepower of the 45 tanks is enough to penetrate the defense lines of the Russian divisions. As for how to deal with some fortresses? This can only be handed over to the follow-up troops. Even during the Second World War, the German armored forces were not responsible for smashing the fortresses and garrison areas, right? This is all the responsibility of the infantry and heavy artillery.

"How to solve the problem of cavalry supplies, especially horse feed?" Ruprecht asked, horses are too edible, especially war horses, they lose fat if they eat well, and they are more difficult to serve than humans.

"At least in Poland, if we attack fast enough, we can support the war by war. The Russian transportation system is not good. They will definitely build a large number of warehouses in the border area. The Russians have a large number of cavalry and want to find enough feed. There should be no problem. And our transportation is enough to support the consumption of the cavalry for a period of time.” Prince Leopold replied.

"But overall the size of the cavalry is still relatively small. Think about it. Our cavalry corps has only 12,500. Even with the promised troops of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, the maximum number of cavalry we can gather is about 25,000. It accounts for 10% of the entire army. This force may be difficult to develop in depth." While paying attention to quality, the prince also emphasized the number of fast groups. Too few people will not work after all, after all, you are not the American emperor fighting Iraq...

"Then we can only learn from Prussia and equip some armored vehicles to replace tracked vehicles, thereby reducing costs, increasing the number, and then getting some vehicle-mounted infantry. At the same time, the role of this force is further specialized. They are just offensive and interspersed. Responsible for defense and expansion of the breakthrough. After they cut the opponent's position, they were quickly replaced by infantry units that entered behind." The Prince said.

"I put forward a general idea for the organization, and then you are responsible for putting it into practice." The prince thought for a while and said. "No problem, we have time." The prince said.

"A rapid force composed of cavalry and armored units, this is still quite challenging to make. It seems that if I remember correctly, I am afraid that only the Soviets have done this kind of synthesis, right?" In an office in Fort, Ruprecht started planning.

In the absence of existing experience, the prince can only find ways to recall the combination of cavalry and mechanized troops at the beginning of the Red Empire. In fact, the red and white cavalry at the beginning of the civil war did not have much reference, because at that time The only major improvement for the cavalry is that it is equipped with more machine guns, and then adds a machine gun carriage. The number of artillery is very small, so that when facing the new Polish infantry unit, they were beaten and beaten.

It’s not funny. At that time, the cavalry units of the Red Army suffered even from the Russian infantry units at the beginning of World War I. If nothing else, a Russian division could guarantee at least 48 artillery pieces. These artillery are enough to suppress the carriage machine guns and artillery of the cavalry, and without the support of machine guns, the battlefield combat effectiveness of the cavalry of the Red Army will be greatly reduced.

The real reference value for the formation of troops is the formation of the cavalry brigade in the early 1930s after the establishment of the Soviet Union. At that time, a cavalry brigade had 3,135 men, 2,933 horses, 6 artillery pieces, 153 machine guns, and 32 various tanks and chariots. , 29 military vehicles and 5 motorcycles. The attack speed of such a unit is there. Basically, if there is no car, there is a horse. The speed of the BT series tank is also strong enough. If you don't fight a day, it is not a problem to intersect 60 kilometers. The firepower is still sufficient, the only problem is that the establishment is too small. The prince's requirement for this interspersed force is that at least one standard Russian division can be defeated.

Another reference standard is the establishment of the cavalry division of the Soviet Union in 1941. The establishment of this cavalry division can be described as extravagant in the eyes of the Bavarian kingdom. A cavalry division has 4 cavalry regiments, 1 tank regiment, and 1 Artillery regiment and 1 high artillery battalion...

Such a division has 9,240 personnel, with 7,625 horses, 64 BT tanks, 18 armored vehicles, 84 artillery pieces, 64 heavy machine guns, and 18 anti-aircraft machine guns. How should I put it, with this establishment, this firepower density, there are 84 artillery pieces and 64 tanks for less than 10,000 people... This is something that the Bavarian Kingdom must not be able to get together, and even more than 7,600 horses per division are somewhat difficult.

You know, a standard division in Bavaria is theoretically equipped with a 45 tank battalion, or a combination of Hufeng assault guns and cricket assault tanks. In theory, 45 vehicles can only be guaranteed. Each division's 30 tanks are to attack with 15,000 people.

Taking into account the limitations of this era and the characteristics of the face-to-face, the prince believes that the new unit can be organized like this, an armored battalion plus three cavalry regiments, a towed or self-propelled artillery battalion and then 1 There are two infantry regiments, each with about 3,500 troops. If you include the logistics unit, the total number of people in an assault cluster is about 14,000.

"One infantry regiment, even if one squad rides one car, one regiment only needs more than 200 cars. This does not consider the delivery of artillery and ammunition." The prince calculated in his heart. You must know that cars of this era are not as NB as later generations. A 1.5-ton truck is the norm. This is also the most cost-effective and stable model currently available in Bavaria...

To be sure, such a division is already perfect, and at least it is no problem to fight a formal blitz against the Russians on the Eastern Front. And the speed is fast enough, the only question is whether such troops can be built! After all, the degree of mechanization of this force somewhat exceeds the capabilities of this era. Therefore, the result of this integration can only be the goal. As for the specifics, it depends on the situation...

This kind of division can't be done by just building one. With reference to the scale of the first battle, at least four such assault divisions must be established to ensure a devastating blow to the two Russian army groups. After all, there are 450,000 to 500,000 Russian troops on the opposite side. If they really fight, they must cut as much as possible to make it easier to eat. At least 3 breakthrough directions are also required. According to the difficulty, if 1 or 2 divisions are allocated to each breakthrough direction, 4 to 5...

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