The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 626: True and false

"How much do you agree with Ruprecht's views?" That night, William II summoned Little Mochi and others to discuss the defense of East Prussia.

"Although the Russians did not perform well in the Russo-Japanese War, in addition to command factors, there are more restrictions on conditions. Although the Russians have a lot of artillery, they lack sufficient capacity and have insufficient ammunition reserves. This situation should not exist in Europe. They have several years to improve the fortifications, warehouses and transportation systems in Poland. Although they may not be able to mobilize more than 90% of the troops within 15 days, according to the prince, Mobilizing more than 60% of the troops within 18 days is no problem. Coupled with the garrison troops in Poland, this is indeed a very powerful force."

On this kind of critical issue, Xiao Maoqi did not dare to jump to conclusions. After all, if something went wrong in East Prussia, this responsibility was not something he could afford, so the best way was to expect the enemy to be lenient... ... It is estimated that this kind of thing has a big error, and if it is deliberately enlarged, the error can be really big.

"According to the information we have obtained, Ruprecht really does not trust the combat effectiveness of the Austro-Hungarian Army. When negotiating with His Royal Highness Ferdinand, he strongly demanded that an army of the Austro-Hungarian Empire be placed under his command. , And suggested that the Austro-Hungarian Army should focus on defense, and he should take on the offensive task." General Heilingen on the side said.

This time, neither the Kaiser nor the little Mochi believed what he said to the prince by at least eight points, because no general would make fun of his own army. In their view, the prince asked the Austro-Hungarian Empire to assign a German-assisted army to his own command to make up for the lack of troops, and required other Austro-Hungarian legions to defend instead of offensive, just for fear that the attack would fail and the opponent would counterattack.

Then Xiaomoqi took this inference one step further, that is, Ruprecht at least subjectively believed that the Bavarian Legion plus 4 Austro-Hungarian Legions would have an advantage against 4 Russian Legions, but they would not be crushed. . If the Russians distribute their forces equally, the Austrian-Hungarian frontline is considered stable, but what about the East Prussian frontline? A Prussian legion faced two Russian legions, this pressure is a bit heavy!

In this guess, Xiao Maoqi automatically defined the number of Russian army groups as about 250,000. That is to say, each Russian army group is actually much larger than the Austrian-Hungarian army, and even larger than the general German army. a little more.

"How long will it take us to kill France? The most conservative estimate." the Kaiser asked.

"It will take at least 6 weeks. If the French choose to stay in Paris, then the time will be longer. The most frightening thing is that if we can't catch the main force of the French, then even if we capture Paris, the French will May not surrender." Xiao Maoqi finally said his concerns.

"Yes, what if we cannot guarantee the complete annihilation of the French Legion? What if we occupy Paris?" William II asked himself. The northeastern part of France is indeed a very important industrial base, but other places can also continue to support the war. If you want the German army to continue to push deeper into France, it will be difficult, and if the French really plan to fight in Paris For a street battle where the jade and stone are burned, let alone the result, Germany is absolutely unwilling to see the loss of time and materials.

And if the main German army on the western front is caught in the quagmire of war, it will be miserable if the eastern front is exploded again, and the Russians can easily gain a strategic advantage as long as they defend one side and attack the other side. Even if they don’t fight East Prussia, What if the Austro-Hungarian Empire cannot stop it?

This is entirely possible. According to the estimates of the German General Staff, although the Bavarian Army is powerful, with various tanks and more heavy artillery, it is hard to say how effective these weapons are. A Bavarian Army plus four Austro-Hungarian Army For the 5 Russian legions, it is really difficult to tell the outcome. If nothing else, the Austro-Hungarian Empire will definitely have problems on a front of several hundred kilometers, but Bavaria is strong. But after all, there are fewer troops. Even if there is an advantage, it is a local advantage.

"What Ruprecht is most worried about is the continuous replenishment of the Russians. If a month passes, the second batch of Russian troops may be replenished. This wave may be another group army, and the Bavarian Army In the battle, the supplementary capacity of a kingdom is very limited. With the loss of the first wave of elite troops, I am afraid that the entire Eastern Front will gradually deteriorate. If you do not transfer troops from the Western Front, it will be difficult to maintain. The line adjustment will make our probability of winning even slimmer." Xiao Maoqi said.

"This question needs to be considered, what do you think?" the Kaiser asked.

"Can we add another group army?" Xiao Maoqi asked tentatively.

"Don't even think about it! Unless each of our army groups reduces the strength of one division and regroups into a new army group, it will be impossible to add another army group in the next five years!" said the prime minister on the side.

"Damn budget!" The Kaiser also looked at his chief of staff helplessly. His Majesty the emperor really has nothing to do. If Ruprecht knows what little Mochi thinks, he will definitely persuade the other party to be content. After this plane is expected to be mobilized, Germany has almost one more army than in history. plus the increase of various technical equipment. Military expenditure is about 30% higher than the same period in history! Coupled with the large amount of hoarding materials, what else are you dissatisfied with? Create a group army at the beginning of the war? Just kidding? What do you think?

"At least, Prussia's military expenditure is not enough to support this plan, and the navy's military expenditure cannot be reduced." The Kaiser said.

"But there is still an accident within the empire after all, isn't it?" Xiao Maoqi said in his heart. Prussia’s military expenditure has reached its limit, but it seems that as an abnormal number in the empire, the military expenditure of the Kingdom of Bavaria is far from reaching its limit. From the perspective of government revenue, the Bavarian government accounts for one-sixth of Germany’s total revenue, and the army it feeds Surely less than one-sixth, after all, the imperial government still has a navy. Compared with the gross product of the Kingdom of Bavaria, the government's revenue is still low, which means there is still potential for improvement.

"Perhaps it is a good idea to allow the Bavarian Army to expand further." Xiao Maoqi thought to himself. However, he came up with this idea right in the hands of Rupresit. Wasn't the prince expanding the Russian military just to get permission for further military expansion?

Thanks to the book friend Merit for the 2K award! Thanks to Wang Yao for the rewards of the young guard rabbit, the first guard tank brigade, the blue hot spring, the cyf emperor tank, and the fat cow! As well as the monthly ticket support of book friends flying in the universe, such as the stars, model husbands, happy heroes, Mao Fuli, and Fei Xue Zhi Lin~~~! There is a 2K reward, the author will add another chapter today! ! Please subscribe for a reward~~~!