The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 624: Unprecedented lineup

"There are so many people here today. It seems that this time is really going to be true." When Ruprecht stepped into the gate of Sanssouci Palace again, the prince also secretly said to the lineup of this meeting. Speechless. Prior to this, although the prince communicated with high-level Germans, the scope of communication was not very large, and he communicated with the emperor in a private capacity. But this time is different. All the major states and the high-level Prussian military have come. This is the official occasion. Every sentence and every decision must be put out, recorded, and then implemented.

The prince seated began to observe the others in the venue. He sat on the left hand side of the Kaiser. Opposite him was the German Crown Prince Wilhelm, who was the representative of Germany’s second largest state, sitting on the right hand side of the first row.

On the left hand side of the second row is Albrecht, Duke of Württemberg. He represents the Kingdom of Württemberg. He was also the commander-in-chief of the German Fourth Army in history, responsible for the army of the Kingdom of Württemberg. On the right hand side of the second row is the representative of the Saxon royal family. The prince is not very familiar with this person.

The representatives of the four kingdoms are at the front, and the military representatives are at the back. Little Mochi sits on the left hand side of the third row as the Prussian chief of staff. He is the maker and implementer of the Prussian war plan. On the opposite side is the Secretary of State for the Navy Tirpitz, who represents the German Navy.

On the left hand side of the fourth row is General Heilingen, the Prussian Minister of War. He was also the commander of the Prussian Seventh Army. On the right is Admiral von Boll, commander of the German High Seas Fleet. The two were from the army and the navy. Among them, General Heilingen was the commander of the German Seventh Army in history.

"Everyone, do you know the reason why I summoned you to come here? Just yesterday, the Russians abandoned the covenant with the German Empire. They threw away the Treaty of the Three Emperors Alliance like a rag and invested in it. The embrace of Britain and France. At this point, a noose that strangles the German Empire has been wrapped around our necks. We have no choice but to fight against this situation! So, starting today, we must prepare for this war "The Kaiser’s opening remarks set the tone of the entire meeting.

This meeting is definitely not for everyone to discuss, it is more like everyone has discussed it, and then the prepared plan is published to the public and implemented, and before the meeting, the meeting on the distribution of various rights in Germany The prince didn’t participate much, and he could feel the Kaiser’s emphasis on core rights. Even though he had a good personal relationship with him, the Kaiser still had to exclude himself from the highest level at this critical moment.

"In the opinion of the Kaiser, I can serve as the commander of a group army or front army, but my position in the general staff is still behind!" the prince said in his heart.

"First of all, I need to emphasize that the size of the German Imperial Army is still too small to meet the needs of future wars. Once, General Heilingen was reluctant to expand his army because he was worried about the decline in the proportion of nobility among the officers, but now, I think That said, relative to the danger of defeat, the decline in the proportion of nobility is still tolerable. Therefore, in the future, the German Empire must build an imperial army system based on 9 army groups. At the beginning of the war, we must be able to mobilize more than 1.8 million Army! Among them, seven group armies will be concentrated on the eastern front, while the other two group armies will be used to guard the eastern border and support the Austro-Hungarian Empire. The specific expansion plan and organization are in charge of the Prussian chief of staff Mao Qichu."

"Secondly, the Imperial Navy may have to expand. The current fleet size is not sufficient for the pressure of the Royal Navy, nor is it sufficient to ensure the completion of the German Empire’s offshore security and control of the Baltic Sea. The fleet size will need to be expanded in the future. Specific shipbuilding The planning and naval strategy and tactics are in the charge of Tirpitz and Ruprecht." The army is the foundation of the German Empire’s military power, and Prussia is very conceited of its own army and thinks it can do well without others’ intervention. In the Navy, William II is not so confident, so they need to cooperate with the prince.

"Third, with regard to the issue of armored vehicles and the air force, in order to ensure the consistency of equipment and logistical supplies, all German forces except the Bavarian Army should purchase armored vehicles from Krupp, Rheinmetall and other arms companies. , Each state can freely choose."

Although the nascent beasts have not sharpened their minions, they have already made people feel that they are powerful. A large number of armored vehicles to undertake reconnaissance and tackling tasks have become the consensus of the top German military. However, who will produce those vehicles? A simple question. Bavaria produced a large number of slower, heavier, better-performing but expensive tanks in the Kaiser’s view that were not suitable for the Western Front, because the German Army on the Western Front was larger. If they were equipped with these tanks, then The cost will be an astronomical figure. What's more, the Kaiser was uneasy about this very important equipment being held in the hands of a nation.

Therefore, taking advantage of the reconciliation between the Kingdom of Bavaria and the imperial arms companies and the opportunity to reach a share agreement, the Kaiser decisively requested that all German troops except the Kingdom of Bavaria be equipped with vehicles produced by Prussian companies. For this, the Kaiser began to merge Did not ventilate with the prince. According to the prince's idea, at least the Kingdom of Württemberg should have the right to choose independently, right? But obviously this time the Kaiser did not give it.

For aircraft issues? At this time, the German senior officials did not realize the importance of the aircraft. This kind of war machine that freed from the shackles of the earth and could soar in the air seemed to the Emperor to be a decent accessory to the army. Based on the idea that the meat should be eaten by itself and the soup can be distributed to other nations, the Kaiser decisively let go of the aviation industry.

"Being a king is not as comfortable as being an emperor." Ruprecht said in his heart.

"That's great, do you have any questions now?" After a while, the Kaiser issued a question politely, pretending to ask everyone for their opinions.

"What about the command of the Eastern Front? If the Russians launch an offensive in the direction of Austro-Hungary and Bavaria, the Bavarian Army and the Austro-Hungarian military can coordinate and then perform combat tasks independently, but if the Russians choose to place the breakthrough direction In the case of East Prussia, how should we do it?" At this time, the prince naturally cannot be entangled in the issue of the share of military products, and this issue is not important relative to the command of the Eastern Front.

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