The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 620: Mission 1 of the Bavarian Army

"It's definitely difficult to say, but it doesn't necessarily matter how difficult it is. In fact, if we simply look at the position of Bavaria, we almost occupy the best position on the Eastern Front! Uncle, please look here." For the Western Front, the biggest feature of the Eastern Front is the vast plain area and the very long front. If the Russians set up positions along the border from East Prussia to the Austro-Hungarian Empire, the length of this line of defense would be nearly 1,000 kilometers!

"The Russians will improve their railways, but if they can fill up thousands of kilometers of the front at once, I still don't believe it, because the frontline support capacity is one aspect, and the transportation capacity is another issue!" Rupp Recht said confidently.

Compared with their previous performances, the Russians’ mobilization efficiency in World War I was indeed good, but it was only good. In 18 days, the Russians mobilized millions of troops and formed 6 armies. , These six group armies formed two front armies, one is the Northwest Front Army, this front army is composed of two group armies, with forces of 250,000 and 200,000 respectively. Mainly for East Prussia. The other four fronts formed the Southwest Front, and the four group armies lined up along the border between Russia and Austria-Hungary. A frontally unfolding front of nearly 400 kilometers!

In history, a very serious problem was discovered after the expansion of the Russian army. Between the two army groups, there was an undefended zone 200 kilometers long! In terms of width, it is much more deadly than the 70-kilometer gap between the two northwestern armies in the Battle of East Prussia! Because there was still a Lake Masurian between the two armies in the Battle of East Prussia, the gap was not very large. The 200-kilometer gap between the two fronts was so real that the Russians planned to form another group army to make up for this gap. But unfortunately, until the Silesia battle was over, the Russians failed to close this gap, not because they didn't want to. But it really cannot be blocked!

The gap between the two fronts is a bit far away from the hinterland of Russia, and it is difficult for the Russians to mobilize more than 200,000 troops to go here. In fact, the consumption of such a large army has surpassed the supply capacity of the Russian Polish region. Unlike Germany and Austria, which can supply the army, a large amount of Russian supplies need to be transported from more distant places! The Kingdom of Bavaria is in this gap!

Of course, this gap in history did not cause many serious consequences, because the Allied power on the eastern front was also insufficient. Although the German Eighth Army belonged to a large group of troops in the German army, it had 15 infantry divisions, but it was different. Yes, there are nearly 500,000 Russian troops. Don't attack. The vast East Prussian front is somewhat stretched. As for the Austrian-Hungarian side? Ok. I can’t find North because I was drawn directly by the Russians... It is said that the loss of 400,000, almost did not kill the Austro-Hungarian Empire!

But this plane is different. Thanks to relatively sufficient financial assistance, Germany can completely hold back one more army! The personnel and equipment of other army groups have also been greatly improved. And the most direct result is that there is an extra Bavarian army on the Eastern Front! The army of nearly 300,000 is right on the undefended area of ​​the Russian front!

Anyway, believe it or not, the prince does not believe that the Russians can create an extra army to plug this gap in wartime! The reason is very simple. In this plane, Germany started the war earlier than in history, and Russia consumed more national power in the Russo-Japanese War, and the preparation time after the war was shorter. And if the prince remembers correctly, Russia received the largest aid in the last two years in history, that is, in 1913 and 1914. In 1913, Russia received a loan of 102 million pounds from France. Arms expansion and preparation! And this plane, I am afraid that the two sides will be at war in 1912, right?

"If nothing happens, the Russian defense line will have a big loophole, and 80% will be with us. Our troops may not need to break through the opponent's defense line at all to get around behind the opponent. The Russian supply system is yours. It is clear that the supply distance at the division level is no more than 25 kilometers, and the entire defense line will be very shallow. We can easily cut off the connection between them and the rear and then eat them!" Ruprecht pushed with his hands. Poke the rod on the map and draw a curve. Indicate the outlining line.

"What if the Russians diversify their forces further?" Prince Leopold frowned slightly, and then quickly rejected his opinion. Now the front of a Russian army has opened a front of about 100 kilometers. If you want to make up for the entire front, then a group army is responsible for an average of about 150 kilometers of front! A division is responsible for a 30-kilometer front, and there is almost no reserve force. Such a linear deployment is not only a decrease in force density, but also a difficulty for replenishment!

Even if the Russians did this, it was nothing more than drinking poison to quench their thirst. This seemed to make up for the battle line through the division of forces, but instead gave the opponent each opportunity to break through.

"This is probably the reason why you insist on fighting on the Eastern Front? Our enemy is really a little weak." Prince Leopold said meaningfully. If it is the Western Front, the French Legion with better infrastructure and more heavy weapons can mobilize troops no less than the Russian Legion in this period of plus the British who came across the sea , Maybe on a 300-kilometer front, Britain and France can concentrate 1.5 million troops! Then use this force to attack the already exhausted German Legion that spanned hundreds of kilometers. It hurts to think about it!

"Tell me about your plan." Prince Leopold asked.

"As long as the Austro-Hungarian Empire does not advance rashly and the fighting power is justified, then there will not be much suspense in the battle between the two sides on the border. It is certain that the Austro-Hungarian Army will suffer some losses, but it will not hurt the muscles, and the Russians At least 3 legions will be restrained, and then we will start with the legion on the extreme side of the Russian Southwest Front. The frontal attack and the flanking detour will be launched at the same time. I will mobilize the 2 armies and the Austro-Hungarian regiment that is assigned to us as the masters and subordinates. The attack was launched from the front, and the other 2 army and 1 cavalry army, plus the motor vehicles directly under the army, penetrated through the gap! Return to the back of the Russian army and eat it completely!" said the prince.

"What then? Do we continue to attack the Russian Southwest Front or choose to rest on the spot?" Prince Leopold asked.

Thanks to the book friends No. 1 Guards Tank Brigade, Wang Yao’s young guard rabbits, Slow Tour, Blue Hot Springs, and the King of Beef for their rewards~~~! And book friends AKMAK74, hemato, happy tomatoes, I accompany passers-by Jiada soy sauce, gcflysno and other book friends monthly support~~~! Yesterday’s subscription was very sad--! Double update today--! Seek subscription for support--!