The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 618: compromise

In fact, most of the armies in the war were not fully staffed during peacetime. For example, at the beginning of World War I, Germany had more than 1.6 million troops, but before mobilization, it is obviously impossible for the standing troops to have so many people. The force is less than 900,000. The same is true of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, so a group army is usually about 100,000 people, and it will be directly expanded by nearly double in wartime! In history, the Bavarian Army had only three armies with 100,000 main forces before the war, but this did not prevent Ruprecht from directly bringing more than 200,000 troops to the front in the Schlieffen plan.

"In peacetime, the price your country has to bear is very small, while in wartime you can have a rapid army. The reason why we choose to cooperate with your country is because we are next to each other and have a very deep friendship. If it is fair to say , Do you want to cooperate with the Bavarian Army or other Prussian Army? We raised funds, convinced the Kaiser, and brought out the best equipment and best tactics of this era to help your country strengthen its national defense. There is no friendly army to cooperate, so what's the point of doing this?" Wang Zi said earnestly.

The prince’s words have already revealed a little threat. If the Kingdom of Bavaria thinks that such cooperation is meaningless, then it is very likely to choose to abandon cooperation. The Austro-Hungarian Empire will go to whomever it is willing to find. It is certain that a German legion will change. They are definitely not easy to speak, because they are under the orders of the Prussian General Staff. The legion commander has no right to decide on cooperation related matters, and it is absolutely impossible for Prussia to allocate a complete legion to Austria-Hungary. Austria-Hungary has taken so many advantages from Bavaria and is unwilling to give command of a legion. If it is replaced by Prussia, why should they give it to you?

Ferdinand can understand with his knees that if Bavaria finally decides not to do it, then maybe the Kaiser will switch to another legion, but after the change, it is at best to cooperate with the battle. The Austro-Hungarian Empire cannot command at all. In a bad situation, just keep Germany's own homeland well and not provide military assistance to the Austro-Hungarian Empire. After all, when Xiaomoqi and Conrad negotiated before, they mentioned that Austria-Hungary should be in charge of the eastern front, but they did not say that they would provide a lot of military assistance!

Ruprecht is not just thinking about it. If the Austro-Hungarian Empire is really such a barren, then it is okay to participate in the Western Front. The connection between the Bavarian railway system and Prussia has not been completed, so participate in the main mission of the Schlieffen plan It is very unlikely, the most likely is to directly defend the Alsace Lorraine region as in history. Defensive combat losses will not be great, but after the Austro-Hungarian Empire is taught to be a man by the Russians, and then go there, then everything will be easy to talk about! And if nothing else, his uncle, Prince Leopold, could sooner or later become the commander-in-chief of the German-Austrian coalition east line! At that time, regardless of whether Fritz wants it or not, he will hand over command.

The only disadvantage to the prince is that at the beginning, Austria-Hungary lost too much. The nobles loyal to the Habsburgs lost too much. It was not good for the future control of Austria. Moreover, after the loss of a large number of experienced combatants, the prince was even settled. Austria, let his wife become a queen, it is estimated that it is impossible to give him much help, there is no way, Austria-Hungary is just this experienced soldier...

But even if there are many disadvantages, the prince will never allow his troops to be used as cannon fodder. The so-called pig teammate is more terrible than the enemy army. If the pig teammate is still his own superior, then there is no need to fight, the Austro-Hungarian army The prince's combat power is really not good, anyway, it is impossible to give his back to these people with peace of mind!

"If we can't talk about results this time, then next time if Fritz still wants to negotiate on this issue, then we can only go to Munich." If Ruprecht returned because of the twists and turns in his heart. If it would be more gentle, then Prince Leopold would not mean to accommodate at all. I came here to help you because we have a good relationship and are connected by blood. Don't shame your face. As soon as the prince's words were spoken, the negotiations would naturally not go on. Even without Ferdinand’s statement, the meeting was put on hold indefinitely, and the Bavarian delegation would naturally not wait forever. According to the prince’s intention, it was transferred to YN for half a month. If there is no concession, then Never mind!

"They are willing to help us build a new group army, but they demand the command of this group army. They also demand the right to veto the battle." On the evening after the meeting, Crown Prince Ferdinand and Chief of Staff Conrad went to Meet with Emperor Fritz.

"This result is normal." Emperor Fritz said calmly.

"This is equivalent to allowing the empire and a kingdom to cooperate on an equal basis. Our military strength accounts for about 80% of the total strength! Without the dominance of war!" Crown Ferdinand said angrily. In his mind, the only one that can cooperate with the Austro-Hungarian Empire on an equal footing is the Kingdom of Prussia. Bavaria is just a powerful help but definitely not an equal partner. UU reading www. uukanshu. com

"80%? No, Ferdinand, believe me, if the war really lasts for a long time, those people in Hungary are not worth relying on! They always focus on their own interests, and will not consider the entire empire. If independence can be achieved The good thing is that they will easily abandon us and shrink back when they encounter a little setback. We can't pin our hopes on them! And the Czechs in our country, they are not very reliable, if the war lasts more than a year, All we can rely on is ourselves and the Germans. The empire is not as unbreakable as you think." King Fritz said helplessly.

Fritz, who personally established the dual empire, has an old emperor who has been in charge of this empire for decades, but knows how unreliable this so-called alliance is. Both the establishment of the dual empire and the compromise with the Czechs reflect this. The weakness of the empire, and the fundamental reason why the old emperor still wanted to plot the Balkans in this case was to rebuild the confidence and cohesion of the empire through a victory. This is a way to survive from death, so he is eager for help more than anyone.

"In fact, if you change to another German army, they will not obey our arrangement, but you will have a lot of balance in your heart, because behind them is Prussia." Emperor Fritz continued.

"As long as they are willing to take the corresponding responsibilities and can make our losses smaller, then it is okay to give them a group army."

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