The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 616: Hear me out!

Some things Ruprecht are inconvenient to say, but Prince Leopold said it’s okay. In terms of seniority, they were artillery commanders during the Franco-Prussian War, and I don’t know how seniority is higher than everyone here. Regarding identity, King Fritz also called out brother when he saw the prince. After all, Prince Leopold is the brother of Princess Sissi and also Fritz's brother. More importantly, they are still princes in power. So the prince sang the red face and Prince Leopold sang the white face without any problems.

"You should at least listen to our plan. The matter of war is not to see whose soldiers listen to others, but to listen to who makes sense. From the beginning of your memories, you are introducing your own plans and planning. When there were some loopholes, I didn't think about how to remedy and correct them, but continued to deceive myself. This is a very wrong behavior." The prince continued.

"Well, please tell me about the plan of the Bavarian Army." Crown Prince Ferdinand said.

"First of all, we must determine how much troops the Russians can use in future wars." At the sign of Prince Leopold. Ruprecht walked to the front desk again and said.

"Although the Russians did not perform well in this unfinished war in the Far East, if we look at it fairly, Russia can actually organize more than 500,000 troops in a place thousands of kilometers away from Europe. This is a miracle. We cannot say that the Russians did not have command errors, but we must admit that the Russians have amazing efficiency in the transportation and mobilization of troops. I think the Prussian General Staff’s speed in Russia’s mobilization The documents should have been delivered to you. If nothing else, after several years of preparation, the Russians can concentrate two-thirds of their troops within 18 days!"

"This ratio is nothing compared to Germany. We can get all German troops into the starting position within 15 days. However, let us not forget the huge size of the Russian army! According to our predictions, if we are If a war with the Russians starts around 1910, their first-line force will reach about 1.34 million people! And two-thirds of it means that at the beginning of World War I, we will face nearly 900,000 Russian troops on the eastern front. . Well, I want to ask, how many people can there be in your country’s four armies?"

"By the way, I also need to remind that this is only facing the strength of the Austro-Hungarian Army. If they think it is not enough, then they will have 1 or 2 group armies to use for reinforcements. Don't expect to defend East Prussia. The German army can help. The front line they need to defend is too long, and the harvest is not enough, let alone help us share the pressure.” Ruprecht added.

"More importantly, this is only a standing army. If in real wartime, the number of soldiers that the Russians can add is far beyond the capacity of your country. We all know that the recruitment potential of the army is determined by trained officers and The number of soldiers is determined. Retired soldiers within a certain age can be easily converted into soldiers during the war. I said that the number of trained reserve personnel in Russia is about twice that of your country, isn't it excessive?"

"In other words, even if your country begins to block the opponent's attack, the continuous mobilization of the Russians is enough to crush the Austro-Hungarian Empire. Even if Prussia mobilizes more troops to help Austria-Hungary temporarily block the Russian offensive, the situation remains No, can you understand what I mean?" the prince asked.

"Look here, everyone. The entire Russian-owned Poland formed a huge protrusion wedged between Germany and Austria. In fact, this start was very good for us. Their strength is very limited compared to this winding front. There may be a distance of about 90 to 120 kilometers from the front. Even so, there is still a large gap between the northwest and southwest clusters. With the cooperation of the Bavarian Army, it is not difficult for us to start blocking each other, and can even force each other Retreat, but this is only a tactical victory, and strategically, it has left us passive."

"Imagine if we occupied parts of Russian Poland and gradually flattened this protrusion, what would happen?" Following Ruprecht's words, a line divided Russian Poland into two halves. , And if this line is the front line, you can find that the protrusion is flattened, the front line is straightened, and the overall length of the Eastern Front becomes shorter. This also means that the length of the Russian defense will be shorter and the strength of the troops will be greater. concentrated.

"Then, we will enter the stage of war of attrition. The Russians can use sufficient reserves and depth to gradually consume us. We have nothing to do with this. After the war enters this stage, our desire to end the war quickly will fail. I think this is a situation that no one wants to see." The prince concluded at last.

"It makes sense, but no matter what, we can't prevent this from happening. The depth of the Russians exists, and the huge mobilization ability exists objectively. Is it because of your ~ Do these objective factors do not exist? According to what you said, we seem to be unable to defeat this behemoth at all. According to your speculation, it is difficult for us to win on the Western Front. So what is the purpose of starting this war? What?" Crown Prince Ferdinand asked rhetorically.

"The Russians’ mobilization capabilities and strategic depth certainly exist objectively, but they also have weaknesses, that is, the lack of technical equipment! Russia’s industrial capabilities are almost at the bottom of the European powers, even far inferior to your country. So, for For the Russians, the loss of the troops can be borne, but the loss of technical equipment cannot be borne!"

"So, our strategy should be to eat the Russian Legion systematically at the beginning. A large number of killing and capturing personnel is one aspect, and more importantly, it is the killing of artillery, machine guns, trains and other technical equipment! Now it is not the decision to win the war. Then there is the number of people, but the firepower. If we can make Russia lose a lot of heavy equipment, then they can replenish the number in time. These newly formed troops that lack heavy weapons still have no combat effectiveness!"

"In order to achieve this goal, it is impossible to achieve much effect by simply engaging in a frontal position, because our attack speed is too slow. Even if the opponent can be repelled frontally, they can still save the artillery at the rear and retreat. After a certain distance, the troops were reorganized. This also resulted in a situation of defeat but not dispersion. Therefore, this is the fundamental reason why I emphasized the assault intensity and assault speed!" Ruprecht replied.

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