The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 547: God level flying chopping wood!

"Hello, this is the best wood engineer in Germany we hired—Mr. Hellywood. He has studied all kinds of wood in the world, and is proficient in woodworking and the production of various boards. And Adhesive also has unique insights. For this reason, we decided to hire him as the designer of our aircraft's wooden parts." Sir Daimler personally introduced the prince to the carpenter, who is a little gray-headed. No, it's called a wooden accessory designer now.

"Well, very good." The prince said calmly, then took a step forward and proactively extended his hand to show respect for the other party. What happened to the carpenter? Who told you that carpenters can't do high-tech? Before the end of the war, wood was still one of the important raw materials for airplanes! The wooden plane built by a highly skilled carpenter is called a wood miracle, such as the British mosquitoes. The low-level ones are called flying firewood, such as the Russian wooden plane...

The so-called subtleties see kung fu. The background of an old industrial power is not only reflected in major aspects such as engines and naval guns, but also very nb in subtleties. Which country did not get a wooden plane in World War II? But why is the dh98 mosquito bomber family that created the famous name? Didn't the Germans also engage in ta154? You can try to get a plane mostly made of wood. It is certain that it can come out, but the quality problem is hard to say.

Moreover, in the environment of World War I, the scale of electrolytic aluminum was still very limited, and the bulk of the aircraft was still wood! If you change the name, this Mr. Heliward immediately appears tall, such as an aerospace material expert! Is this name domineering? But before World War 1, this material expert was no different from a carpenter...

I really thought it was enough to find two pieces of wood, check the texture, and then check for moth eaten? At most you are getting two laminated plates to live together? What international joke? The one you produce is Aviator One. Aviation is a high-precision industry. Every job is extremely complicated, even wood processing. And this time, the prince really saw how powerful a top carpenter was! To paraphrase a later generation's sentence, it is called the best in the world. After seeing this plane, Germany has hope to make its own mosquitoes!

"According to the requirements of Mr. Daimler and my many years of experience, it is believed that wood materials can only be used for those components with plane stress. Because the wood itself is not good for anti-torsion and shear stress, this is unavoidable. Weaknesses. Therefore, the landing gear, the engine, the mounting points of the control wing surface and all the parts involving three-dimensional stress should use metal materials instead of wood."

"In the production of other parts of the fuselage, the wood we need to use cannot be a single laminate material. Just as the steel-faced iron armor and hardened armor can increase the strength of the armor through steel plates with different physical properties, the wood we use is also It must be multiple wood materials. The outer layer of the aircraft should be strong, so we use high-strength laminate materials, and the interior should be tough, so we use the wood core of certain trees as the material."

"According to my many years of experience, the external material should be Canadian birch or North American spruce, especially the latter, which is the best choice. This kind of tree has high hardness and density, and has very little resin. Suitable for industrial processing, the texture is fine and straight, it is easy to paint, and the wood is tight, it has a good nailing force on nails and screws! What is more commendable is that even in a relatively humid environment, its moisture deformation is very uniform , Not easy to crack."

"Then choose spruce, it is more convenient to get it from the Americans, the prince thought about it and said."

“As for the inner material, I plan to use Ecuador’s balsa wood sandwich (also called balsa wood). I will use spruce core plywood for reinforcement at the junction between the fuselage and the bulkhead. Of course, this is just Material issues, before making the frame, we also need to make a model with mahogany or concrete male molds, and then put various parts into it, fix it with special glue, and then reinforce it with leather strips. After it is completely cured, we will Remove the leather strap."

"According to my understanding of woodworking, if the aircraft body is in a damp state, the use of the wood you just mentioned will not be greatly affected, but ordinary glue may not work? If it causes degumming, this will be for the aircraft. It's a disaster." As the traverser, the prince did not forget to show off his meager knowledge at this time!

"You are right. The easiest way is to seal the gluing area with a single piece of laminate to reduce water vapor erosion. At the same time, we can also use a special urea-formaldehyde resin glue to increase the strength of the gluing. "Mr. Hollywood nodded and said.

"Fuck, let people not live? This cargo even knows this thing?" As an aviation enthusiast, the prince has read a lot of documents about mosquito airplanes on another plane. Among them, he compares the German and British documents. When using wooden airplanes, I mentioned a glue problem. The airplane adhesives used for mosquitoes were not the best choice. In 1944, when mosquitoes were deployed in the Far East in large numbers, there were many accidents due to degumming problems. German glue Not bad. It was not until later that a urea-formaldehyde resin glue called "meteorite" was used to completely solve this problem. Unexpectedly, in this plane, some people have noticed this problem in the first few years of the 20th century...

"Do everything as you say. I hope that every aircraft of the Bavarian Air Force will be able to use the wood you developed in the future. Don't worry about salary and treatment. Sir Daimler has There should be all of them. In addition, I want to ask, is this material convenient for mass production?" The prince asked the last question.

"This is a question of mold processing and thinking. As long as the ideas are in place and the molds are in place, piano factories and furniture factories can produce these materials. And we have made several prototypes with this new material, including one Fighters and a dual-engine reconnaissance bomber." Sir Daimler replied. "These planes are lighter and stronger than all of our previous planes. Especially the twin-engine planes are more difficult to shoot down with ordinary machine gun bullets. We have conducted anti-strike experiments, and the latter was declared scrapped after being hit by more than 100 bullets. ."

"How is the integration of the aircraft's weapon system?" The prince thought for a while and asked.

"It has been completed. The new sighting equipment and bomb racks have been installed successfully. Although there is no guarantee of the effect, we can at least guarantee that they can fight." Sir Daimler said respectfully.

"This will be the best news I heard in 1903. I want to see them now," the prince said.

"As you wish, Your Highness." Sir Daimler bowed and saluted.

Thank you book friend Wang Yao for the young guard rabbits, the fallen king, the first guard tank brigade, the happy heroes, swim slowly, blue hot springs, and the sea~~~! And the book friends read well, I love big pig's head, I 19790607, the drowsy half immortal, Linar's support~~~! Seeking subscription~~~! ! !