The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 528: Battle One

At the same time, Jericho also picked up a telescope to look at his opponent. Jericho saw the Mainz-class armored cruiser more than once. He already knew the situation of this class of warships. At this time, the situation of the battleship on the opposite side did not seem to be very good. One of the twin turrets in the bow of the ship was destroyed but not replaced, and the side armor belt of the battleship also left traces of many battles. The thick smoke from the chimney of the battleship also means that the burning coal of the battleship is not very good. After all, the coal in Turkey is much worse than the Welsh white coal commonly used by the British.

"Our opponent is not in the state, but it chooses to challenge us at this time." Jericho is also confident. He is full of confidence in the firepower and defense of the Agile class. In his opinion, it seems that there is nothing wrong with fighting a ship that is not in good condition with the firepower output of the Agile class champion in the world!

As a British first-class decisive battleship, the Agile class is not only powerful because of its firepower, but also equipped with a more advanced fire control system. In order for colleagues to ensure that the 10-inch artillery and 7.5-inch artillery can strike targets more accurately. Two of the original fire control command system were also installed. During the Russo-Japanese War, the engagement distance between the two navies was generally about 7km, and the well-trained Royal Navy officers and soldiers could naturally fire at this distance. In general, the armored cruiser Prince Albert could not be like two years ago. Relying on the absolute range advantage to kill the opponent.

However, relying on the fire control and walking advantages brought by the unified 7 10-inch main guns, at a distance of 9 kilometers, Prince Albert first launched an attack! The thick and long 10-inch l40 artillery spewed orange fireballs, and the storm formed when the shells were shot across the entire deck. The first round of 4 shells flew to the distant enemy with a destructive atmosphere. After ten seconds, , A column of water rose up around the Agile.

With the beginning of this round of shelling, the direct confrontation of the surface fleet between Britain and Germany finally kicked off! "Turn left half a compass point to get closer, this distance is still a bit far." Jericho frowned slightly. When he asked his gunner if he could effectively counterattack at this distance, the opponent gave an ambiguous answer, which made him very dissatisfied.

The Agile began to accelerate while avoiding shells fired from a distance. When it was close to 8 kilometers, the British gunners who could not bear it finally began to counterattack. The two twin 10-inch l45 guns fired first, followed by the dense 7.5-inch guns on the side of the ship! The long 7.5-inch artillery retreated sharply, and a huge fireball almost sprayed out against the sea. The fire from the seven secondary main guns almost obscured the sides of the entire warship.

"From a distance, the British warship is like an active volcano erupting on the sea. They projected hot bullets at us at a very high rate of fire. Our warship was soon surrounded by a column of water." A German officer who participated in the war recalled the situation in this way.

The two warships were quickly surrounded by each other's barrage. They were like two warriors in heavy armor, fighting desperately with their weapons. They both had full confidence in their warships. No one flinched, no one was timid, the two warships sailed almost in parallel, fighting through the storm of steel and flame!

The 7 7.5-inch guns of the Agile have an unparalleled projectile advantage. The rate of fire of 4 rounds per minute means that each gun can fire nearly 300kg of ammunition in one minute! The British gunners desperately lifted the heavy shells and propellant packs from the ammunition storage, and then stacked them next to the gun gallery in order to obtain a greater rate of fire. As a result, after Prince Albert had just made a big hole in the bow of the Agile, the British decisively responded with three 7.5-inch shells!

All three shells landed on the upper deck of the Prince Albert. The violent explosion exploded two light-protected 88mm anti-lightning guns into fragments. At the same time, the highly flammable picric acid explosive also formed a local fire on the surface of the battleship. In this battle where neither side could effectively penetrate the other's armor belt, the British decisively chose a large number of high-explosive bombs filled with explosives. And now it looks good!

"Get closer and use our high-explosive shells and semi-armor-piercing shells to completely overwhelm your opponent!" The battle put Jericho into a state of excitement. He knew his strengths and weaknesses very well. Melee output was the key to victory, and Scheer naturally did not It is possible to fight against the opponent's 4 10-inch guns and 7 7.5-inch guns at a close range of 5km. The Prince Albert drew a zigzag evasive curve on the sea and began to pull away, and at the same time used heavy artillery to pay tribute to the audacious!

The Agile did not dare to sail at high speed, because before setting off, the engineers of the Royal Navy used very cryptic words to remind him that the seaworthiness of this warship might be worse. During the North Sea trial, the lower artillery was flooded by seawater. Although it is a calm Mediterranean Sea, Jericho is flammable and dare not play big.

So when the Prince Albert revisited the distance when the power system was not very good, the balance of war fell to the German side again. At a distance of 9 kilometers, the 190mm gun gallery fired. Boundary and strike accuracy dropped sharply. The bomb rain covering the German ships has become sparse. At this distance, the advantage of the 10-inch artillery was gradually revealed. In less than 2 minutes, four 10-inch shells landed on the slender hull of the Agile!

A series of explosions sounded, and the violent vibration made Jericho in the control tower feel Although 10-inch shells could not penetrate the opponent's heavy 7-inch armor in theory, but for those dense , And extended a long 7.5-inch gun barrel is still full of lethality! One of the shells landed on the front of the battleship. The awl-like shells split the lower 7.5-inch artillery barrel into two sections. At the same time, the violent impact also caused problems with the bomb supply system of the other artillery. In a short time, the Agile lost the firepower of two 7.5-inch guns.

The loss of the secondary artillery group caused a loophole in the Agile's dense firepower network, and the narrow firing boundary of the artillery gallery itself made this problem more prominent. "Reduce the speed a bit and keep it at the 10 o'clock position of the opponent's battleship. They have a larger blind spot in this position of the artillery." The old Scheer quickly discovered this weakness and took advantage of the relatively high speed of the battleship. This position, and although Jericho wanted to make up for this by adjusting the relative position, the speed that he never dared to raise made all his efforts vanished. If nothing happens, the advantages and disadvantages of both sides will be locked.

Thanks to the constellations flying in the universe, the first guards tank brigade, Jia Meng Wuyang, book friends 160312, Wang Yao’s young guard rabbit, zxjksshd, slowly swim k, Hanhan 0113, rhn, good book hard Please, I love the support of book friends such as Pharmacist, Fat Cow King~~~, and the support of book friends such as znxny555, Yu Ye Chen Xing, Book Friends 16033110, Fat Cow King, Nature Hehe~~~! Three shifts today~~~! Seeking subscription~~~! !